I lost a bit of respect for him when he went back to Leeds after being sacked,anyone else would have told them to stuff it.He has now proved he cant handle a "big" club like Leeds and to see him grovelling in the Interview on one of the Leeds media outlets,(Cant remember which,Eddie Grey was doing it )it was bloody embarrassing.We could have told them he wasn't the right man for that particular job,his skins not thick enough,look how he reacted here when a few booed him.Our Adkins would have suited better,skin has thick has a rhino's ,no player messes with him or they are soon dropped.As for Kebe,his best days were long ago and even then not very often,surprised he signed our non scoring striker Hunt as well,they deserve better.
How many of us said it would end in tears? The final outcome for him is inevitable, its just a matter of when it happens. And he's not stupid, he knows that with a sacking at Reading and at Leeds on his CV, there won't be a queue of clubs waiting to appoint him as their next manager. So he needs to hang on for the sack and get any compo which might head his way. I imagine his next post will be at a league 1 club or, at very best, a lowly championship club. Which might very well be us next season if our family jewels get flogged off during the summer.
Done well for us but cocked up badly in his last season, it was right he went, But Leeds have been looking for the"right" manager since Revie went and our Brian is not what they want , should come home to Windsor and Eton or the like
Leeds need the right chairman before bringing in the right manager. Grayson has done the best for them recently under Budget Bates, GFH didnt really have any interest in investing and are already selling to the next guy (cellinio?) that is also "promising investment". Any manager going there would have to realise their reputation would be on the line as they would have no budget to play with, even though they must be making the most money in the Championship, as they have one of the biggest fan bases in the league, and also some of the most expensive tickets.
Can't argue with any of that if Leeds ever hope get back to glory days. Makes me wonder though, if a club the size of Leeds, with all their history, can't attract a wealthy backer, what chance does Madesjki have finding one for Reading?