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Bending the knee is not sport.

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Woody, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It would be interesting to see the reaction if the stadiums were full.
    Gil T Azell and Gillythedilf like this.
  2. clockstander

    clockstander Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    It should have been a one off gesture or time limited, it as has been shown to caused more trouble than good imo. and its time it was called off by the organisers. All lives matter and colour should not be an issue, where it does it should be investigated thoroughly and those involved punished, or better still educated.
  3. LBW

    LBW Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    As soon as the crowds are allowed back taking the knee will be stopped. The now left wing Skysports & The even worse BBC will not allow their agenda to be disrupted by the majority of supporters booing or taking offence at what has become a media forced protest. I’m all for equality but I won’t be forced to feel sorry for a scumbag or apologise for my apparent privileged upbringing because I’m white. My mam & dad worked 3 jobs between them to support me & my brother, we were far from privileged.
  4. safc-noggieland

    safc-noggieland Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    So are you are saying that there are no footballers brave enough to take criticism for their beliefs whereas the few that started i US were brave enough to take all the criticism that came their way.
    Your assumption that they dare not fooow their conscience is belittling the UK footballers.
    Again I am not saying criticism won’t come if some stand and not kneeI.
    But as I repeatedly say this thread shows they would get AT LEAST as much support as criticism.
  5. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Best post I've seen on this subject tbh.

    Will I apologise for a tiny percentage of elite wealthy English people benefitting from the slave trade?

    Will I f**k.

    Will I feel sorry for a London based black drug dealer being stopped and searched?

    Will I f**k.

    Would he swap his life for being brought up in a 2 bedroom, unheated Durham pit house with a shared toilet across the street and no bathroom.

    Would he f**k.

    Would they bend the f******g knee for Scottish miners, in the 1700's, who were actual slaves.

    Load of shyte all this.

    Why don't black icons tell their youngsters it's not nice to stab each other to death ffs, they never do.
  6. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    This is nothing to do with bravery.

    If you had a job that paid you millions of pounds a year, would you risk that job because you didn't want to put your knee on the floor for 10 seconds?

    Your argument is crazy.
    farnboromackem likes this.
  7. Young Ted

    Young Ted Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    It’s not that they do it,it’s the fact that there forced to do it and where the black lives matter badge the players of all clubs should have a choice if they didn’t do it dosent mean there against it sport the football body’s and sky sports should keep away from politics and political issues
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  8. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  9. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They have scrapped BLM from PL shirts though. That’s gone.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  10. John 11:35

    John 11:35 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    If you do something in the spur of the moment and it hits the spot that’s class.

    Virtue seeking knackers repeating it over and over is the sound of one hand clapping.

  11. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    A few lads on the roof of a Transit van, watching the match, is class ...

    .... hundreds copying it next time would be as flat as a wet fart.
    John 11:35 and MrRAWhite like this.
  12. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Your argument is crazy.

    Do you, for one second, believe that there's the slightest risk to your job because you don't wish to be forced into a belief you don't support. Was McClean sacked for not wearing a poppy or find himself unable to find employment? There's absolutely no risk in refusing to kneel on the ground if it isn't in your contract, believing there's any risk is absolutely idiotic.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
  13. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Can I reply back to you, without being called a stalker etc?

    Because there's no way I'm going to waste my time posting what I think, if that's going to be your eventual punchline in the conversation.
  14. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    You don't have an answer, that's why you chose to sidestep the question.

    I answered your post, without attacking you personally except repeating what you'd said, with logic and reason ...

    ... why not try doing the same for once.

    @safc-noggieland made a perfectly reasonable point. Why do you have to respond by saying it's crazy, don't you have the decency, or intelligence, to respond without insults.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  15. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Because in the limited conversations I've had with you, you've described me as a "stalker" or "obsessed".

    And if that's what this conversation will end in, I'm not interested.

    If your willing to have a reasonable debate, so am I.

    If not, enjoy the rest of your night.
  16. Erik

    Erik Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    It's propaganda, and nothing less.
  17. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Exactly right.

    The Nigerian police are the worst, in the world, for killing black people.

    Do the Nigerian football players ever have anything to say about their fellow countrymen being tortured, beaten and murdered.

    Of course they don't ...

    .... but ask them to jump on a trendy bandwagon about the good old USA and they're scrambling to clench a fist and bend a knee, but only if the TV cameras are on them.

    Absolutely hypocrites.
    FORZA LEEDS and Makemstine Roger like this.
  18. Erik

    Erik Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The simple fact is that immigrants to the UK from the Caribbean, and to a lesser extent sub-Saharan Africa, find themselves a small part of a multicultural hodgepodge and naturally seek to attach themselves to something familiar. Being from ethnically and culturally-disparate regions, they often have little in common. I mean, are Trinidadian Anglicans whose first language is English the same as Nigerian Muslims who converse in Yoruba whilst at home? Definitely not.

    What they do have in common, however, is a retarding induction into their place in British society from the education system and major media. After attending school and being told to view Western Civilisation with suspicion because it is an oppressive system built on the bones of untold dead Africans, they can return home to watch The One show (tune in to see Alex Jones explain why her 'whiteness' means she shouldn't speak about racism whilst, er, speaking about racism) and then follow it with the ITV News (Mark Austin will explain how the Metropolitan Police are institutionally-racist and just can't stop shooting black people) and Match of the Day (enjoy watching celebrity multimillionaires 'taking a stand' against social issues, however exaggerated, in a foreign land, before every match).

    The prevalence of American media and the promotion of African-American culture in particular has infected the black communities of Britain. These disparate peoples, denied their ancestral heritage by dint of emigrating and never quite belonging wholly to the culture of their new nation, have attached themselves to a perverse form of American blackness. They have coalesced into a collective 'Black British' demographic around the worst that black America has to offer, not excluding the oddities of the oppression narrative so widespread in the US.
    Makemstine Roger and Comfy like this.
  19. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    There's no debate to have, what you're saying is simply incorrect.

    " ... would you risk that job because you didn't want to put your knee on the floor."

    There is absolutely no risk whatsoever, end of story.

    You can't end someone's employment because they refuse to engage in a politically motivated protest.

    The idea that it's possible is just ridiculous.
    Nads likes this.
  20. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Ok so within the 92 teams in the football league, with a total of around 2500-3000 players and coaches, why hasn't a single person refused to do it?

    I'm not talking about whole teams who have been told not to do it by their clubs, i mean a single player on his own refusing to bend his knee.

    Why hasn't this happened?

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