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Brendan good enough

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by strachallister, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. strachallister

    strachallister Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    Ok Im a Leeds fan, but I have always followed Liverpool as my Grandad was a massive fan, Im not sure if Brendan is the manager for such a big club !! thoughts please.
  2. Milk Milk

    Milk Milk Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Before he came I was apprehensive... he said the right things in summer and sounded good.

    Right now don't know... too early to tell. Not a good start but its too early to say.
  3. Ffsdon'tpassittohim

    Ffsdon'tpassittohim Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    How long do you think he'll get realistically?
  4. alexb

    alexb Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    About a year probably. Would like to see him given longer, but i just think these owners haven't got a f***ing clue.
  5. Dark Helmet

    Dark Helmet Active Member

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Id love to know who these advisor are that they keep using. I have never been pro BR but I hope we stick with him, we need to get back to our roots, and part of that has always been giving our managers time.

    Choping and changing will do us no good.
  6. strachallister

    strachallister Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    Agreed, but In my opinion I dont think he has the nous to take the club to where it deserves to be, he has already chopped and changed the squad and losing at home today was just not good enough, the prem has so many strong teams it could be a long hard season.
  7. crazyhorsealegend

    Jan 26, 2011
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    brendon rodgers is good enough to take this club forward.we just need a backer to give him the chance.
  8. strachallister

    strachallister Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    Seriously !! so the players are **** then !!! Joe Allen 15mil !!! thats backing is it not.................
  9. RogerisontheHunt

    RogerisontheHunt Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2011
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    You have to ask where the money for that and the other summer transfers have come from, also the money for all the transfers so far under FSG. Most of last years splurge came from Torres, other sales (Babel etc) and general Liverpool income (season tickets, sponsors, match day, TV rights etc). This Summers buys have again come from similar revenue incomes. Is it really backing when this is money that would have been available without any owner input?

    Question is Are FSG good enough to run Liverpool FC?
  10. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Not sanctioning £6 million for Dempsey! That is not backing! Brendan was banking on the support of the owners but IMO they have let him down! He is a good manager and, if given the time, think he will be good for you - but not sure if the money men will give him that! Understand that many of my fellow Swans think he shafted us - but am not of that opinion - am eternally grateful for all he did for us and really hope he is given the time to implement his plan for LFC! Stick with him and he will do well with you, but he is not a miracle worker - Caroll was moved on with the promise of funding for a replacement striker, but unfortunately the board let Brendan down! Don't blame Brendan - blame your owner's inability to back their manager!

  11. DirtyFrank

    DirtyFrank Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Where did you read that in that post?

    Players have been brought in; yes, the one "big money" signing you name has already shown why. He's been one of our plus points to an underwhelming start.

    If you had followed this board when he was appointed you would have read that the majority of fans believed that for any manager coming in they would need a balance of time and financial backing to move us forward. He's had limited amounts of both so far.

    He's been allowed to bring in some players (while having to shift a large amount out).

    We are down to a bare bones squad with a very low average age. A good chunk of the squad either have only a handful of senior starts or have been here less than 2 years.

    To judge any manager on half a dozen competitive games would be just plain silly.

    My answer to your question: I've seen plus points & a couple of negatives. I'll reserve judgement as to whether I consider the negatives permanent and if the manager is responsible for them.
  12. KDA

    KDA New Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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  13. Constcrepe

    Constcrepe Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  14. Foredeckdave

    Foredeckdave Music Thread Manager

    May 30, 2011
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    I have to agree with the majority of what you have written. However, Rodgers does have to take some responsibility for the state that we find ourselves in. I argued from the start that Tika-Taka was only a tactical plan in the same way as 442/424/ etc. But if you hitch your wagon to that 'star' so firmly that you deny other options that fit your resources then you have to produce the results - which so far has not happened.

    Now, we know that we have some very good players and the majority of the others are young potentials but what we are not seeing is any passion or any true understanding. Really getting some faith back in our own ability is now imperative and MUST be Rodgers prime focus. Hodgson merely rubbed his chin as we sank into oblivion. Rodgers must find a way to give us back some pride.

    Like you I agree that he must be given time but he must be seen to be using that time to build a side from what he's got and not be a slave to a tactical system.
  15. ShanksHateTheMancs

    Oct 7, 2011
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    I said when he was appointed it was the biggest gamble of all the muted managers. However we must put the results so far into context; we all argued that the run of games at the start was horrendous. I said if I can remember correctly I would be happy with 7-8pts from the first 6 games, such was the opposition. I think we are 3 pts behind what I wanted or would have expected. W1 D1 L1, from the 1st 3 would have been a solid start.

