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British Politics

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Ciaran, Apr 20, 2020.

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  1. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Amazing how Cummings was the Devil incarnate when he was spin doctor for Boris but now he is a credible witness to crazed Lefties. Starmer should hire him to make Labour electable.

    He says that he will swear an oath and give testimony so clearly he does not have any physical evidence or he would have been on to the Mirror or one of the other tabloids to make some money out of it.
  2. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    So before this hellish union was foisted upon us by a parcel of rogues?

    The sooner the better I say.
  3. Farked19

    Farked19 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2019
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    Arse the size of Africa!
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  4. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Amazing how Cummings was the angel divine when he was spin doctor for Boris, but now he is an unbelievable liar to crazed Righties. Boris should hire him to make Gray do as she's told.
    pompeymeowth and Archers Road like this.
  5. Uncle Colm

    Uncle Colm Gammon Slayer

    Nov 14, 2018
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    From May 2020.

    "When will the penny drop that Cummings isn't an MP ?
    He's just an advisor to the Government and could pretend to terminate his contract and still carry on advising.

    It's blatantly obvious nobody actually cares that a behind the scenes Government advisor drove his car for whatever reason.

    The butt hurt remainer establishment and media mouthpieces hate Cummings because he symbolises the successful Brexit campaign and subsequent Tory landslide victory .

    It's so transparent"

    "If Dominic Cummings wasn’t the mastermind behind Brexit and Bojo the lefties wouldn’t be bothered. The fact that they’re beeling so much about this is wonderful.

    Well played, Dom. Well played :emoticon-0139-bow:"

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    "No matter how many angry points of view style emails you lot send to Boris Johnson , Cummings isn't going to be forced to resign for driving his car .

    The mastermind behind the remoaners nightmares that causes mass triggerings on a daily basis will not lose his position, you guys are just setting yourselves up for yet another crushing disappointment.

    Cummimgs for PM :cheesy:"

    Can you match the posters to the comments? <cool>
    Archers Road likes this.
  6. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    So he was right then. He didn't say anything about Liar Johnson doing it, did he?
    Uncle Colm likes this.
  7. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Rats in a sack:

  8. Uncle Colm

    Uncle Colm Gammon Slayer

    Nov 14, 2018
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  9. Uncle Colm

    Uncle Colm Gammon Slayer

    Nov 14, 2018
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    MPs plotting to oust Boris Johnson in ‘pork pie putsch’
    Nobody told me lockdown party was against the rules, says PM

    Oliver Wright, Policy Editor | Steven Swinford, Political Editor
    Tuesday January 18 2022, 6.05pm, The Times
    Boris Johnson
    Conservative Party
    UK politics

    A Tory leadership plot burst into the open in Westminster today just hours after Boris Johnson denied being warned by Dominic Cummings that a Downing Street party he attended was in breach of lockdown rules.

    Johnson continued to insist that when he went to meet staff in the No 10 garden on May 20 he thought he “was attending a work event”.

    The prime minister again apologised for the “misjudgments” he had made but said he had not misled parliament.

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    Boris Johnson has again apologised for “misjudgments” but insisted he had not misled parliament
    Yet Johnson’s defence is doing little to quell talk of his leadership facing a confidence vote. Christian Wakeford, the MP for Bury South from the 2019 intake, became the seventh to admit submitting a letter of no confidence to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 committee of Conservative backbenchers, Yahoo News reported. Fifty-four letters are needed to trigger a confidence vote.

    Several more MPs from the 2019 intake are thought to be on the brink of submitting letters. Conservative whips yesterday identified Alicia Kearns, the MP for Rutland & Melton, Gary Sambrook, the MP for Birmingham Northfield, and Chris Loder, the MP for West Dorset, as ringleaders of the discontented MPs, amid claims that between 15 and 20 met yesterday and today to consider their options.

    Kearns’s constituency of Melton led one senior Conservative MP to call the plot the “pork pie putsch”.

    Allies of Johnson are infuriated by the plotting. “It’s pretty sickening,” a cabinet source told The Times. “They were only elected because of him. Most of them are a load of f**king nobodies. It’s nuts.”

    Johnson said on a visit to a hospital on Tuesday: “If I had my time again, I would not have allowed things to develop in that way. Nobody told me that what we were doing was against the rules, that the event in question was something that . . . was not a work event, and as I said in the House of Commons when I went out into that garden I thought that I was attending a work event.”

    He added: “Nobody said to me this is an event that is against the rules, that is in breach of what we’re asking everybody else to do, it should not go ahead.

    “What I remember is going out into that garden for a short time and for 25 minutes thanking staff who’d worked on Covid, who were continuing to work on Covid, and then going back to office.”

    Johnson appeared distressed as he faced questions about two events in No 10 last April on the eve of the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral, during which the Queen sat alone as she mourned. He breathed heavily behind his mask as he said: “I deeply and bitterly regret that that happened. I can only renew my apologies both to Her Majesty and to the country for misjudgments that were made, and for which I take full responsibility.”

    He also insisted he only saw the “bring your own booze” invite his principal private secretary Martin Reynolds sent to more than 100 staff after it “emerged” in the public domain after a leak to ITV news.

    Johnson again declined to say whether he would resign if it was proved he did intentionally mislead parliament, instead pleading for patience before the verdict of the inquiry by the senior Whitehall official Sue Gray, who is investigating lockdown breaking parties in Downing Street. She is expected to report back at the end of this week at the earliest.

