Well done Reading. I was at Wembley last season for the play off final and as far as I was concerned both teams would have graced the Premiership. As we were leaving the stadium we were stuck in traffic. Because we were so late the Reading bus was also caught up in the traffic and pulled up alongside us. We were bouncing around singing etc and McDermott was sitting in the front of the bus looking rather glum (as expected). He was trapped, he couldn't avoid the situation and he had to face busloads of Jacks taking the pi**. He lifted his arm to give us a signal. I expected the V sign (and I wouldn't have blamed him in the slightest). Instead he gave us the thumbs up. It took a hell of a lot to do that in that situation. A great man. A great manager. Well done
Amazing story - thanks so much for sharing it with us. I've taken the cheek of copying it onto our 'Tributes' thread on Royals Rendezvous - http://royalsrendezvous.co.uk/topic/9509061/2 - crediting your user name of course! Hope you don't mind!