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Canadian Grand Prix Awards

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by cosicave, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver:
    Worst Driver:
    Unluckiest Driver:
    Best Rookie/New Driver:

    Best Team:
    Surprise Team:
    Worst Team:
    Best Overtake:

    Biggest Surprise:
    Most expected result:
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the weekend:

    Special Mention:

    Race Rating: ?/10
  2. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo. Excellent quali and a decent race. Vettel would have got it but.............................
    Worst Driver: Magnussen. Dropped it in quali then had the cheek to moan at the team about his cars handling after they put in an all-nighter to fix HIS damage. Kubica also for being miles off the pace.
    LuckiestDriver: Hamilton. Only because he got the win for being in second place.
    Unluckiest Driver: Not sure really, I can't say Vettel which I imagine a lot will.
    Best Rookie/New Driver: Russell for trying to get close to the others

    Best Team: Ferrari overall for their pace over the weekend
    Surprise Team: Renault
    Worst Team: Williams
    Best Overtake: Hamilton on Vett................nah just kidding.

    Biggest Surprise: Ricciardo 4th on the grid
    Most expected result: Bottas having a mare in quali and then being nowhere in the race. Only seems to be strong when out in front.
    Funniest moment: Vettel's almighty post race strop. I believe it is still ongoing............
    Excuse of the weekend: Vettel defending his driving.

    Special Mention: The stewards, right or wrong they have given us a talking point for the weekend.

    Race Rating: 6/10. Up to the 'incident' there was almost a time when it looked like we had a race on for the win.
    cosicave likes this.
  3. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Great post, ASC.
  4. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    That is all.
  5. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    That's utter balls. It was the first race with a proper inter-team battle in a while, and it had drama, excitement and has set up the next race beautifully. That's what we need out of the sport.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2019
    Viva_Giggsy, cosicave and dhel like this.
  6. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    it was ruined IMO by the stewards and we were robbed of what you actually said. In reality ferrari ballsed up le clerc and had him miles off when he should have been closer... too focused on vettel and perfection there (which they delivered in pits) and bottas was nowhere. Once the stewards pulled the pulg on what was going to be a battle that was it. 0/10 thats not racing.

    Oh and the next race is most likely a mercedes procession anyway.

    this track is lots of high speed corners and mercedes are absolutely going to sail off with it. I reckon a 1/2 with just perhaps a chance ofr hamilton to go perfect. Bottas will have something to say about it though.
  7. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    I'm pleased to see you making a contribution to this thread, Mito. Thanks.
    I can understand your passion and respect your point of view but this thread is about assessing various aspects of the race. Although it requires a bit more thought (and time
    *), the idea is to use the whole format as a guide because it helps demonstrate reasoning and consideration.

    "0/10" addresses only one of them and would appear to undermine the purpose of an Awards Thread. In isolation, surely it would have been equally relevant in the race thread?

    - - -o0o- - -
    *With so few responses after three days, I once again find myself wondering if the forum really wants these Awards threads?

  8. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Editing. Please see below
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  9. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I do... Just not had time to sit down and come up with my answers yet. I love reading these! :)
    cosicave and dhel like this.
  10. eddie_squidd

    eddie_squidd Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
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    What Bhaji said.
    cosicave and SgtBhaji like this.

  11. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I think this race needed time to sink in. With the bores of the previous races it's a shock to us all we have something to get stuck into...

    Best Driver: Vettel was on it except for one slip up. Don't know if you saw it? So my Driver is actually Hulkenberg who I think did better than Ricciardo but was denied by team orders.

    Worst Driver: Kubica. He might be on for the Sky driver of the year at this rate.

    LuckiestDriver: Hamilton has incredible luck.

    Unluckiest Driver: Leclerc could of snatched 2nd if his team bothered to communicate to him.

    Best Rookie/New Driver: Russell actually beat another driver from another team on merit!

    Best Team: Ferrari
    Surprise Team: Renault
    Worst Team: Alfa
    Best Overtake: Stroll and Kvyat on cant remember who but it was good.

    Biggest Surprise: Landos suspension melting
    Most expected result: Mercedes FIA Bias
    Funniest moment: the board switcharoo
    Excuse of the weekend:hmmm

    Special Mention: Lance stroll drove a really good strategic race that seems to have gone underrated

    Race Rating: 5/10 - I don't feel robbed as its lit a match under our arses once again.
    cosicave likes this.
  12. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Persevere, I think many needed to digest the last race before submitting. I have missed a few but only because of work commitments.Working for oneself is 7 days a week sometimes.
    Clearly the Merc dominance is having an issue too. I will submit.
    cosicave likes this.
  13. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Best Driver: Danny.
    Worst Driver: Magnussen. Ignorant comments.
    LuckiestDriver: Lewis, but not really luck, he has an advantage.
    Unluckiest Driver: Norris, that was a new reason to retire,
    Best Rookie/New Driver:

