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Bad times ahead..

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by Norway-jack, Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    There are issues Jager, though the press are doing their usual garbage on us, though we should be used to all this by now!...............<ok>
  2. Jager

    Jager Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I tend too believe people who are in the know, of course Leigh is not going to release anything on twitter, but I do think people are just putting out stuff they hear down the pub! If he goes so be it, I'm pretty relaxed about it as the next manager is already short listed.

    @leighdineen: andrew there is no statement as there is no story. What do u want me to say ?
  3. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Well he's not going to say anything if asked, either!................................<laugh>
  4. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    you cant dismiss everything that is being reported...there is too much negative press from all of them not to have truth in it...Its huw and the board thinking we can always get away with doing things on the cheap. well it was ok in the lower leagues but the premiership is a different cuttle of fish and you are not going to find a michu every season. we certainly wont get a quality striker on the cheap thats for sure.....Its about time huw woke up in the real world or we will lose another manager and wont have anything worth attracting quality to the club....everyone knows how we faded away and all this huw/laudrup crap will put players off and will go elsewhere....
  5. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Listen up, there is **** going down at the Swans right now. Im not at Liberty to say just yet but will when I get the ok, sorry if the vibes coming out in the press are not good and not what some of you want to here,i didn't want to hear the news today either !! I know that what is being printed is correct in terms of spin,the stories are negative for a reason.

    Will things be sorted out? There will be millions of pounds involved and not the way you think either!! We all live in hope that I am extremely wrong but judging by who this has come from im afraid its going to be bang on the money, all im doing is prepping my jack friends that things might not be as rosy as you think and not to get too cocky about the coming season, **** is going down and its very suprising to hear about the tactics,agendas and media stories involved, there is also another issue which the mail reported on in the summer of last year,that has also come into play yet again.

    There is **** flying from all sides and the club have done very well to keep most of it under wraps. Some things will filter out some things wont but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.

    Graveyard of ambition <ok>
  6. SwaninPeace

    SwaninPeace Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Please give me a ****ing clue! You're worrying me! Why cant you say!?
  7. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Dragon, like with many issues in the past we are hearing exactly the same things (yet again)

    There are some alarming details ive been told that you probably know as well, the fact people are "on holiday" is totally irrelevant anyway,talking is being done via the wrong people and I blame both sides for that one. Glad im not the only one that knows the score though <cheers>
  8. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Im not going to spill the details but Dragons words are definatly in the right ball park..though the truth is a little bit harsher than that <ok>
  9. Jager

    Jager Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Norway, at the end of the day out club is more important than one man, if he goes so be it, frankly I don't give a **** one way or the other. I know that Huw and co have the club's best interests at heart, and they won't do anything to bring down all the hard work they've done.

    We have progressed and will progress with or without Laudrup
  10. campionijack

    campionijack Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    This is getting a bit silly now.

    NJ, with all due respect, i have no clue what you're trying to achieve with all this. Are you just trying to say "I told you so first" (except that you're not really telling anything).

    This is a bit like a kangaroo course (apologies to KJ) - all guesswork and innuendo without any straight facts.

    Whatever will be will be. We can't change any of it.


  11. Mono

    Mono Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    True or not - I find this whole thing distressing and is really bumming me out.
  12. swimaway

    swimaway Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Quite the opposite for me. Its silly season and no news is good news.
    This summer is going to be one of the worst for speculation. Apart from the Lions tour, there is no real 'big event' this summer. That makes for a lot of journos trying to get paid by pure speculation rather than reporting. The journos are fighting for their lives for any 'story'.
    I know my loyalty and that of our board.
    Regardless of what happens, I will follow Swansea...bring on tomorrows chip paper!

    STID :)
  13. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    well i have been telling you everything is not as rosie at the club like you think it is...
  14. swimaway

    swimaway Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    I still havent seen anything though..just speculation :)
  15. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Out of curiosity NJ, are you gonna be putting money on Laudrup leaving? <whistle>
  16. PaGaNsWaN

    PaGaNsWaN Active Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    I think you'll find that I did say it was roughly translated using google. There's no point in lambasting me for simply posting an article here that is related to this thread, after all, that is what this forum is all about.
  17. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    What am I trying to achieve? all im doing is letting it be known that **** is going down at the Swans,there are issues to be resolved and half the stuff some of our fellow jacks are passing off as bullshit actually has substance ! now if you prefer to think everything is fine that's up to you,remember that the club as a rule like to tell fans absolutely **** all !! a policy which at times has been uncalled for .

    remember that the club is apparently run by fans with a trust(the likes of me and you) holding 20% so if there is **** going on I like to know about it and I also like to tell other people the things I hear, now in this case there are details ive been told not to mention but if you read Dragons thread you get the general feel, the other reason to think about here is that if more people start to ask "what the **** Is going on with our club" then there is more of a chance

    1. It will be in the public intrest for papers to persue the story and gain the facts.
    2. The club will be a little bit more open in letting us fans know what the **** is going on.

    It is our club at the end of the day, if we are going into the new season and have to find a new manager than that puts our future in jeopardy I want to know the reasons why, if the board wish to pay themselves a few million quid then they should learn to serve the people that have helped them and the club climb the ladder, I accept that the club cant reveal all aspects of its business but I feel that there has been far too much silence going on lately, I find that a bit disrespectful to people who are buying season tickets,planning time off work to follow the pre-season tour,people gearing up for the new season wanting players names on the shirt etc,etc.

    Nothing wrong with being concerned when I hear about some of the stuff that is going on! letting other fans know stuff it perfect isn't always a nice thing to do as fans only want to hear positive news, myself and others tend to take the overall view that **** actually does happen from time to time !!

    I also disagree that we cant change any of it, that is the attitude that Cardiff fans adopted when their club turned red over night. If we don't use our forums,papers,media radio phone ins to ask questions about our football club then what is the point of any of this ??

    Im concerned about what I heard, sorry I don't spill the beans but im not known for being a liar or a **** stirrer on this message board, if you don't like the content don't read it and don't comment on it but when im saying **** is going down its with a heavy heart that I tell you.

    Whatever will be will be indeed...lets hope things are sorted out and im made a total fool of <cheers>
  18. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Ive never placed a bet in my life mate.....what are the odds on a Laudrup departure by the way ?
  19. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Cant find his latest odds, so hopefully that's a good sign.
  20. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Hopefully, or it means someone is going to make a killing!...<laugh>
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