Me and my gal was having a chat about the burkha last week going to buy her one so she can wear it when she’s riding me fantasy ticked off bucket list
The Southport killer is Rwandan - where the vast majority of people are Christian... no evidence whatsoever that the guy had converted to Islam...other than your 'wish list' ...
Sucky doesn’t even care about the facts He should stop hiding behind his fake concerns about Europe’s welfare, Tommy Robinson worries and funding asylum seekers and grow a set of balls for once in his not606 life and just admit that he hates Muslims for no reason. Deep down he just fears Islam, if he had balls and some education he would know that he doesn’t need to fear Islam…but that’s the price you pay for a lack of comprehension I guess. Like Hitler believed Europe should belong to the Nazis, Sucky believes it should belong to all but Muslims…a dangerous pov. no amount of emojis and likes should be blinding the Not606 posters of that fact anymore and I hope he grows them balls and stops hiding his hate under the guise of concern. For me he is cut from the same cloth as these extremists, deluded, mis informed and full of blind hate, he just doesn’t have the gonads to express his hate out there, he prefers it in the safe sanctuary of his couch.
It's shame you feel this way spurly. But I'd guessed this time would come. Saying ny concerns about Muslim terrorists and boat loads of illegal mainly undocumented Muslim men are because I hate Muslims is just not true. And to brand me hateful or racist is a tired argument most non Muslims are absolutely bored of... it's been used as an easy way to shut most people up about Islam. You've let your religion blind you to the reality of others concerns... sure some people just hate you lot, I'm not one of them despite what you may think I can understand you feel like your being attacked personally but you are not. your religion is being critised and if you can't separate yourself from it in regards to me and my posts about it then so be it, I thought you a much smarter man than that. Your religion is being help up in the light and you don't want it to be. Understandable. But your religion is full of hate for non Muslims. It calls for Muslims to convert.. to enslave.. or kill non muslims Your religion treats women like ****. Your religion hasn't changed since the dark ages. Your relgion leads people into such a blind hatred of the kuffar that they blow themselves and non Muslims up, behead people, burn women alive, stone them to death, throw people off buildings and other horrific acts in the name of God and hatred. Just look how many attacks have happened across this year alone... sweden 30 bombings in one month Germany 6 or 7 attacks since the new year The list goes on and on and it's becoming worse and more regular than ever before. Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, or hateful of the kuffar. But theres big element that is hateful of anyone but Muslims. I don't count you as an extremist, but you branded me as hateful. Not all non Muslims who criticise Islam are hateful towards it. So call me what you like mate, whatever makes you feel better I guess. I frankly don't care. But I expected more from you really. I'm not getting into this on a personal level with you and thats that.
Oh I dunno Maybe like the 20 posts per day for the last 8 months of Anti-Islam **** you've been posting Didn't you notice ?
So posting anti Islam **** is racist and hateful? I'm sure if I've posted anything out of order brb would've said so. So try again?
Posting anti-Islam stuff is Islamophobic Dunno why you're trying to hide behind brb Just ****in own it bro.
Islamaphobic ffs Yeh I don't care about your made up word. It's basically used like the race card. If its Islamaphobic to post clips of Muslims attacking Europe then OK I'm Islamaphobic please log in to view this image
It ain't a made up word. And no, it's not like the race card either. You are Islamophobic and I'll give you an example.... just yesterday in the German attack you leapt the wrong conclusion blaming a Muslim, when in fact it was a German national with mental health problems. Even when it was pointed out to you that the German police said it wasn't an extremist or political attack, you claimed the BBC were lying about it ffs Your words were something like. 'Islam is the religion of hate and Allah instructs them to commit terror' You've been brainwashed by your twitter feed bro and you're so deep in that **** that you can't even see it.
I agree on this... I think people from both sides could be offended here, I'd be surprised if some members of the Islamic faith didn't object to Christians playing "dress-up" in their faith. Obviously there was no intention for being offensive here, but this probably was in poor taste despite obviously meaning well.
Admitting it is the first step to your rehabilitation I'll let your Prevent case worker know we're making progress