The picture you downloaded was of me & 3 of my children celebrating my birthday. It doesn't matter if you cropped out the image afterwards, you still decided to be a creepy **** & save it . Every time you make political conversations personal you end up with hurt fee fees . If you had any brains you would learn not to make it personal next time, but you are just giddy with any engagement because you are a creepy snide cuckold nonce. I'm a racist & you downloaded pictures of my kids for kicks I know which one is worse
I'll give you some friendly advice, if you just stick to the topics being discussed I will never bring up your murky past . If you personally attack me about my private life I will continue to rag doll you like your fat ugly wife at a Puff Daddy tribute act in a migrant hotel .
The Jews know that India has enough jeets to ruin any Western country , they live in squalor in their own country but we need them to improve our countries somehow
And yet I’ve still not brought your private life into this, you brought up being called racist, I demonstrated you are. You then just lied about me, my wife and my kids multiple times. Yeah rag dolling, you’ve rag dolled yourself you silly ****
My eldest son has a best mate called Jonothan that he went to nursery with . He's black got both parents & a nice kid , known him since he was 4 He's 19 now. He took a job at Popeyes in Enfield shortly after it opened to give himself some pocket money whilst studying. The franchise owner is Indian, when the store opened most of the staff hired were black. Week by week the blacks are being replaced by the manager's family members & friends all Indians. Little to no English is spoken in the restaurant & Jonothan knows he's going to get fired & replaced by a pajeet Is he racist? Is the franchise owner racist ? Probably but that's what happens, the wage bill is next to nothing because they hire their own family members . Do you think the equal opportunities lefty ****wits would criticise the hiring practices of Indian migrants, even if black English born people are being discriminated against ? This also happened at a Tesco express in Forest gate with Pajeets after hiring an Indian manager
I am an equal opportunity hater. Don't matter what colour, creed or religion you are, if you're a cù're a cùnt. So when i decry Mussies or Jews or Africans or Yanks i am not being racist. I am 100% being Cùntist.
Just got off the phone from Kia Stalmer, apparently I'm not allowed to make edgey jokes online because an Egg 'n'spoon slaughtered a Britney Spears dance off or sumik ?. Did u pop
You've got four and a half years to go, at least. Try to pace yourself. Trump will be dead or gone and we'll still have a Labour government.
Just imagine the destruction and degradation that will be caused by Labour over the next four years. We are royally fooked. The Tories were hapless and hopeless, yet this current shower will prove to be even more inept, cowardly and feckless. Deary me. Still, a fine win for my second team this evening, beating Stoke at a rocking FP.