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Cardiff v Fulham

Discussion in 'Fulham' started by Cookie-6262, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. Cookie-6262

    Cookie-6262 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Any game against Warnock will be tough and it’s one of the reasons I was annoyed we didn’t get a point at home to Forest as this could well be a loss. Without really watching them Cardiff appear to be doing what Cardiff do not playing particularly great but getting results. They have lost there whole midfield from last year Arter, Camarasa and Gudmundsson.... this will be tough but on our day we can beat anybody and this is the championship so you never know.... no giving away goals though!!!!
  2. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    We've had a ropey start with a few injuries to key players.
    Our midfield is a bit lightweight and struggling to gel with Pack injured. Funny thing is, colin can get a team up for big games.
    Expect to have most of the ball, as all teams do against us.
    Unfortunately, this time i expect you to get most of the goals as well.
    Cookie-6262 likes this.
  3. 2whitestripes

    2whitestripes Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    A typical Championship game tonight, it could go either way for sure.
    Hopefully good entertainment on Sky tonight, I'll be bobbing up and down from behind the sofa :emoticon-0184-tmi:
  4. Cookie-6262

    Cookie-6262 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Line up coming up soon, to be honest I expect the same as the last few league games as Parker seems to have settled on his strongest team. A big clue was they were all rested mid week other than Bryan but I think that is down to a lack of a back up more than anything else! The two possible changes would be Rodak for Betts in goal but I would be surprised and maybe one of the two Reid’s for Stef Jo! I’d be tempted with Bobby Reid players often score against former teams!
  5. 2whitestripes

    2whitestripes Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Our only change is Harrison Reed in fro Stef. Stef put in a hard shift in midweek and Bobby Reid can't play as he is still under contract with Cardiff.
    Referee: Tim Robinson, lovely guy .................................................. (you have to look at anything that might help!)
  6. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Listening to this on radio wales (0117 on the sky box).
    As expected, you have most of the posession. Not doing a huge ammount with it though.
    Sounds pretty even.
  7. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Not what you want to see from a professional player,

    Only one word for it, cheating! Serves him right.
  8. Cookie-6262

    Cookie-6262 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I will take a point away to Cardiff one of the hardest games of the season... U don’t Condone what Arter did but Aden Flint did exactly the same thing 5 minutes later and nothing plus Peltier’s wwe wrestling move in the box on Mitro and nothing again! I will wait for Warnok to have ago at Arter and do not mention the other incidents!
  9. Fulham COYW

    Fulham COYW Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Not the best of games. Luckily Cardiff were not good enough to capitalise on us being a man down. Poor ref I thought.
  10. 2whitestripes

    2whitestripes Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I think the ref was poor, so much for my praise pre-match. We had 8 fouls given against us, 5 yellow cards. Cardiff had 15 fouls, 1 yellow. Albeit Arter's over dramatic lunge after being knocked in full stride and Cairney for leaving the pitch on the wrong side, WTF. The ref was bossed by the crowd, so well done them.
    We did show resilience when down to 10 men, but the keep ball up to then was to slow to wear down the opposition, or create the openings often enough.

    I'll take a point but we could do better despite the 12 men in opposition. Yes, perhaps sour grapes, but hey ho.

  11. Fulham COYW

    Fulham COYW Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I think when Warnock says the Ref had a good game it says it all.
  12. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    If you have a look at the number of yellows for fouls, i think you only had 1, arter for scything down ralls. A professional foul when ralls was away.
    The others were for a dive and for time wasting.

    As for the last comment, yes, sounds like it.

    A clash of styles and points shared. A point more than i thought we'd get.
    I think we were comfortable for a lot of the game as a lot of your posession was in front of us, in your own half even.