    The truth is though that we have been on an horrendous run stemming from last seasons 2nd half and that must play an impact in some ways. Aside from the latter half of Kenny's first season, our form and belief have been shocking! Yes we played well for most of last season, but the belief due to our inability to score was severly dented, culminating in the results in the second half of the season. All this takes time to change and we must give Rodgers more time and patience. I have expressed my concerns over the gamble in his appointment, lack of DOF, budget, Carrol and Dempsey sagas. However its still very, very early and we must let it unfold until at least christmas, barring an absolute catastrophe!
  16. DirtyFrank

    DirtyFrank Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Hi Dave;

    Yes you are right of course; while a manager might have a favoured "style" of play, a successful team in the long run will be adaptable to any given match. So by all means have the overall goal of playing fluid passing football but it has to have variants on who you are playing (I hate the plan b title as I think it's overly simplistic) That's not to say your strategy constantly subverts your own football identity so to speak. Balance.

    As both you and Shanks have stated the confidence of this team is low with what I consider a toxic mix of older players with "too many false dawns" malaise, a group of players that came in under silly price tags, off field fiascos etc and a group of very young inexperienced players that can only take their lead from those above.

    Without targeting specific players I think the key to success for BR is those senior players. Making them believe it's not another false dawn or if he can't, remove them from the equation altogether. I personally think and have said that it's as important psychologically that owners are seen to be backing BR for his relationship with these senior players as much as to the outside world.

    How can he say to them (squad) I have a plan that will work and then have his parts to his jigsaw vetoed according to rrules that have nothing to do with football? It created unnecessary doubt for little financial saving.

    Now I know Dave you are a fan overall of FSG's financial strategy and on the whole it makes perfect sense but I think with the manager so new and a lot of these players so jaded it was a big mistake to refuse to purchase his chosen player/s. (i know, not confirmed officially but it all points that way)it might have been different if the prices being quoted were the 20m from last summer but it wasn't. The actual player wasn't important, the refusal however grounded in sensible reasons elsewhere was.

    So now I think BR is on the back foot with his entire squad. They're already thinking "uh-oh, how longs this one here for"

    Can those Senior players (only human) be bothered to "believe" if they are not confident he'll still be there x time later.

    And then it doesn't help if you're starting fixture list is the one handed to us.

    Add a set of fans almost as jaded & fragile as those senior players who have yet to have rifts & divided fully healed over past managers.

    It's quite a task & I still think way too early to see if BR is up to it.
  17. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Rogers acclaimed 'system' was non existent today; no pressing and giving the ball away for fun. How did Rogers react? Well he didn't. Shelvey did better than the obviously unfit Sahin, and Downing had a moment or two. However the sloppy, ineffective tripe carried on. There was absolutely no change of tactics, absolutely nothing. Top managers have to be able to react to adversity and present the opposition with something different. Rogers just let things carry on until the dismal end. I used to be in the chorus that asked Roy to implement plan B, I had hoped Rogers would have a little more about him than dinosaur Roy.- RAWK....<ok>
  18. Foredeckdave

    Foredeckdave Music Thread Manager

    May 30, 2011
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    I do agree that it's far too early to panic.

    If I were Rodgers then I'd be tempted to use an adapted siege mentality strategy with the squad ie they're laughing at us but we know we're better than that so let's show 'em! After all there's bugger all that can really be done until after Christmas so we can only use the squad we've got. It will take a lot of leadership quality from Rodgers along with much harder work on the training ground.

    Like many have said, let's try moving Borini into the centre and put Suarez on the right. Let's drop Gerrard to the bench and use him as our plan B. If Rodgers approach is supposed to be based upon ball retention then lets do that. Leave the attacking to one side and concentrate upon keeping the ball.

    As for the FSG management of the club. Yes I do believe that the strategy is right. It's in the operational element that things appear to be going wrong. Perhaps it is the fault of Ian Ayre, perhaps it is because the Chairman is the other side of the Atlantic and has no experience of running a football club? I just don't know!!!
  19. kph103

    kph103 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2011
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    I am afraid that Rodgers,FSG and all supporters are paying the price for the ridiculous overspending spree that Kenny and Camolli went on last summer and even back to when we bought AC.
    It is true the owners seem clueless as regards getting value for money on transfers and they backed them with some £100 million, regardless of where it came from.
    Now they are being more cautious and you can't blame them to a degree and they have still spent £25 million plus this season as well as securing some of our top players on new contracts.
    You cannot blame BR for not getting new signings in on Friday. Apparently he left early thinking that everything was in hand. Someone cocked up big style and that needs to be sorted out..
  20. fatblade

    fatblade New Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    What is really cheesing me off is this idea that Kennys buys were useless, have we all forgotten that a team with those buys totally played Arsenal off the
    pitch in March, yes we lost but it left me feeling we were only a striker away from something good happening, because although we lost (as in countless other games)
    there were signs that it was coming together.
    Yesterday we were completely outplayed with not even a glimmer for the future, I get the impression BR just wants to get rid of Kennys signings no matter what.

    in my opinion we have gone from green shoots to scorched earth in six months

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