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Off Topic Coyote Canyon Game Thread

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Joelinton's Right Foot, Nov 2, 2015.

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  1. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Reserved for Day One Bulletin and Summary

    Players Starting The Game

    01. CaptainChaos
    02. ValleyGraduate12
    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho
    05. Style
    06. Mitrosexual
    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop
    10. AFCFTW
    11. Tobes
    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut
    14. Klooopp
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront
    16. Brb
    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust
    18. Tash
    19. Rolando
    20. Magic Klopp
    21. JakartaToon
    22. BobbyD
    23. Mikey
    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider
    27. Obi Wanaldum
    28. Swarbs
    29. Danilo
    30. Mustyfrog


    Day breaks over Coyote Canyon, and with daybreak comes news of more killings.

    Big Funk Allerdyce's body was found just outside of town. He had apparently been trying to flee Coyote Canyon and move to a safer town, as his wagon was fully loaded with all of his possessions. However, he had barely left the town when somebody shot him as he made his rushed getaway.

    In the town bar, Flanninho was shot and killed in an argument over a game of poker. None of the witnesses are sure who fired the killing shot. All that could be established was that he had been caught cheating, trying to trick his opponents into revealing the cards they held.

    Big Funk Allerdyce was the Town Yellowbelly who always ran away before the action started. Flanninho was an ancestor of Sean Bean. Some people have said that this is where the trend for Sean Bean always dying before things have really got going first started!

    As agreed by the town council, the town elders have now summoned a sheriff to come and help them tackle the problem of lawlessness. The sheriff will be bringing his own deputy to town with him. He is expected to arrive in about 24 hours following a hard day's ride from another town.

    Day One Twist

    In one last, desperate bid to save themselves (and money) before the sheriff arrives, the town have decided that they will use all three jail cells tonight to lock up people they think might be behind the killings. Each prisoner will have a volunteer guard who will stay with them in the jail.

    Each player has a choice today. You can vote to lynch somebody, or you can vote to lock somebody up. However, if you vote to lock somebody up then that vote cannot be withdrawn or changed. Both the person you vote to lock up and yourself (as a guard) will spend the night in the jail. Both will be safe from lynching or killing. However, both will be unable to carry out any other actions or protect their own premises.

    The first three votes to lock somebody up - even if they are meant as a joke - will stand and cannot be undone. The six people in the jail will be unable to vote for the lynch, but also cannot be voted to be lynched. The lynch will only involve the other 24 players.

    Everybody in the jail will be released as soon as the Sheriff arrives.



    Magic 3 (Danilo, Bodanki, Bobby)
    Swarbs 3 (Klooopp, JPF, AFC) - LYNCHED
    JPF 2 (DPP, Musty)
    RHC 2 (Tobes, Gerrez)
    Mustyfrog 2 (Astro, Valley)
    Klooopp 1 (Swarbs)
    Tobes 1 (RHC)
    Astro 1 (Tennis)
    Danilo 1 (Style)
    DPP 1 (Biscan)

    Swarbs was lynched - he was the Cat Burglar


    A bandit is seen entering one of the town stores. Shots ring out and Rolando lies dead in the Cobbler Store he ran.

    Another bandit lay in wait to attack Tobes. His kill attempt was successful.

    Tobes was a Coachman and not alone though.

    JPF fired at the bandit but missed. The bandit then fired back at JPF and successfully killed the Bank Guard.

    A further townsperson was also present. They fired at the bandit, Style, and successfully killed the Gang Leader of the Dirty Donaldsons.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere in town, the sound of breaking glass reveals a thief breaking into the Grocer's store. The store is empty and he successfully gathers the money. however, as he is doing that an arsonist is successfully attempting to set fire to the Grocer's store. The store is burned down, burning all of the contents. Sadly Klooopp was unable to escape the flames and the Filthy McGraws thief died in the fire.

    A day of mass bloodshed for the town.

    Players Left

    01. CaptainChaos
    02. ValleyGraduate12
    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho
    05. Style - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Gang Leader - Killed in Gunfight
    06. Mitrosexual
    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop
    10. AFCFTW
    11. Tobes - Dead - Killed by Hitman - Coachman
    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut
    14. Klooopp - Dead - Died in fire while robbing store - Filthy McGraws Thief
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront - Dead - died in a gunfight avenging Tobes - Bank Guard

    16. Brb
    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust
    18. Tash
    19. Rolando - Dead - Killed by a hitman - Cobbler Store Owner
    20. Magic Klopp
    21. JakartaToon
    22. BobbyD
    23. Mikey
    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider
    27. Obi Wanaldum
    28. Swarbs - Dead - Lynched by the town - Cat Burglar
    29. Danilo
    30. Mustyfrog
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  2. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Day breaks over Coyote Canyon after another night of lawlessness and bloodshed.

