Worra knob... did 'my duty for England' ... there's no twat like a nationalistic deluded twat ... Could have much better benefitted his country by getting a job and contributing taxes so we could provide a poor asylum seeker with a home and a future ... some people eh?
And were off and trailing at the back we have a raging lefty fox with bad distemper, so far groomed he can't even comment on the Pakistani grooming gangs so must have had a portion ,so no comment in case he gets accused of being waycist. But hey ho he will do what a fox does best, and carry on with the most important jobs concerning him, that is to sniff lampposts and wee up it as high as possible, pretending to be top dog, but it's all smoke and mirrors and just like his idol Starmer he is shyit at it at it.
He is so far groomed its a bit like 4 on here please log in to view this image But Tubby makes 4 we caught him again please log in to view this image