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COVID 19 and vaccines

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Vincemac, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I’m absolutely livid
    Me and the wife we have followed all the rules to the letter
    Hands face space washing and masks
    These idiots having parties and gatherings
    Not just in England but I’ve seen in Europe and other countries a disgrace
    We go for a daily walk 4/5 miles keep out distance and return home and stay indoors
    However I know the date 4th February because it’s the only day we went out shopping
    We went to Morrison’s because she wanted to pick something personally fish,fresh fruit and meat.
    Again we protected our self’s from the virus we wash the trolly and use the wash areas
    Nevertheless my wife had to use the ladies
    and unfortunate that’s were she could of caught it COVID 19
    She’s been unwell for 6 days and getting no worse
    She’s isolated in the bedroom and has water shower and toilet there
    She’s feeling ruff and sleeping a lot
    She’s eating ok although a little.
    Just have to look after her till she improves
    Thing is we were supposed to have the jab yesterday it’s now postponed
    So really dosnt matter how safe you are you can pick it up anywhere
  2. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  3. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sorry to hear this mate. It isn't pleasant. Hope she gets better sooner rather than later.
    Robertson and Vincemac like this.
  4. LD19SAFC

    LD19SAFC Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    Which Morrisons was this mate?

    The only place I went over Christmas was Dalton Park Morrisons and I tested positive a few days later.
    Vincemac likes this.
  5. G Force Ghost

    G Force Ghost Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Sorry to hear that mate. We did the same. Have virtually been housebound for 11 months.

    Caught mine off a Tesco delivery man who wasn’t wearing a mask. Absolutely rotten for a week, and then improved.
    Vincemac likes this.
  6. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Firstly Vince thoughts are with Mrs Vincemac. I’m sure she’ll get through this.
    You’re right though about the actions of others.
    I’m 55 in August born in 1966. I think I was born at the end of the generation that actually cares.
    We were chatting about this at work the other day. Successive generations have had it easier than the previous one. So it comes as no surprise that the present generation really don’t know what it means to want for anything. So when they’re told that they can’t do something they struggle to comprehend what that means to them.
    “What do you mean I can’t have a party with my friends at the moment? But I want to have a party with them so I’m going to have one.” It’s that kind of attitude that unfortunately is becoming more and more prevalent and they don’t understand or don’t care that it’s others that suffer because of it. It just doesn’t compute, they struggle with cause and effect.
  7. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Chester Le street
    We like to go to seaburn
    But it’s out of the area
    Like I say we abide buy the rules
    Hope you are a lot better
    LD19SAFC and farnboromackem like this.
  8. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I hope you are ok now
    G Force Ghost likes this.
  9. Seb’s right peg

    Seb’s right peg Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    I’m not sure generations are the true testament to caring. I’ve listened to the rules and thought of others and I was born in 1992.

    I agree that this time has shown more and more that the general consensus in this country is to only care about yourself and do what you want.

    I hope you and your wife are okay @Vincemac! Hope she gets well soon. My other half had it and it took the wind out of her.
    Guy Incognito and Vincemac like this.
  10. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Parties all over Chester Le street
    Some get caught others don’t
    Nearly all involved born after 1970
    baxtersleftfoot likes this.

  11. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Tough break that Vince, especially after you both did the right things....Pray she make a speedy recovery mate
    Robertson, clockstander and Vincemac like this.
  12. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yeah everyone are not arse holes
    There are some wonderful you people
  13. G Force Ghost

    G Force Ghost Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Yeah all good. Hope your better half is on the mend soon mate
    Vincemac likes this.
  14. Montysoptician

    Montysoptician Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Sorry to hear that Vince, I hope your wife is on the mend and you manage to steer clear of it
    Take care and stay safe
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  15. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I didn’t mean that everyone in your generation/age group doesn’t care. Of course they do and it’s great to see that you understand the seriousness of it all. And I don’t think for one second that everyone in mine did. They definitely didn’t. I was merely suggesting that there are more these days that don’t. Not that I can prove that with any data, it’s more just what I see and read.
    Vincemac and Seb’s right peg like this.
  16. Seb’s right peg

    Seb’s right peg Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Yeah I agree.
    A combination of unclear guidelines to begin with, an inability for the government to follow their own rules and a selfish culture has set us up to fail.

    Thank God we seem to have our act together with the vaccine rollout!
    Vincemac and Evil Jimmy Krankie like this.
  17. Deletion Requested1

    Deletion Requested1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Hope the missus gets better quickly Vince - Morrisons at Consett is a nightmare the other day while I was cleaning the trolley (away from the cleaning station) I counted 10 people who walked in without cleaning theirs.
  18. clockstander

    clockstander Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    So sorry to here this Vince, and hope your wife picks up quickly, and you can both get your vaccines asp.
    Vincemac and Evil Jimmy Krankie like this.
  19. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Indeed. I’m not complaining where I live. Strong leadership and clear guidance means life goes on pretty much as normal.
    But as a scientist said recently, this virus is going nowhere until we have a vaccine that gets rid of it completely. And that vaccine hasn’t been found yet.
    Vincemac and Seb’s right peg like this.
  20. Guinness Guzzler

    Guinness Guzzler Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    Agreed, there's a lot of incredibly selfish ****ers about. I don't think it's an age thing as such mind, I'm 36 and I'd say I've pretty much complied with everything (hard to say for certain because so much changes about what you are and aren't allowed to do). I've seen selfish arseholes who are older and ones who are younger. Personally I'd have had a proper strict lockdown, army on the streets and all sorts, let some of these entitled ****ers realise how lucky they are to have the freedom they've got and not to take the piss.

    In terms of parties, which are often a younger person's thing, I don't think it's helped (although I'm grateful about it because I don't want to see anyone ill) that young people don't seem to be badly affected by it. It's been easy for them to have the selfish attitude of "I want to party, I'm going to do it because even if I get Covid I'll be fine". It's only when their grandparents start dying that some of them might get a kick up the arse. But like I say there are a lot of young people who are trying to do the right thing as well. Although many people have it worse I do feel bad for kids who should be enjoying their last year of school, or getting their first taste of freedom (and fanny, in many cases) at university just to find it locked down and them often having to pay a fortune for accommodation they can't use.

    Just wish everyone could follow the rules for a bit (and wish we had a decent government but that's another discussion) so we could get through this quicker. I've seen the best and worst of people throughout this. Some going out of their way to help elderly people get food etc, others selfishly buying **** loads of toilet roll and sanitiser to try and profit from it. Really hope vincemac's lass recovers quickly, must be awful especially when you know you've done everything asked of you. Can't wait till everyone who wants it has had the vaccine

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