    The good news for the town is that the Sheriff and Deputy are due to arrive early in the day.

    The town lookout is on a rooftop with his telescope watching for the riders in the distance. In preparation, the chapel bells start to ring out as the town gathers for a ceremony to welcome the new Sheriff.

    Suddenly the lookout shouts from the rooftop...

    "The Sheriff has a...." DING!!! (his words are drowned out by the bell)

    "What did he say?"

    "THE SHERIFF HAS A...." DING!!! (drowned out again!!)

    Finally the Sheriff and Deputy ride into town.....

    ....followed by a tied up man, running to keep up with the horses.


    This Sheriff must be good! On his way to Coyote Canyon he spotted a man trying to hide in the mountains. The Sheriff recognised his face from wanted posters. The man is Sebb's Campaign Manager - wanted on charges of bribery and corruption and missing for the past month and a half.

    The Sheriff walks into the jail and orders all guards and prisoners to leave.

    The Sheriff then throws Sebb into the town jail and locks him up. The town has three new residents - one of them a surprise!!

    There are no twists today. It's just a day for good ol' fashioned detective work.

    Any hidden tasks will be notified on QT boards.

    Good luck townsfolk!



    Chaos 11 (RHC, Bodanki, Mikey, Tash, Danilo, Tennis, Astro, Gerrez, AFC, Obi, Valley, GCB, Brb)
    Tash 5 (ACS, Biscan, Jakarta, Musty, Mitro)
    RHC 3 (Sebb, Bobby, Chaos)
    Obi 1 (DPP)

    Captain Chaos was lynched. He was the Serial Killer.

    Red Hadron Collider also died as a result of the SK curse (first active vote). He was the Filthy McGraws Drunken Arsonist.


    The night air is broken by the sound of the bank doors being broken down.

    A bandit enters and shoots and kills AFCFTW, the only remaining Coachman

    AFC was not alone though, and the remaining bank guard, Mitrosexual, shoots back at the bandit but misses. The bandit returns fire and kills him.

    The Bank Manager nervously points his gun, closes his eyes - and gets a lucky hit! Magic, the Filthy McGraws Gang Leader is killed.

    Meanwhile, as this is going on, another bandit approaches a packed store and takes a shot at one of the inhibitants. The shot misses and when fire is returned, Valley, the Filthy McGraws Hired Gun lies dead in the street.

    There are no other actions to report.

    Players Left

    01. CaptainChaos - Dead - Serial Killer - Lynched Day Two
    02. ValleyGraduate12 - Dead - Filthy McGraws Hired Gun - Killed in a Gunfight

    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho
    05. Style - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Gang Leader - Killed in Gunfight
    06. Mitrosexual - Dead - Bank Guard - Killed avenging AFC

    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop
    10. AFCFTW - Dead - Coachman - Murdered by Bandits
    11. Tobes - Dead - Killed by Hitman - Coachman

    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut
    14. Klooopp - Dead - Died in fire while robbing store - Filthy McGraws Thief
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront - Dead - died in a gunfight avenging Tobes - Bank Guard

    16. Brb
    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust
    18. Tash
    19. Rolando - Dead - Killed by a hitman - Cobbler Store Owner
    20. Magic Klopp - Dead - Filthy McGraws Gang Leader - Killed in a Gunfight

    21. JakartaToon
    22. BobbyD
    23. Mikey
    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider - Dead - Filthy McGraws Drunken Arsonist - Killed by the Serial Killer's Curse
    27. Obi Wanaldum
    28. Swarbs - Dead - Lynched by the town - Cat Burglar
    29. Danilo
    30. Mustyfrog
    31. Sebb's Campaign Manager
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  3. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Day Three - Daily Bulletin

    The town awakes from another night of bloodshed.

    The Sheriff has released the prisoner, Sebb's Campaign Manager. He is now free to go about his business.

