This has been brewing for a while so I thought I'd air it even though Wimbledon has long gone. I find it very annoying to see celebrities swanning around at Wimbledon, it is becoming more like a Ascot ie. a fashion show and less like a sport as the years go on. I see members of the royal family, singers, actors etc. (even Pippa Middleton this year) never have a problem getting tickets and the closer to the finals the more of them appear whilst the real tennis fan has to queue for days and even then might find themselves unlucky in getting tickets. Suddenly in late June these "it" people develop an interest in tennis which has never been noted before, the cameras search for them in the crowd and they know it. Who needs reality shows to get noticed when it is Wimbledon fortnight? Does this also happen at the other slam events? I've only noticed it to a lesser extent. Does this annoy anyone else?
Isn't Wimbledon one of the events of the "season" such as Ascot,Henley Regatta,Cowes Week,Glorious Goodwood,Last Night Of The Proms etc.etc.where all the celebs and Hooray Henry's like to be seen?
Well I never thought that in the past but it is becoming that way and I don't like it. Tennis is a sport not a social event to be seen at.
I'm afraid that's the way it is.You only have to listen to 5 Live at Wimbledon or Ascot to see how they go looking for celebs to interview.I once read how the bookies love Ascot as they love taking the champagne quaffing Hooray Henry's to the cleaners.
I got them once, in the 80s, I had a friend who belonged to a tennis club, otherwise no How about you?