Well USA has always been ****ed, so no change there, it just gets more ****ed by the day. The Panorama Donald Trump A Second Chance? on iPlayer is a good watch, how hilariously manipulated his supporters are and they won't hear the slightest allogation against him, all facts must be evil lies to discredit Trump.
Trump will have got a lot of his votes because of his stance on illegals. I have nothing whatsoever against legal immigration. But…Illegal immigrants are a drain on the country, housing, education, NHS etc. £7 BILLION a year it costs to take care of them.
Well the economy would certainly crash. We would get private healthcare. It may be fun for a few days.
Economy is crashing with Labour so there is nothing to lose there. RE woke and DEI I went to school in the 1980s, if a kid turned up and said they identified as a cat, they would have been beaten up or ridiculed. Now everyone is meant to indulge in this stupid game. Same with same sex toilets etc etc. ****ing joke, do whatever the hell you want in your own time but dont ask me to indulge you in your stupid mentality
I see one of those he sought to pardon has rejected it, says she knows what they did was wrong and they deserved their punishment. A trump supporter with morals.....
I would say Trump believes this, but that would mean Trump admitting there was a god and someone better than him, so that's impossible.
Pfft, at least Trump actually ****ing does something. The man is horrid, but he tries to tackle things quickly and with conviction - something we just don't as the UK continually panders to every little woke load of crap. Two genders. ID Cards to do anything, particularly access the internet. Deport anyone without a visa. Create an acceptable list of countries where you can seek asylum from. Charge £10 to visit a GP. All it ever feels like the UK does is borrow more and more, lets the bank of England get away with ****ing murder and solve absolutely nothing. This furore about knife crime - the ****ing population is 70m people and the only topic of conversation is knives on Amazon?!!???! I mean, if you're the kind of person who's happy to go out and get stabby, you'll find a way to get a ****ing knife. This country is ****ing ****.
Yep he quickly tackled the problem of those poor neo nazi terrorists being locked up and freed them. No doubt he will deal with those Asians quickly as well so they don't eat any more cats and dogs.