    While the bloodshed was taking place, two members of your number took the cowards route and sought sanctuary in the town chapel. As a punishment for being cowards, neither Gerrez or Graham Carr's Binoculars are allowed to vote today.

    Nobody has been re-allocated a role.

    The town can breathe easier knowing that several bandits and thieves are now dead. However, danger still lurks around the corner - no time for complacency!

    Good luck townsfolk!

    The Lynching


    ACS 7 (DPP, Bodanki, Biscan, Danilo, Jakarta, Brb, Astro, Gooner)
    Brb 5 (Tennis, Obi, Musty)
    Biscan 1 (Tash)
    Tash 4 (Bobby, Sebb, Nolberto, ACS)

    Still to vote: Mikey

    Not Allowed To Vote: GCB, Gerrez

    The townsfolk one again gather in the town square for their nightly spectacle of seeing someone hang. Full of bloodlust and hope that a bad guy is about to bite the dust.

    Cheers ring out as ACS is walked towards the scaffold. Up the steps he climbs when suddenly a lone rider charges down the main street and straight towards the gathered crowd. The crowd splits as people run for safety. The lone rider grabs ACS and pulls him onto the back of his horse, disappearing into the distance. ACS has been saved from lynching!!

    The disgruntled hangman just shrugs his shoulders and shouts "NEXT!"

    There has to be a hanging so the crowd quickly grab hold of Brb and pull the disgruntled troublemaker to the gallows as he protests his innocence. The hangman doesn't care who he hangs and quickly dispatches brb to a swift death.

    Brb was the Dirty Donaldson's Thief.

    Nightfall Summary

    The town is still recovering from the shocking events of the lynching and all have gone their own way. A group of people are walking through the town just after nightfall when a shot rings out from the shadows. A body lies in the street. One of the group lies dead. Tash is no more. The Dirty Donaldson's Hired Gun has been assassinated. The rest of the group look around to see where the shots came from, but see nothing.

    The rest of the night was quiet.

    Reports to QT boards to follow.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  4. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Daybreak - Day Four

    In the morning, the bank manager is seen walking into the town jail with a grave look on his face. He informs the Sheriff and Deputy that the town's bank account is empty and the town can no longer afford to pay for their services. The Sheriff and Deputy are to be laid off after tonight and decide to take up new occupations as traders - taking over two of the town's empty businesses.

    The doc is sat in his surgery reading a report on the post mortem of AFC. It appears that even if he hadn't been shot yesterday, he would have been dead by now as his body was riddled with syphilis.

    The town has a lot to take in after an eventful few hours.

    You can now vote.

    Good luck townsfolk!

    Players Left

    01. CaptainChaos - Dead - Serial Killer - Lynched Day Two
    02. ValleyGraduate12 - Dead - Filthy McGraws Hired Gun - Killed in a Gunfight

    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho
    05. Style - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Gang Leader - Killed in Gunfight
    06. Mitrosexual - Dead - Bank Guard - Killed avenging AFC

    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop
    10. AFCFTW - Dead - Coachman - Murdered by Bandits
    11. Tobes - Dead - Killed by Hitman - Coachman

    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut
    14. Klooopp - Dead - Died in fire while robbing store - Filthy McGraws Thief
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront - Dead - died in a gunfight avenging Tobes - Bank Guard
    16. Brb - Dead - Lynched - Dirty Donaldon's Thief

    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust
    18. Tash - Dead - Killed by single gunshot - Dirty Donaldson's Hired Gun
    19. Rolando - Dead - Killed by a hitman - Cobbler Store Owner
    20. Magic Klopp - Dead - Filthy McGraws Gang Leader - Killed in a Gunfight

    21. JakartaToon
    22. BobbyD
    23. Mikey
    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider - Dead - Filthy McGraws Drunken Arsonist - Killed by the Serial Killer's Curse
    27. Obi Wanaldum
    28. Swarbs - Dead - Lynched by the town - Cat Burglar
    29. Danilo
    30. Mustyfrog
    31. Sebb's Campaign Manager

    Final Vote Count

    ACS 16 (Gerrez, GCB, Biscan, Bobby, Jakarta, Bodanki, Sebb, Astro, DPP, Musty, Obi, Tennis, Gooner, Danilo, Mikey, Nolberto)
    Mikey 1 (ACS)

    Still to Vote:

    Albert's Chip Shop Lynched

    Night Actions Summary

    Bobby is trying to sleep quietly in his bed, having opted against acting tonight due to feeling unwell. Suddenly he lets out a death rattle and is gone, a victim of syphilis. It seems that the Town Bank Manager has been using the money to pay for visits to the Town Whore - no wonder the town ran out of money!!