    Best Team: Ferrari, they need a morale boost
    Surprise Team: Renault
    Worst Team: Williams is an easy target but a melting suspension is pretty bad so, McLaren.
    Best Overtake:

    Biggest Surprise: Danny
    Most expected result: Red bull 5th.
    Funniest moment: Vettel post race
    Excuse of the weekend: ''what else could i do''

    Special Mention: Danny

    Race Rating: 6/10.
    cosicave likes this.
  14. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo. Hamilton also deserves a mention here.
    Worst Driver: Kubiça. He really ought not to be on today's grid and is lucky Williams were so desperate for some positive P.R. At the beginning of the season.
    LuckiestDriver: Hmm. None spring to mind. I do not think Hamilton was lucky, as such. Considering the weekend as a whole, he made just one (admittedly rare) error; but fought tooth and nail to win on track; and had Vettel not gone off, I believe Hamilton would have achieved his goal.
    Unluckiest Driver: Leclerc. He's being overlooked all too frequently – as is typical for virtually all Ferrari number twos.
    Best Rookie/New Driver: Russel. A very strong performance. Unfortunately, he's got an out of date Kubiça to compare himself with, which for the time being leaves him off the radar as an enigmatic choice for other, currently better teams.

    Best Team: Pound for pound, Renault. I can't give this to Ferrari until they recognise they have two drivers and are continuing to stack the odds in favour of the wrong one. Give them both a chance, as almost every other team would…
    Surprise Team: Renault. I'm genuinely surprised at car and team performance.
    Worst Team: Williams.
    Best Overtake: Stroll. Although on better tyres, I've chosen this as much for surprise value as its quality.

    Biggest Surprise: Stroll's performance was once again better than many expected. Perhaps 'home turf' made a difference but he is justifying his place on the grid more than Kubiça…
    Most expected result: Vettel error when under pressure from Hamilton.
    Funniest moment: Magnussen rebuked over the radio.
    Excuse of the weekend: Vettel. He cleverly diverted attention from his inability to deal with Hamilton.

    Special Mention: The stewards have a very difficult job with rules as they stand – which came about because of Schumacher who took the proverbial and elevated all precedents to what was clearly unacceptable levels. – And yes, I said so at the time. Also, all too easily overlooked: Kvyat, who produced another good performance for the duration of the weekend.

    Race Rating: 7.15/10
    Justjazz and dhel like this.
  15. dhel

    dhel Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
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    Excuse of the weekend: Vettel. He cleverly diverted attention from his inability to deal with Hamilton.

    This is exactly what I mentioned to a friend of mine on Sunday. I think Vettel took eyes away from his (too frequent) mistake, especially when being chased by Hamilton. I think when he looks in his mirrors and see Mercedes Car 44, he panics big time. It is becoming all too common now. And the best way to divert attention was to make a spectacle of himself. I think the stewards would have more impressed if he had just said he didn't see Lewis or when he saw Lewis it was too late. But he admitted he saw Lewis and that it was Lewis' faulty for going right and if Lewis had gone left he would have overtaken...that was funny...lol
    Justjazz likes this.
  16. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Seb clearly has a problem with Lewis. It is Lewis and importantly Merc the team (who are doing an even better job since last summer) who has prevented Seb from showing he is a WDC in anything other than an Adrian Newey designed car. This has dented Seb's confidence in the extreme. I don't know if he is getting help but if not I think he needs it. He believes Lewis is better than he is which prevents him from believing in his own capabilities. Canada would have given him some confidence and he knows he screwed up and missed that opportunity. Inside, I think he is cursing himself.
    Think of Nico, he fought so hard against Lewis, the effort forced him into retirement. Lewis is so competitive and has no doubt in his own ability. Bottas needs a rebound, he has shown Lewis can be beaten. And yes to Cosi's comment to allow both Ferrari drivers to compete, they are wrong to suppress Charles, he may be their saviour.
    Number 1 Jasper likes this.
  17. Quite Possibly Raving

    Quite Possibly Raving Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I also often lurk and love reading these. Try to contribute when I have time and have watched the full race.
  18. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    I think that is why he was so p!$$ed at the penalty. Just when he thought he had beaten Lewis on merit he makes a mistake and it cost him the win and masses of confidence.
    Justjazz likes this.
  19. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Same here .

    Not even had time to see the whole race yet !
  20. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I'm not so sure about that ( Forced ) .

    Nico is no fool , he got the Title . I think even he doubted he would ever do it , but once he got it , he was out .

    Through Choice and the realisation he would NOT do it again .

    He said he missed his family etc etc …

    How come he's at most bloody races then ?
    dhel, ched999uk and Justjazz like this.

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