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Crown Film Studios

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by TonyG, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. TeamOfTalents

    TeamOfTalents Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Let's wait until it's official, wouldn't be first time they've said something for a headline that didn't go through
  2. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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  3. MACKEMLAD1973

    MACKEMLAD1973 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Welcome to the River Wear
    We'll make the best films right here
    Take a look around
    Enjoy the sound
    Of Mackems in full cheer
    ab65 and Smug in Boots like this.
  4. Hettonista

    Hettonista Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2019
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    Well done Tony, brilliant effort mate. Was hoping this would get some cash when watching the budget at work. Excellent effort
  5. John Wick

    John Wick Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    Just caching up with all this, incredible stuff and a historic moment. There will ofcourse be the, "why what do want with a film studio man", same short sighted people that moaned about the northern spier "f**kin hell, all that money to build a bridge to pallion retail park from red house". I'm all for it, ****in nice one sunderland and we'll done to all involved. Class.
  6. John Wick

    John Wick Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    All we need now is an underground sewage network, somewhere to keep our whippets and an airport and we're right on the map for Sotherners to head north.
  7. Mackem-Tiz

    Mackem-Tiz Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I've been keeping a keen interest in this and I think it's been on the cards for the last 2 years and lots of credit to @TonyG
    Dare I say a modicum of credit to the Government? Didn't want to say the word Tories <laugh>
    Daz, TonyG and Robertson like this.
  8. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    Just needs to be some investment into the local colleges and universities to make sure the film/media courses are top notch and you've got a pipeline of talent and opportunities for young locals now.

    It's a very big deal if handled right
    Robertson and Brainy Dose like this.
  9. TeamOfTalents

    TeamOfTalents Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Oh the irony, after all the talk to up the road the investment in the 'reshun' coming from those affiliated with Sunderland :emoticon-0103-cool:
  10. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I understand that part of the government money is to do exactly that. The film studios and the council are starting to look at working with schools in the most deprived area of the city to raise the horizon form families there, with the aim of developing pathways for skilled and professional jobs form the kids currently trapped in poverty.

  11. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    Really, really good that.
  12. safcfansofaraway

    safcfansofaraway Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Great news and well done TonyG for drumming up support. Just seen a bit more of what Leo Pearlman wrote, copied from Linkedin for those that may not otherwise see it...
    please log in to view this image

    Leo PearlmanLeo Pearlman• 3rd+• 3rd+Managing Partner @ Fulwell 73 Ltd | Non Exec Director @ Sunderland Football Club | TV & Film InvestmentManaging Partner @ Fulwell 73 Ltd | Non Exec Director @ Sunderland Football Club | TV & Film Investment19h • 19h •

    WE DID IT!!!!And by WE I mean every single person who supported us on this journey, I mean every single person in the North East, I mean every single one of you who refused to accept the status quo and who fought for change for our region, for opportunities for the next generation and for the future of the creative industries across the UK.We're absolutely delighted that the North East's trailblazer deal announced by the Chancellor in today's Budget will pave the way for Crown Works Studios in Sunderland to progress.
    Bazza2310, ISOE II, mrs em and 6 others like this.
  13. John Wick

    John Wick Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    I was in a secondary school in the mid 90s and left in 2000. We would put on talent shows and summer shows where groups or individual people would sing, dance and act (serious and comedy). An unreal amount of talent and it'll not have just been the one school. However because it's hard to follow up on that kind of talent here in the Northeast, it just faded into time. So I agree, on the back of it, invest more into further education of it along side the studios. Getting back to my time in school, I'm amazed no one made success out of media or ended up famous. Massive amounts of talent there. We were doing a show one night and a woman from Metro FM (before Radio) were there. Anyway there was a lass in the year above had a very distinct high pitched voice, she used to get a bit ribbing for it as a Joke, nothing too serious. The woman from Metro approached her and said "Have you thought about getting into Radio, you're voice is perfect". I don't think she did....but, it took someone from a Radio station to hear her talk and to offer her advice. Point is, give younger people opportunities and you never know what can come of it.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
    Robertson and Washysafc like this.
  14. Nozs’ Hat

    Nozs’ Hat Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I notice Bridget Phillipson is missing from there. Suppose she is a mag like.
    Mackem-Tiz likes this.
  15. Robertson

    Robertson Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2019
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    Yeah, strange omission. Don't want it to take away from the awesome news though.
    Nozs’ Hat likes this.
  16. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Sunderland has welcomed the PM and Chancellor, after last week's Budget announcement which paved the way for a significant new film production studio in the North East, set to be of one of Europe's largest studio complexes.

    The PM and Chancellor met Sunderland City Council chief executive Patrick Melia, along with Fulwell 73 founder Leo Pearlman and Sir David Bell, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Sunderland to learn more about FulwellCain's planned £450m Crown Works Studios on the banks of the River Wear.

    The studios are being delivered thanks to a deal between the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) and Government to bring forward a 'trailblazer deal'. The deal, announced in the Spring Budget empowered local leaders with funding and tools to deliver local regeneration priorities. Subject to business case, NEMCA intends to use £25m of this funding to remediate the prospective Crown Works Studios site, laying the ground for development of the studio facilities.