    Quite a bit for both managers to work on for us to challenge at the top.
  13. Cookie-6262

    Cookie-6262 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I’d be interested in your opinions on Flints dive trying to win a penalty? and Peltiers wrestling Mitro off the ball in the box? Both conveniently missed by Warnock??
  14. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Dont think there was much in flints, peltier got lucky. Im not sure if it was spotted as it was off the ball. Is it somethimg VAR would have looked at in the prem?

    I think what did for arter was his gobbing off at the ref as they were going off half time, and him having just got booked.
    The red mist has a habit of descending with harry. Never got sent off with us last year, but felt it was coming a few times.
  15. 2whitestripes

    2whitestripes Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Sorry ccf but can't agree. Flint was falling over in an attempt to win a penalty. Arter having been tripped tried to over react to get a free kink in preference to a corner being awarded. Sky advised the official line was simulation, a yellow card for this when not trying to deceive to gain a penalty is rare to say the least. Where does the fact the ref holds a grudge because a player sounded off come into the interpretation of the rules of the game? Cairney being booked for leaving the pitch on the wrong side is ridiculous, how many of those have been dished out this season? Cardiff had 2 players who continually fouled, a good proportion of the 15 or 16 made in the match, one of which was nasty and deserved a yellow on its own, nothing dished out to stop this happening. Finally, the ref was looking directly at Peltier / Mitro incident and did nothing, you don't even need to be in the action to be awarded a foul, just on the pitch during play. The ref decided to apply his own rules to the match and looks like he had the hump with Fulham, period.
  16. BrizzleBluebird

    BrizzleBluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    If Arter had just got on with it he'd have staryed on the pitch. It was his insistence he'd been fouled was what did for him.
    In my opinion BTW there was barely any contact if any at all.
    Flint went down easy yes, but then didn't make any song and dance about getting nothing. There was the slightest of nudges on him ( again not enough to really make him fall) and therein lies the difference.

    As for Pelts, yes very risky defending but Mitrovic was also pulling him towards himself (can clearly see Mitrovic's left hand still has hold of Pelts). My view, sometimes you'll get 'em sometimes you won't. 6 of one half a dozen of the other.

    I was actually impressed by your boys defending and ability to stay strong. 1-1 a fair result ultimately in my view.
  17. Super Brian McBride

    Super Brian McBride Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Think we've been down this road before with our possession football across the back 4 and slow build up. Under Kit Symonds I was always coming on here to say great we have lots of possession but we don't get anywhere with it. We need to put more pressure on opposition defences by getting at them quicker instead of allowing them to get back in numbers with our slow build up. If you have a lot of possession you need an end product.
    This season our defence has improved but is beyond perfect even if you look at the Millwall game, we took our chances with lots of possession, against Forest it was the opposite, lots of possession didn't take our chances.
    Our slow possession football only comes in to it's own when the opposition has to chase the game, then we can frustrate them and lure them out, hit them on the break.
  18. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    That's ok, we can disagree.
    My opinion was asked, I gave it. You disagree with my opinion. Didn't expect much else. Doesn't make my opinion or yours wrong, just different, that's why they are called opinions.<cheers>
    I can agree with your last sentence. Arter gave the ref grief at half time, so his hump with Fulham was self inflicted. I think the phrase is 'reap what you sow'.

    The attached is laughable.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
  19. Cookie-6262

    Cookie-6262 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Just seen Yarmalenko of West Ham dive to win a free kick and the ref looked at him laughed told him to get up and played on! I’m not disputing what Arter did was wrong it’s the inconsistency that annoys me, Grealish, Arter, Flint and Yarmalenko all committed the same offence but two got yellows and two didn’t!
  20. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    To be fair to grealish (not someting often said <yikes>) i didnt think he dived. He was hit in the thigh, went down imediately and didnt make a fuss.
    Arters downfall was 3 or 4 paces taken, collapse in a heap, appeal vociforously, then jump up and down in a strop. That got the refs back up so he had a chat with the assistant ref.

    I agree with inconsistancy though.
    Arter got a yellow and deserved it, grealish got a yellow and didnt.<whistle>

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