    Meanwhile two bandits are seen walking through the town. Somebody approaches from the east and fires a shot at them. Danilo drops dead and the Dirty Donaldson's Drunken Arsonist is no more. Danilo had company though and his companion fires back killing Jakarta. At least the Town Sheriff went out in a blaze of glory.

    Later that night, having decided it was going to be a quiet night, Gerrez is sleeping quietly in his bed when a shadowy figure bursts through his door firing a shot at him as he sleeps. The bullet goes straight through his heart and the town no longer has a Vigilante.

    This has been a desperate night for the town. Can they recover?
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  5. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Daily Bulletin - Day Five

    Daybreaks over Coyote Canyon and yet again there has been far too much bloodshed. There is a sombre mood about town this morning.

    While some gave up their lives there was a coward in your midst. Tennis took the coward's route and hid in the sanctuary of the Town Chapel. As a punishment for being a coward he is not allowed to vote tomorrow.

    There are no twists today, but the team boards will each receive at least one task to complete.

    Good luck townsfolk!

    Players Remaining

    01. CaptainChaos - Dead - Serial Killer - Lynched Day Two
    02. ValleyGraduate12 - Dead - Filthy McGraws Hired Gun - Killed in a Gunfight

    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho - Dead - Town Vigilante - Assassinated by Bandits
    05. Style - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Gang Leader - Killed in Gunfight
    06. Mitrosexual - Dead - Bank Guard - Killed avenging AFC

    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop - Dead - Town Gunsmith - Lynched Day Four
    10. AFCFTW - Dead - Coachman - Murdered by Bandits
    11. Tobes - Dead - Killed by Hitman - Coachman

    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut
    14. Klooopp - Dead - Died in fire while robbing store - Filthy McGraws Thief
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront - Dead - died in a gunfight avenging Tobes - Bank Guard
    16. Brb - Dead - Lynched - Dirty Donaldon's Thief

    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust
    18. Tash - Dead - Killed by single gunshot - Dirty Donaldson's Hired Gun
    19. Rolando - Dead - Killed by a hitman - Cobbler Store Owner
    20. Magic Klopp - Dead - Filthy McGraws Gang Leader - Killed in a Gunfight
    21. JakartaToon - Dead - Town Sheriff - Killed in a Gunfight
    22. BobbyD - Dead - Town Bank Manager - Died of Syphilis

    23. Mikey
    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider - Dead - Filthy McGraws Drunken Arsonist - Killed by the Serial Killer's Curse
    27. Obi Wanaldum
    28. Swarbs - Dead - Lynched by the town - Cat Burglar
    29. Danilo - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Drunken Arsonist - Shot by the Sheriff

    30. Mustyfrog
    31. Sebb's Campaign Manager

    The Lynching

    The crowd is gathering for the nightly lynching in yet another blood-thirsty mood - if only they knew......

    They know that as things stand then Biscan is all set to hang.....

    Final Vote Count

    Astro 3 (GCB, DPP, Biscan)
    DPP 3 (Obi, Astro, Sebb)
    Biscan 4 (Musty, Mikey, Nolberto, Gooner)

    Still to vote: Bodanki

    Not Allowed To Vote: Tennis


    Murmers start to spread through the crowd that one of their number is missing and the vote might not be what it seems. Search parties are sent out to look for Darren Peacock's Ponytail. He is nowhere to be seen. Finally they find his lifeless body lying in the now deserted and unused jail. It turns out that the Former Town Deputy and newly qualified Town Barber had been tricked by a devious bandit plot into revealing his role, and had caught an incurable dose ofScarlet Fever.

    The town now has to recalculate the voting tally now that DPP's vote, and all voted for him, are removed.

    Final Vote Count

    Astro 2 (GCB, Biscan)
    Biscan 4 (Musty, Mikey, Nolberto, Gooner)

    Still to vote: Bodanki, Obi, Astro, Sebb,

    Not Allowed To Vote: Tennis

    The hangmen is getting impatient and calls for Biscan to be brought up to the gallows. However, one of the Tavern team nervously speaks up and confesses to the rest of the town that today they have spent the day wrestling with an impossible choice. They had found a note slid under the tavern door at daybreak. The note informed them that they had been given the following task and choice to make....

