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Off Topic Captain, leader, drive, club love.

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Diego, May 10, 2020.

  1. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    For 5 or 6 years now i have been dismayed at the lack of on field leadership or passion on the pitch at OT, we didn't have one single leader in the squad.
    In the last few months i have seen that change, players like McTominay are stepping up and displaying the passion that is required to win. Younger players like Williams are showing the same signs (the left sided Neville). New signings like Fernandes are showing that same winning mentality too.
    I have no problem with Maguire holding the armband for now but see some potential in the young lads (Rashford could step up but seems quiet as does James).
    What i am trying to say is that we now have players who seem to care about the club or at least have personal pride in winning.
    Any thoughts?
  2. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Imo the on field lack of leadership was a sign of the lack of confidence in our players - firstly because they were being asked to play in a style which didn't suit or they didn't believe, and secondly the weight of pressure of playing for a United side which couldn't live up to the expectations set by the success of teams under Fergie. And finally because prima donnas aint going to form a team spirit anyway. That's just the feeling I get so not going to say how right or wrong I am, just my opinion.

    Now we've got more players who want to play for the badge, we have players all over the pitch with real quality and who they can believe in. Fernandes arrival has transformed the spirit and belief in the team. We don't just win games, we play well with it. And there seems to be a clear direction in where the team are going and what the manager wants. In such an environment players can and will be encouraged by the likes of Ole, Phelan, Carrick to take more responsibility.

    I'm happy with Maguire as captain, and to have those leaders all over the pitch. I'd still like to see others being a bit more commanding - wan bissaka, shaw for example. Not in everyone's nature though.

    When they win a trophy doing it, it will be even better. And hopefully the likes of Pogba, Lingard and Martial will either step up or fck off.
    cytrax, Diego and glazerfodder like this.
  3. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    All of the above - hopefully Pogba and Lingard will go asap - Martial I'm prepared to give him, anotjher full season as he was just starting to show some glimmer of form and an improvement in his attitude. A lot of the negatives, in my book, can be attributed to Pogba. His attitude on and off the pitch has been appalling and I very much suspect he has been a bad influence on our youngsters - it's no coincidence that the upturn in our performances has coincided exactly with this absence from the team and the training ground environment. I'd even be happy to let him go on a free just to make sure he goes quickly and quietly.
    cytrax and Diego like this.
  4. cytrax

    cytrax Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Pogba needs to go! That is the starting point of building a cohesive team spirit. You can't have a guy that is as self-serving like Pogba in a team yet seen as the "presumptive" leader on and off the pitch. He should have been dumped last summer or January. I fail to understand why we keep douchebags like that in the team. This is exactly why Fergie was so successful. He never would stand for an a'hole that perpetually refuses to fall in line in his team.
    glazerfodder and Diego like this.
  5. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    How's this Corona situation treating you?

    Be interested to know what level of lockdown you are/were in?

    There are a lot of Corona experts over on the premier league board if you ever need advice on what you're doing wrong though all this.

    Diego likes this.
  6. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I am really split on this, a bit scitzo tbh.

    On the one hand we have the press saying he wants out and is a bad apple in the dressing and his agent touting him all over Europe.

    On the other hand the players and staff seem to love him and even the cleaners say he is happy to be home.

    He has played **** and looked disinterested (but with the fact he has been played out of position or just had bad managers who restricted him he may have a reason)

    At the start of the season he was playing great then he got an injury (press said he was refusing to play)

    Before the Jan transfer window he came back (put himself on show?) but was **** then stated he needed an operation.

    Tabloids and some supporters saying he was refusing to play (again) yet he was pictured a few times with a crutch and a surgical boot on, a bit OTT for show?

    The player himself (and his brother) have only ever said that he has unfinished business at OT and is determined to make it there

    The squad over the last few months have looked to have great spirit and togetherness (Pogba has been missing)

    I am really undecided about this.
    glazerfodder likes this.
  7. cytrax

    cytrax Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Cantona never disrespected the club. Let's not compare apples to pears. On the contrary, Cantona gave his absolute all for the club. Can we say that about Pogba?

    Secondly, what has Pogba done for United in the grand scheme of the charade preceding and following his arrival? We paid world record fee to bring him here and what do we have to show for it? So no! The logic that you're applying does not pass the mustard test.

    Even with Rooney wanting to leave years ago, albeit, nowhere near the level of Pogba's disruptiveness; he still eventually held himself accountable to the fans.

    His Agent, Diego. How much more has to be said to make it painstakingly clear that he would rather leave than stay? Or are we somehow kidding ourselves that those words didn't come from him. If it didn't, he could have took to his beloved social media to distance himself from his Agent. He didn't!

    If we are going to have a player that will openly make it clear that he would rather be somewhere else, continuously and persistently, it is bad for team togetherness. the drama that the brings is extremely disruptive and we are better off without it.

    My fear is that with cover-19, no is going to be willing to take him off us because they can't afford his princess wages that isn't helping the £429.1m debt.
  8. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Said by who, his agent and the press?
    Let's be honest, the only way the agent makes money is by moving players and the press just love click bait. Sorry mate, like i said i am totally scitzo on this and you haven't convinced me to lean one way.
  9. cytrax

    cytrax Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Nah Diego. I'm not trying to convince you. Ultimately, nothing said here is consequential on the outcome with regards to what the club does. Just all opinions.

    Although if it were up to me, there is surely no way in hell that I would tolerate Pogba in my team. He is bad news!
    Diego likes this.
  10. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    No idea what you're on about to be honest?

    Who mentioned Cantona?
    cytrax likes this.

  11. cytrax

    cytrax Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Late night, Chief. :D. My apologies.
    Chief likes this.

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