Players choice for JB's replacement is Andy Mangan according to Bristol Live Callum Davidson ex manager of ST. Johnson is apparently in talks with Rovers about the managerial position. He was their manager in their double winning season 2020 / 2021 This is according to the Sun newspaper and the Daily Record
Kevin Maher is now linked to the Rovers job Mangan's record as good as any of the named candidates played 2 won 2
Cowley, Mangan, Eustace are my choices in no particular order. Maher’s not done anything and St Johnstone are a League 2 size club that Davison’s just been sacked from.
Karl Robinson is now evens with the bookies to take over at the Mem. Not sure how I feel about that. I’ve always found him a bit irritating.
Karl Robinson has drifted out of reckoning now. Apparently front runners are now Gary Monk, Mangan and Matt Taylor.
They'd better get a move on if they're going to appoint someone by Saturday's match against Derby. This is beginning to drag on too long now - it's four weeks on Thursday that Barton was sacked.
Mangan has done well to be honest. I think he should get chance until the end of the season. Players are clearly playing for him.
Just give it to Mangan with some funds to sign players who are fit and can either create or score goals in the next window
I believe the pre match conference for Saturdays fixture has been rearranged for tomorrow pm when the formal announcement was expected to made re the new manager
Barton has pretty much made himself unemployable over the last week or so with the things that has come out of his mouth. I cannot see many clubs seeking his services. Obviously his career has been filled with controversy - which we all know about. That alone would put off a high percentage of clubs. But the stuff he has come out with now will put off the rest for sure. I will be gobsmacked if he gets a job anytime soon. I am glad he has gone to be honest. On Barton's podcast, Barton said his brother & cousin lost 17 years of their life in prison after being "in a scrap". What actually happened, his brother and cousin chased, beaten and murdered a kid with an axe just for being black. That wasn't "a scrap" Joey. You family did wrong and you playing it down like that is wrong too. He has taken a lot of stick on twitter over this recently. But now, he's taking a lot of flack for something else!
Here are some tweets quoted from Barton over the last couple of days... Women shouldn’t be talking with any kind of authority in the men’s game. Come on. Let’s be serious. It’s a completely different game. If you don’t accept that. We will always see things differently. The women’s game is thriving. Fantastic to see. I cannot take a thing they say serious in the men’s arena. Any man who sits and engages with them in this regard has sold out. Any man who listens to Women commentary or co-comms needs their heads testing… #sticktoyourowngame Stand by everything I’ve said on Women commenting and co-comms on the Men’s football. Like me talking about Knitting or Netball. Way out of my comfort zone. We have gone too far. You cannot watch a game now without hearing the nonsense. Any man who says otherwise is an absolute fart parcel. The Women’s game is absolutely thriving. Great to see. It’s got its own Premier League. It’s got its own Champions League. Please for the love of God, go and commentate on that! You can say what you want. You will be qualified to. You have actual experience of what is taking place. The eunuch’s might not agree. But somebody had to say something. Hate it having to be me. #hergametoo do a great job. Girls to spectate and watch the far superior men players, play the game properly. I have no problem with that. None at all. We should really encourage it. They also have a fantastic sport called, Women’s football they can and should support as well. But the takeover of comms, Co-comms and punditry stuff, it’s got to end mate. It’s becoming a joke. Of course loads of ex-top players can’t get a gig because the TV Companies have quota’s to fill and boxes to tick. Their experience thrown on the landfill to accommodate the ‘Woke’ Only way they will change if it hits them in the pocket. That only Happens When the men decide to switch off. Millions mute the TV’s and that’s for some of the Men. TV must be going out the window if you get a double dose of XX on the comms team for your next big match. Anyone who wants to come and debate me in this space? All genders are welcome. It will be 2 hours of raw debate. Unedited. Any of you brave enough? @beewestwood and @laura_woodsy had a lot to say recently, I’ll do you both in the same sitting if you like. You can team up. I’ll park you both up together. We can do it one at a time or take it in turns. Your call? This is obviously for a podcast before you all get you knickers in a twist. Let’s see if you can recover from last night @beewestwood where you embarrassed yourself. Angrily screaming at the camera. The amount of times in my professional life, I’ve seen women compromise themselves in the Men’s game is ridiculous. I’ve actually lost cost. Female staff sending naked pictures to players. To having full blown affairs and costing people marriages. You would have had to experience it to believe it. It happens all the time. I think it is very dangerous to have Women in certain roles in certain departments in Men’s football because ultimately, as my good friend PK would say, ‘They’re not made of wood lad!’ It’s a recipe for disaster. @laura_woodsy and @beewestwood won’t come on the show. They’re not brave enough. Lots to say yesterday? You should have kept your heads down. Something to hide girls? Cat got your tongue today!
Response from Laura Woods (the other female he called out) Usually avoid these conversations as I don’t like adding more oxygen. I’ve always got on with Joey. He also sent me a lovely good luck message for TNT in June. Does that make him a eunuch too? Joey’s entitled to his opinion. If he feels that strongly about women in the men’s game he could ask for a private conversation with the broadcasters & state his case. These tweets only encourage a pile on for the women getting on with their jobs. Or was that the intention?
He’s gone off the rails. Sounds like he’s trying to establish himself as the football equivalent of Laurence Fox. Best ignored.