    Headfuck Time!!!!

    The Tavern team have a task today and it is a choice. You MUST choose one of the following options.

    1. Guarantee a Bandit is lynched tonight - no matter what the vote result - but at the cost of either a random TWO or THREE town lives. (the amount would be decided by coin toss).

    2. Choose not to accept the challenge and lose either a random ONE or TWO town lives. (the amount would be decided by coin toss).

    3. Mention the details of this task on the main thread and you lose FOUR Town members (supposedly at random - but would it be?). The choice is the Tavern Team's alone!!

    IF you don't make a choice then I will draw at random from choices 1, 2 OR 3!!!

    Have a Nice Day!

    After much pondering the Tavern team opted for Choice number 1. A guaranteed Bandit death, but at what cost.......

    The hangman disappears to consult with his superiors and returns with a hooded victim standing on the gallows....

    The victim has a noose placed around his neck. The trapdoor opens and the body falls to it's death.

    The town quickly rushed over to the body to see who their actions have killed. They remove the hood to see Biscan's lifeless body. The Filthy McGraws' Investigator is dead.

    Everyone turns to look at the Tavern Team with horrified faces. You have given up extra town deaths to lynch somebody who would have died anyway!!!!

    Who will those town victims be?

    The dark night will reveal all..........

    Night Actions Summary

    Walking away from the lynching the town feel nervous. The fates have decided that Two town will die. Mikey is almost back to take up his role as Town Inn Barman when one of the horses tied up outside gets spooked. It kicks back in panic and catches him on the head - delivering a fatal blow. Hearing the screams coming from the direction of the bar, the Town Priest rushes over to see if everything is ok. It is never a good idea for such a fat man to rush andObi drops dead from a heart attack!

    A very relieved Astro heads away from the lynching knowing it could very easily have been him. He is sweating and flustered. Is that just nervous relief or something more sinister? Within minutes we have an answer. The Dirty Donaldsons' Investigator drops dead - his body riddled with Syphilis!

    There are no more night actions to report.

    The Game Is Not Over!!
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  6. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Daybreak - Day Six

    Day breaks over Coyote Canyon and the townsfolk are still struggling to grasp the previous night's events. Come to think of it - they are struggling to grasp anything!!

    The search for bandits go on........but how many???

    No tasks today - promise!!!

    Good luck townsfolk!

    Players Remaining

    01. CaptainChaos - Dead - Serial Killer - Lynched Day Two
    02. ValleyGraduate12 - Dead - Filthy McGraws Hired Gun - Killed in a Gunfight

    03. Graham Carr's Binoculars
    04. Kloppezinho - Dead - Town Vigilante - Assassinated by Bandits
    05. Style - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Gang Leader - Killed in Gunfight
    06. Mitrosexual - Dead - Bank Guard - Killed avenging AFC

    07. Nolberto's Salsa Inferno
    08. Goonercymraeg
    09. Albert's Chip Shop - Dead - Town Gunsmith - Lynched Day Four
    10. AFCFTW - Dead - Coachman - Murdered by Bandits
    11. Tobes - Dead - Killed by Hitman - Coachman
    12. Darren Peacock's Ponytail - Dead - Town Deputy - Scarlet Fever
    13. Astro(Klopp's footbo)naut - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Investigator - Syphilis
    14. Klooopp - Dead - Died in fire while robbing store - Filthy McGraws Thief
    15. TheJudeanPeoplesFront - Dead - died in a gunfight avenging Tobes - Bank Guard
    16. Brb - Dead - Lynched - Dirty Donaldon's Thief
    17. InKlippertyKloppWeTrust - Dead - Filthy McGraws Investigator
    18. Tash - Dead - Killed by single gunshot - Dirty Donaldson's Hired Gun
    19. Rolando - Dead - Killed by a hitman - Cobbler Store Owner
    20. Magic Klopp - Dead - Filthy McGraws Gang Leader - Killed in a Gunfight
    21. JakartaToon - Dead - Town Sheriff - Killed in a Gunfight
    22. BobbyD - Dead - Town Bank Manager - Died of Syphilis
    23. Mikey - Dead - Town Barman - Killed by Horse!!!!

