It just isn't. I recall growing up in the 60's and my mother saying " Horrible westher, I feel sorry for the poor visitors." They did have pacamacs in those days though.
We should have just let Hitler had his way with the white flag Frog collaborators. Would have been best all round for everyone.
Somebody tell Vorderperson and all the other delusional anti-Tories that their tactical voting made no difference at all to the election according to the country’s best known sephologist: Don’t be misled, Britain did not flock to Labour by John Curtice It was the worst share of the vote in the history of the Conservative Party with just 24 per cent. The previous worst was 29 per cent in 1832. Even worse than the 28 per cent that Labour got in 1983 with “the longest suicide note in history”. Labour only went ahead of the Conservatives after Partygate broke in December 2021 and they dropped seven per cent to 32. When Farage took control of Reform UK, 26 per cent of those that voted Conservative in 2019 switched to them. In Wales, support for Labour (who also run the devolved government there) fell by 4 per cent. Labour was up 17 points in Scotland where SNP support fell by 15. Labour lost big chunks of votes in Muslim seats and lost four seats to Independents. Labour’s huge majority includes an hundred marginal seats.
You are not allowed to mention how the National Socialist Party revived flagging industry in Germany in the 1920/30s after they refused to continue paying WWI reparations. If only they had not gone on tour. I see that Rachel Reeves already thinks that more house building is going to lead to economic growth – probably because she does not have any idea how she is ever going to put Britain top of the G7 for growth. She should have stuck to being the tea girl at the Bank of England as ultimately it will be back to the Magic Money Tree...
its the same **** everywhere, because theyre spraying everywhere they flooded the fking desert in dubai and the NPCs either pretend its normal or blame it on climate change climate change is the excuse for why theyre spraying (without permission from the democracy), but its not causing this weather, the spraying is
I literally observed a double rainbow in a thunderstorm on Saturday in Suffolk. It's probably Jesus driving the chem trail planes
Too right, mate. Particularly the Vichy French, dirty scum Nazi collaborating bastards the lot of them. Although, vichy french might be a soup and I've gone completely off on the wrong tangent.