UK riots: 12-year-old boys become youngest people convicted over disorder Two boys convicted over violent protests in Southport and Manchester following the fatal stabbing of three girls at a dance class. The story sounds like he was culpable
^^^ If you read that headline without research you may believe 12 year old White English boys are killing little black girls
"But secondly, and more importantly in the context of the suggestion that those arrested and charged and in some way being ‘rushed’ through the system, is the fact that those charged to date have largely made it very easy for the police to catch them, and for the CPS to authorise charges. They represent the lowest hanging fruit for the police: the people who were arrested by the police at the scene of the violence, their participation undeniably captured on camera and uploaded to social media; or those who chose to tweet encouragement of violence in their own names and dare the police to arrest them; or people who committed offences dressed in ludicrously distinctive clothing. This is just the first tranche. Many more will be arrested and charged over the weeks and months that follow, as police trawl video footage and social media for evidence." Tick tock, tick tock.
Douglas Murray on the absurdity of the West. “We want everybody to have religious freedom except ourselves. “We want to praise every tradition apart from our own. “And we want to promote every belief system apart from the one that got us here. “That is madness.”
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I don't think rounding up children, people with mental health issues and sole carers for vulnerable people is quite the virtue some would like to signal, especially when a chunk of the bill is being met by freezing pensioners.
Inspection finds Met police failing or inadequate in key crime fighting areas. Crimes such as “indecent images of children, extra-familial child abuse and sexual offences were being investigated by new recruits”. The force did not give a good enough level of service to victims in 39 of the 191 cases examined. The quality of investigations “for neighbourhood crimes was generally poor, and lines of inquiry weren’t always identified or pursued”. This report is shocking but I’m not surprised.
Just had three crumpets with butter and Tiptree jam. I'll have one more coffee, then it's time for the weekly shop (boring!). What are you guys up to today?