    24. Sir Tennisball
    25. Bodanki
    26. Red Hadron Collider - Dead - Filthy McGraws Drunken Arsonist - Killed by the Serial Killer's Curse
    27. Obi Wanaldum - Dead - Town Priest - Obesity induced Heart Attack!
    28. Swarbs - Dead - Lynched by the town - Cat Burglar
    29. Danilo - Dead - Dirty Donaldsons Drunken Arsonist - Shot by the Sheriff

    30. Mustyfrog
    31. Sebb's Campaign Manager
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  7. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Reserved for Day Seven Bulletin and Summary

    (No way the game will last this long!)
  8. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Reserved for Day Eight Bulletin and Summary

    (No way the game will last this long!)
  9. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Less hope than neville
    Tobes The Grinch likes this.
  10. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Nightfall Procedures

    Because of how many people are in the game, and because everybody can potentially use actions each night, it may take a while to count votes - and especially to work through the actions.

    To keep me sane, and to help with working things out, the following order of events will happen each night in terms of game mechanics.

    1. At a random point between 8.55pm and 9.10pm I will lock the thread and declare nightfall. (the thread is locked to save me being distracted with notifications).
    2. I will then count the lynch votes.
    3. The results of the lynching will be announced and the thread unlocked. However, it will now be night time and nobody can vote until daybreak - you can only post general game discussion.
    4. I will work through all of the night actions and work out who has died in the carnage, which roles have changed, how many bullets have been used and investigation results. (this will get quicker each night as the carnage reduces numbers).
    5. Daybreak: The daily bulletin will be published, along with any special instructions for that day. People can now begin voting again.
    6. I will send out PM's/post results to QT boards

  11. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It's time for.....

    Deleted media
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
  12. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Day breaks over Coyote Canyon, and with daybreak comes news of more killings.

    Big Funk Allerdyce's body was found just outside of town. He had apparently been trying to flee Coyote Canyon and move to a safer town, as his wagon was fully loaded with all of his possessions. However, he had barely left the town when somebody shot him as he made his rushed getaway.

    In the town bar, Flanninho was shot and killed in an argument over a game of poker. None of the witnesses are sure who fired the killing shot. All that could be established was that he had been caught cheating, trying to trick his opponents into revealing the cards they held.

    Big Funk Allerdyce was the Town Yellowbelly who always ran away before the action started. Flanninho was an ancestor of Sean Bean. Some people have said that this is where the trend for Sean Bean always dying before things have really got going first started!

    As agreed by the town council, the town elders have now summoned a sheriff to come and help them tackle the problem of lawlessness. The sheriff will be bringing his own deputy to town with him. He is expected to arrive in about 24 hours following a hard day's ride from another town.

    Day One Twist

    In one last, desperate bid to save themselves (and money) before the sheriff arrives, the town have decided that they will use all three jail cells tonight to lock up people they think might be behind the killings. Each prisoner will have a volunteer guard who will stay with them in the jail.

    Each player has a choice today. You can vote to lynch somebody, or you can vote to lock somebody up. However, if you vote to lock somebody up then that vote cannot be withdrawn or changed. Both the person you vote to lock up and yourself (as a guard) will spend the night in the jail. Both will be safe from lynching or killing. However, both will be unable to carry out any other actions or protect their own premises.

    The first three votes to lock somebody up - even if they are meant as a joke - will stand and cannot be undone. The six people in the jail will be unable to vote for the lynch, but also cannot be voted to be lynched. The lynch will only involve the other 24 players.

    Everybody in the jail will be released as soon as the Sheriff arrives.

    A Brief Recap of the Rules

    For anyone who hasn't read or didn't understand the rules...here is a clear and concise summary.....

    Deleted media

    Good luck townsfolk!!

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
  13. Graham Carr's Binoculars

    Graham Carr's Binoculars Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    Likes Received:
    This game is one huge head f*ck.
  14. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Totally bodacious dude <ok>
    Obi Wan and Lucaaas like this.
  15. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Aawwww shheeeyt which slimey twickle toed cocksucker down here killed funky? That was my job. Thhhhwwwwweeeettt

    Burn it Down boys
  16. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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  17. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    What are the tactics then dudes?

    We going 1 vote each and see what happens?
  18. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Hello ****ers <cheers>
  19. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I think if people tell eachother who they are it will make things easier
    TheJudeanPeoplesFront likes this.
  20. Lucaaas

    Lucaaas Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Gnarly idea bro <whistle>
    TheJudeanPeoplesFront likes this.
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