Jordi Amat, the Spanish former Swansea centre back, is now an Indonesian prince and plays for Indonesia
It's worth mentioning that Capology clearly states that the salaries for Mickey Van, Davies and Spence aren't verified - which explains why I've seen £50k, £85k and £100k as quoted salaries for him from various sources I give it two minutes before somebody replies to this having seen Richy's wages...
Tony Book former Man City captain in the 1960's ,when they had a proper team, has died aged 90. I remember him well as a man of iron resolve who never allowed his team to flag.
I'm sure the Daily Mail is going to be totally normal about the announcement that Mark Chapman, Gabby Logan and Kelly Cates are going to be the new MOTD hosts...
My daughter has received an offer to study English Language & Literature at Oxford. Ignore this if you’re not interested - it’s just one of those things you want to tell everyone about. God knows where she gets her brains from
Oh wow congratulations to her! My late father in law went there doing classical history. Opens so many doors..