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Prediction League Championship ?

Discussion in 'Plymouth' started by Plymborn, Jul 29, 2023.

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  1. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Anyone willing to take it on this year.

    NotDistant did it well last season.....not sure if he wants to do it two years running ?

    Please form an orderly queue here if you are interested.
  2. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I was looking for the earlier comment on this yesterday.

    If someone else has a burning desire to take it on I’m happy to step back but I’ve already got the Championship teams in the model, so I’m happy to go again.

    I take your point about matches nearly every day of the week to keep the TV companies happy. I’m not running it like that so I thought perhaps we’d do two runs most weeks: matches on Friday,Saturday and Sunday on the one hand with prediction results on Monday and the mid-week matches in a second tranche, results on Friday. That might need a rethink once we see how the schedules actually work.

    What I can’t do is have fixture lists of more than 12 games: you can submit results that way if you want but I can’t process them that way.

    Also, if there are to be leavers or joiners, I need to know as soon as possible as that means a bit of tinkering to add or delete participants.
  3. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    I personally found your more "professional" approach to predictions refreshing and enjoyed our prediction season notDistant.

    Mrs Plym and myself are getting older and I find that I have more committments at home that are more time consuming than they used to be....so what I am saying is that doing the Prediction League myself would be difficult.....so I am pleased that you would be happy to continue.

    So could others give their opinion regarding doing it or being happy for notDistant to continue please.

    We do need to have a cut-off date for who will be doing it.....may I suggest Tuesday 1st Aug.....and If it is notDistant again.....we need to let him know if we are participating or not.

    Anyone can join....all casual readers of this site are welcome.

    This coming week the matches are on Friday/Saturday/Sunday.....so be prepared for the rules to be stated........ and mid and end of season Argyle league position to be asked for before the season starts if possible.

    Please be prompt.

    I will be participating....so I'm in.

    Thanks for offering again notDistant.
  4. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I can alter parameters like the points for a win, power of the joker etc very easily but something entirely new would need thinking about.

    As I’ve started writing this, we could have a Star Match for each full 12 game round. It could be a local Derby (Argyle won’t have any!!) a televised game, promotion or relegation crunch match etc…. Double points on the Star Game….
  5. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Sounds a good idea notDistant.
  6. lyndhurstgreen

    lyndhurstgreen Active Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    V happy & grateful for notdistant to continue ( I have enough spreadsheets /models in the day job!)
  7. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I remember early in my career when somebody walked into the office belonging to the small team I was working in and plonked a desktop computer on the table. What are we supposed to do with that we asked. Don’t know mate and I’m from IT, but they’ll never catch on came the reply.

    So it sat there gathering dust until we found it had a primitive Star Wars game on it…….
  8. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    PHEW!!!! I thought nobody was going to offer.........

    Great news notdistant so carry on carrying on. I don't care how the points are awarded as long as they are. The only thing I would enlarge on in that is the whole competition should not hinge on a halfway and full season position. Think we were thinking that last season and cut the points down anyway.
  9. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Last years bonus points where not at a level... as in previous years ...where they dominated the end result.

    Last year the bonus points helped but didn't completely destroy the table positions in favour of just those two results....good weekly predicting won in the end.

    Haven't worked out how BC had inside information regarding this 10 minute slot that came good too often.
  10. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The median score for the whole of last season was 600 points with a 78 point spread from top to bottom.

    That includes the league position bonuses: we awarded 2 x 25. points for closest but it could have been 2 x 50 points if by some miracle they’d been perfectly right. That’s still a lot isn’t it?

  11. AWAY IN BC

    AWAY IN BC Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Thanks Notdistance it would be very good of you to do it again this year.
    So count me in.
  12. AWAY IN BC

    AWAY IN BC Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I might have to change that..or maybe not...
  13. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    My comment wasn't any sort of criticism of how the points went. Merely was saying that the season as a whole should decide rather than a huge points for one aspect. As said I think we reduced them last season and yes it was better and fairer. It's only a bit of fun anyway for most................
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