    Johnson’s comments came after Cummings accused him of lying to MPs about the event last May, saying that he directly warned the prime minister it should not go ahead. Cummings, formerly the prime minister’s most senior adviser and now one of his most vociferous critics, said that he discussed the drinks party with Johnson and told him: “You’ve got to grip this madhouse.” He said that Johnson “waved it aside”, adding that he would be prepared to “swear under oath” about the veracity of his account.

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    Dominic Cummings said that Johnson ignored his concerns about a party held in the No 10 garden during lockdown

    Cummings also said that he and another senior official told Reynolds, who had sent an email inviting staff to the party on May 20, 2020, that the event was in breach of the rules. He claimed that Reynolds said he would check with the prime minister.

    Writing on his blog, Cummings said that he had raised the garden party during talks with the prime minister about the future of Sir Mark Sedwill, then cabinet secretary, and Reynolds. “Amid discussion over the future of the cabinet secretary and PPS himself, which had been going on for days, I said to the PM something like: ‘Martin’s invited the building to a drinks party, this is what I’m talking about, you’ve got to grip this madhouse.’ The PM waved it aside.”

    Cummings, who left Downing Street in November 2020, said more revelations were likely. “There are many other photos of parties after I left yet to appear,” he said. “I’ll say more when SG’s [Sue Gray’s] report is published.”

    He added: “The events of May 20 alone, never mind the string of other events, mean the PM lied to parliament about parties.”

    Speaking today Dominic Raab, the justice secretary, confirmed that if Gray uncovered evidence that Johnson had knowingly misled parliament he would have broken the ministerial code and would be expected to resign. “That is clearly the case under the code for ministers,” he said when asked directly.

    “The rules are set out very clearly in relation to this. You shouldn’t mislead parliament. You certainly shouldn’t deliberately mislead parliament without correcting it immediately if you become aware of facts change,” he told Good Morning Britain. “The code of conduct is critically important. I take it very seriously. I think the integrity of what we do, those of us who hold high office is incredibly important for the trust of the public and I understand the frustration that people feel about this.”

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    Sunak asked about lockdown parties
    Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, also gave Johnson lukewarm backing, saying he accepted his explanation for what happened and that he supported his appeal for patience while an inquiry into events in Whitehall concludes.

    “The prime minister set out his understanding of this matter last week in parliament. I refer you to his words,” he said. “Sue Gray is conducting an inquiry into this matter and I fully support the prime minister’s requests for patience while that concludes.”

    Asked if the prime minister should resign if he lied to parliament, Sunak said: “I am not going to get into hypotheticals, the ministerial code is clear on these matters.” Pressed on whether Johnson had his unequivocal support, Sunak broke off the interview, walking off with a microphone still attached.

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    Dominic Raab arrives at No 10 for cabinet on Tuesday morning
    Johnson told the Commons last week that he believed the “socially distanced drinks” were a work event and that he had gone into the garden to thank his staff. He said: “When I went into that garden just after 6pm on May 20, 2020, to thank groups of staff, before going back into my office 25 minutes later to continue working, I believed implicitly that this was a work event. But Mr Speaker, with hindsight, I should have sent everyone back inside.”

    Sources who attended said that a table was filled with alcohol and that Johnson’s partner, Carrie Symonds, was drinking gin. The prime minister’s official spokesman denied that he had seen the email sent by Reynolds inviting staff to the event.

    The prime minister’s spokesman issued a blanket denial yesterday that Johnson knew the event breached the rules. “I’ve said we made clear over the weekend that it’s untrue to say that the prime minister was told or warned ahead of that,” the spokesman said. Raab told Times Radio that it was “nonsense” that Johnson had lied.


    Tim Shipman: Is Johnson finally sunk?
    Analysis: Can Starmer win by being as ‘un-Boris’ as possible?

    Two ministers have recently criticised Downing Street as discontent escalated.

    Sir John Curtice, a polling expert, said that Johnson was unlikely to recover fully from the scandal. A poll of Conservative Party members by Opinium for Channel 4 News found that 25 per cent believed Johnson should quit, compared with 63 per cent who thought he should stay.

    A former government aide claimed that Downing Street staff would start drinking at lunchtime and wake up in the same clothes after sleeping on sofas.

    Sonia Khan, a former No 10 official, said there was a longstanding drinking culture in Downing Street. She told the BBC that “drinks could start at lunchtime . . . the idea of mini fridges or having drinks underneath your table wasn’t uncommon”. She added that she had seen instances of “people waking up in the same clothes the next day”.
  10. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    petersaxton likes this.

  11. Archers Road

    Archers Road Urban Spaceman

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I can categorically, categorically, state that nobody told me I was Prime Minister
  12. Uncle Colm

    Uncle Colm Gammon Slayer

    Nov 14, 2018
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  13. Uncle Colm

    Uncle Colm Gammon Slayer

    Nov 14, 2018
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  14. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Stay at school, get an education...


    Greta Thunberg’s net worth is unconfirmed but is estimated to be around $1 million.

    Greta’s parents, Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman are an actor and opera singer, meaning that Greta has probably been well off in her upbringing.

    petersaxton likes this.
  15. stopmeandslapme

    stopmeandslapme Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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  16. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Coming next from Dom:

  17. stopmeandslapme

    stopmeandslapme Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Rather depends where he acted and she sang, Hollywood or Hollyhead?
  18. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Perhaps she now realises what a fool she's been.

    Fancy caring about the poor, tchoh !
    Uncle Colm and Prince Knut like this.
  19. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Rudiger was just about to take a throw in while standing about five yards inside the pitch.
  20. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
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    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wrong board Tubs
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