Counties have tried a lot of things over the years to try and get more support. None have been quite as desperate as Warwickshire's latest attempt: airbrush out the county name completely. In 2014, Warwickshire's Twenty20 side won't be known as Warwickshire. Instead, they will be the Birmingham Bears. The idea was suggested by Birmingham council, who helped Warwickshire's development of Edgbaston with a £20m loan. Chief executive, Colin Povey, stressed that the club don't want to "walk away from our heritage and history" and said they hoped it would engage new fans. The existing ones will need placating first, however What next? The Manchester Lightning?
As a Warwickshire fan (Born there) I find this awfull. The bear belongs to Warwickshire not fing Birmingham Birmingham's Coat of Arms show a man and a woman standing to side of a shield depicting artisans and tradesmen. Should be called the Birmingham Peaky Blinders E-mailed Edgbaston to register my annoyance and got a typical response of "move with the times" and "must encourage a newer younger audience to the game" How changing the name does that is beyond me.
May change back to Warwickshire?