No they were not all doing so but why let the facts get in the way of a good rant? The real far Right winger Eric Zemmour told his followers to back Le Pen. Jean-Luc Melenchon did not tell his supporters not to back Le Pen and her tax and Nationalist welfare state spending will appeal to younger ones.
NHS collapsing because it has failed to reform in the last 50 years as the original Attlee model was always doomed... nobody else has a system like the NHS because everyone else could see its shortcomings but enough of the brain dead unwashed continue to believe the myth. Fuel shortages like everywhere else because of international circumstances... All politicians are corrupt – when their lips move they lie. You get to choose which liars you prefer at the ballot box. Typical Leftie: will take any hand out (whether they qualify or not) and then moan about not enough hand outs. Magic Money Forest always the solution...
Boris travelled through the conflict-free southwest of Ukraine by train unannounced. You certainly know all about cock and bullshit. When Norwich are relegated will it be the fault of the Tories or their players who are too busy shagging their sisters like the yokels?
Twitter and Facebook are trusted sources. Go and look at the plague thread, no end of conspiracy theories that must be trustworthy as they were posted by experts on trailer parks in Florida and Texas.
Labour do not bother playing any cards at all. When big groups of Muslim *****philes of Pakistani descent commit child sex offences in Labour strongholds like Rochdale and Rotherham, the silence is deafening. Crispin Blunt certainly is a moron, rushing to defend a convicted sex offender. At least the Conservative Party had the sense simply to kick the sex offender out. If Khan gets more than a year locked up then there will be a by-election. Or his constituents should get a recall petition going to kick him out – even Conservatives would sign it.
I will let your misspelling of waived go as I did it too... If MPs had to resign for getting speeding tickets there would be hardly anybody left in Parliament. The police have issued fixed penalty notices, so if they are paid they do not result in a criminal record. You would think that lawyer Starmer would know this before his totally predictable call for Johnson and Sunak to resign. Rabid queer Remainer Femi wants an election to see if Starmer can lose any worse than Corbyn. Starmer has deliberately avoided declaring any policy position on virtually everything because that would be handing the hard Left of his party a stick with which to beat him.
If you are looking for a simpleton, try looking in a mirror. A speeding ticket and a littering ticket are both forms of Fixed Penalty Notice. So is the ticket that the Met have issued to Mr & Mrs Johnson and Mr Sunak. If this type of ticket is paid then no court proceeding result and no criminal record. Being a simpleton you have spent the last two years sticking religiously to every letter of the various restrictions. Nobody else has done. Of course, when questioned, selective amnesia makes everyone a puritan.
Read one of your posts before, was absolute bollocks, 0/10. Not bothering reading this coma inducing abortion of a post.