another big game tuesday,cheltenham away,who have been up around the top most of the season,having a bit of a wobble in form of late,but they remain dangerous opposition. Everything we do of late ends in victory,we dont want it to end but of course at some point it will,hopefully not tuesday though.A big test for us this one,i have a sneaky feeling this could end up all square,which would still be a good result for us,and not a long journey from home for us
you can do both of us by winning at cheltenham, was it crawley who thumped them 4-2, ang gas won 2-0 away, if gas can win there, then surely the gulls can. good luck
well played the gulls, keep it up, my it is close at the top, make sure you beat the bantams. it appears only the top 6 have a chance at present
thanks atchamjack,i went to the gametonight,we could of quite honestly won it 3-0,but 1-0 will do,i see the gasheads obliged for you as well.As you say its tight tense but exciting at the top at present,so interesting run in now