One of the main problems is the clear racism shown by lefty Marxist types. You can't lump all brown people into a category of born here or not . Sikhs & Hindus have coexisted seamlessly in Briish culture as did many West Indians & Kenyans for example. They don't tend to form rape gangs or commit atrocities like the never ending knife attacks on innocent people & other atrocities Islam has brought . Somalian, Morrocons Turks Pakistanis & Algerians tend to be the problem in Sweden Holland England France Germany Belgium Italy & now Ireland. They see them all as brown people because the lefties are simply racist . The rising push back in Europe is not about hating brown people it's mainly a problem with Islam . I would take a million productive Honk Kong British Chinese or Japanese people over 100 more Pakistanis Somalian or Algerians . The people that push this open borders nonsense are usually childless lunatics like Angela Merkel Macron & Varadkar , they don't care what damage they do to the countries they destroy because they have no legacy in the future. When the primary school children were stabbed in Ireland most hate filled lefties had zero empathy for the innocent kids & parents they are more interested in the evil "far right " that just want their families to be safe from 3rd World inbred violent immigrants which are almost exclusively Muslims . Every time another teenager boy gets stabbed in London I think about my sons walking the same streets as these ferel scum. The lefty childless Marxist doesn't care it's just another statistic & collateral damage of diversity. Part & parcel . Most Europeans are sick of the forced diversity destroying their countries & culture , they are no longer a fringe "far right" they are centrists . The media are "far left" so report on problems with mass immigration through a lens of brown people good indigenous white people bad . 25 years ago we had pretty much become a post racial country but brainwashed leftists now put everyone in a box of oppressed & oppressors. English children are told they were born evil because of the colour of their skin & are not allowed to apply for jobs at the BBC or NHS because they are too white . My daughter told me there was a month of assemblies celebrating Black history & the black students were told to come up at the stage to receive awards as they brainwashed the kids to celebrate "blackness" & to shame the whites for cherry picked historical atrocities. She asked me when Chinese history month was? I told her that they would need longer than a month to celebrate the achievements of either the Chinese & white Europeans . This will only end one way , calling whites Fascists racists or Nazis because they are born white simply makes these labels meaningless . Far right just means you don't want your country to be taken over by Jihadists so most of us are happy to be far right .
There are rumours that the young girl stabbed in Dublin was the child of legal migrants, who are not being given full information on her condition by the medical staff, as she has been brain dead, but the authorities are fearful of releasing that until the new legislation is in force.
Far right = Centrist Left = Tranny communist Jihadists I stand with white Christian Europeans You stand with Pakistani *****philes Islamic terrorism open borders. Communist/Marxists anti semites Algerian child stabbers & the brown people whoever that is The Overton window has shifted
Ok centrist, you keep on with your creepy, made up fantasies. Oh my derpy days, old age is really getting to little Duncan.
JK Rowling is far right Germain Greer is far right Braverman is far right Greta Thunberg is far right
Greta is worse than far right she's a Nazi As Greta Thunberg Chants “Crush Zionism” After Anti-Jewish Pogroms, B’nai B’rith Calls Her Activism Discredited