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Off Topic Bristol Beacon... really how original

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by johngalleyfan2, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Depends what planet you're on.:emoticon-0103-cool:
  2. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    no not really about 10 years younger than me!
  3. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Cant readily find the original post that highlighted the council is now using BLACK LIVES MATTER AS PART OF THE COUNCIL HEADED paper .. this is the reply :-

    I am the Head of External Communications and Consultation, and therefore responsible for branding on headed paper etc.

    The Council has a long standing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and it is pro-active in championing under-represented groups and important social causes. Our creation of a Black Lives Matter variant of our branding was to demonstrate our solidarity and support in a visual and meaningful way, and followed multiple requests from colleagues for an approved corporate way in which to show their support. Using this variant of our branding as part of email signatures was presented to staff and councillors as a matter of personal choice, something that is entirely optional but available to everyone.
    It is important to note that we have not used the logo of the Black Lives Matter organisation itself. We are showing solidarity with the wider movement and sentiment of equity and social justice, which in our view is how the Black Lives Matter phrase is colloquially understood by the majority.
    We stand by our decision on this matter.

    Saskia Konynenburg
    Head of External Communications and Consultation
  4. Reliant Robin TC2

    Reliant Robin TC2 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    That is why the Colston hall will still be known as the Colston Hall by the majority of Bristolians!!
  5. remembergou

    remembergou Active Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    I find it very sad that our heritage is being undermined by so few who lets be honest let down their race or culture. I am talking about all, not just one race or culture. Humanity thrives on learning from the past and present. Our police do a fantastic job in this country, they, until recently, were very undefended against criminal violence and managed quite well to survive without to many casualties. Today with mindless terrorism and an ever ever growing culture in physically backed crime they have a very difficult job. Their defence is now, in my opinion, having to meet fire with fire and adopt the age old adage "attack is the best form of defence". I do not mean they deliberately go out to "cosh" people but try to eliminate an offence before it occurs.
    A plan is mostly formulated around past or present knowledge. Take a look at, by yourselves, at what crimes they are trying to defeat and the consequences that prevail themselves. Look at the areas of these crimes, that is not just where they occur, but what they encompass... knife crime, street gangs, theft, drug related, burgulary etc . Add in the main ingredient of each, the "majority offenders" and you get a picture.
    I love history, my past, my country and embrace it all, the accompanying heritage that has put me, us, here. The weak can hide behind a changed name as solace, but cannot change the events of history.
  6. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Saskia Konynenburg
    Head of External Communications and Consultation

    A good Old English name if ever I saw one !
  7. Reliant Robin TC2

    Reliant Robin TC2 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Probably find that the family are descended from Huns who invaded our shores centuries ago. And enslaved the local populace as was their want! <laugh><laugh>
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  8. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I just hope there's a statue to his/her forefathers somewhere <laugh>
    Redprintt likes this.

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