    Alongside this, government will work towards the designation of a specific 'growth zone', in which North East local authorities will be able to retain 100% of business rates growth for the next 25 years. Subject to business case, NEMCA plans to designate the prospective Crown Works Studios site as a 'growth zone'. This combination of capital funding and business rates retention will get the development off the ground in the short-term and ensure NEMCA and Sunderland City Council can continue to support the project in the long-term.

    The plans are being led by FulwellCain, a joint venture between Fulwell 73 and Cain International and backed by Sunderland City Council, to build a studio which will be one of the largest in Europe and will create over 8,000 jobs in the region. 

    The plans will see a brownfield site on the banks of the River Wear become the beating heart of the region's creative economy. It is expected to transform the economy of the North East, spurring a creative industrial revolution and generating £336m Gross Value Added (GVA) a year for the regional economy. It will enhance the UK's offer to the global film and high-end TV industry, and enable the North East to play a far greater role in future growth.

    The North East is already a backdrop for major blockbusters - with Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and Transformers all filmed in the region. The media courses available at the University of Sunderland will partner with CWS and other organisations to help develop the screen industries pipeline in the region. 

    The creative industries are a British success story, growing at 1.5 times the rate of the wider economy over the last decade contributing £125 billion in GVA in 2022 and supporting over 2 million jobs. The UK is Europe's largest film and tv production centre and is second only to the US in total screen production output. 

    Councillor Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, said:

    "We are proud as a council to have supported FulwellCain over the last few years as they have built the case for their game-changing Crown Works Studios in Sunderland.  In partnership with the six other local authorities of the region, we have made a deal with national Government that has enabled us to back these plans, because we absolutely believe in their ability to deliver huge social and economic advantages to the whole of the North East.  This is an exciting new chapter for Sunderland and the product of collaboration and commitment."

    Leo Pearlman, Managing Partner of Fulwell 73: 

    "Crown Works Studios will help transform Sunderland into a global hub for big budget film and TV production - and enable the North East to play a leading role in our most exciting sector.  This funding will kick start a project that will eventually bringing an annual economic boost of £336m to the North East - while also enhancing the UK's studio capacity to help us remain globally competitive."

    Sir David Bell, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Sunderland said:

    "We are very pleased to welcome the Prime Minster and the Chancellor to the University and to be able to demonstrate the excellent teaching and facilities on offer for students preparing for jobs in the creative sector. 

    "For our award-winning film production students - a product of courses regarded as some of the best in the county - the Crown Works project represents a chance to fulfil their potential while remaining in, and contributing to, the North East.

    "This ambitious undertaking will require roles from across a range of sectors. We will continue to work with local government and the team behind Crown Works, to develop a skilled workforce to maximise the success of this project." 

    Councillor Amanda Hopgood, interim portfolio holder for culture, creative, tourism and sport ahead of the formation of a new North East Mayoral Combined Authority in May, and leader of Durham County Council, said:

    "Devolution brings with it the opportunity for local leaders to back projects that are regionally significant, directing trailblazer funding directly into the North East's priorities.

    "The Government's confirmation of our trailblazer paves the way for Fulwell 73 to push ahead with this ambitious project, unlocking £450m of private sector investment to turn this exciting vision into a reality. We are proud to back Crown Works Studios, a project that brings the promise of thousands of new jobs and the opportunity to build a local supply chain that will support generations of people in this brilliant region."

    Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: 

    "As we have seen from the UK's success during awards season, our home grown talent is testament to the UK's reputation as a film, tv and arts superpower. 

    "Through our billion pound package of support for the creative industries, and by empowering local leaders and deepening devolution across England, we are backing British business, growing the economy, and developing the Oscar winners of tomorrow."

    Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said: 

    "Our creative industry doesn't just win awards - it's worth over £125bn to our economy and supports over 2 million jobs. That's why we're continuing to back it with a £1 billion package of tax reliefs - and it's fantastic to see this investment in Sunderland which will help nurture the next generation of local talent, also helping to grow our economy."

    Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer said:

    "We're sticking to our plan to grow the creative industries by a further £50 billion and add another 1 million jobs by 2030. We are one step closer to making that ambition a reality thanks to government action unlocking millions of pounds for Crown Works Studios in Sunderland.

    "Britain's legendary film studios, like Pinewood, Leavesden and Elstree, are the envy of the world. Filmmakers are increasingly choosing the UK over Hollywood, and the benefits of these productions will be felt right across the country, with well paid, meaningful jobs and a boost to the local economy."

    Last week's Budget for Long Term Growth set out a number of measures that will grow the economy - including the media package - and deliver a brighter future for the country.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    LAMackem, Bazza2310, ISOE II and 8 others like this.
  17. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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  18. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Excellent news. Hopefully any conditions are realizable and they can crack on.
    Robertson likes this.
  19. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Next will be two or three more EV battery factories with another 8,000 jobs. The city is taking off.
    Bazza2310, ISOE II, John Wick and 6 others like this.
  20. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Great news for the North East economy and strengthens our case for the re-opening of the Leamside Line to transport visitors to Sunderland from outside the region. No point in building a vendor village, if people can't get to it easily.

    This City is finally on the up, after years in the doldrums. The Riverside area will be unrecognisable in the next 5 years.

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