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Poll Results: Your Prediction:
Members who voted for 'Away win (safc)'
- Vincemac
- Sunderlad
- BishopSAFC
- safcfansofaraway
- BackO'TheNet
- spirit of 73
- smithy in nl
- master-simpson
- LAMackem
- mrs em
- MackemGlobeTrotter
- malagamackem
- Eye Ball Paul
- Ozzymac
- Bank of England 2
- Juanito Caminante
- sheepman
- TonyG
- dyd13
- MLE1
- alan reed
- Tongester55
- Wayne the Punk
- Coastal Dolphins
- Young Ted
- Monkey69
- Downeys Loup
- Cheryl
- The Legendary Tongue
31 total votes.