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Bad times ahead..

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by Norway-jack, Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    But those two didn't cost a penny. Every player that ML has bought in so far has been excellent or has shown glimpses of how good they could be with more consistency i.e. Pablo and Ki.
    Personally, I would give ML whatever he wanted within reason. After all he has more knowledge of the game than everybody associated with the board put together. ML has brought us possibly the best season in the entire history of the club, he more than deserves to be rewarded with a little faith from the board in terms of a transfer budget.
  2. Ffsdon'tpassittohim

    Ffsdon'tpassittohim Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I am expecting a poison little toad to happily jump all over this thread later on...........
  3. Yankee_Jack

    Yankee_Jack Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    ML brought in three players that were the difference this season - Michu, Chico and JDG (we argue about this guy, but a net positive I think). Ki and Pablo have not really made a mark but have great upside. ML gets credit for Pablo. I am not sure who gets credit for KI - ML or the "board" or whoever. Then there's Tiendalli. Two of these are now in the Dutch national squad. And if Spain weren't not blessed with the tons of talent they have then Michu and Chico would be in the Spain squad too.

    If you can't trust somebody with the network and knowledge of ML then you never can trust anybody - you're not just trusting in one man but in the man's network all of whom are by association are or should be competent within the game. Let's face it compared to the people that BR brought in - all previously known quantities - he took no risks whatsoever. We ended up with Sinclair who lost his way in the Prem. Graham who just lost his way. Vorm - credit due, a real winner, but was this BR's finding or somebody else.

    If we can't trust in ML then there's no hope for us ever.
  4. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Could also throw Routledge in there as well Yankee, as he has been a completely different player under Laudrup.
  5. KDA

    KDA New Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Not being familiar with anyone here but are you talking about Daiswanhuwsmate
  6. Yankee_Jack

    Yankee_Jack Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Absolutely - like a new signing. There are too many positives to list. The only mystery is Bartley .... NJ if you know somebody, who knows somebody, who knows the real scoop here, don't hold back on us.
  7. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Agree Yankee. Ki by all accounts was a signing made by the Swans not Laudrup. Same with Bartley...who Laudrup doesn't rate very highly.
    We also have the issue of monk being given a new deal last season,not sure but I think its safe to admit he isn't a laudrup type signing !! so there are two schools of thought on the player front IMO.

    The club has a tendency to want to sign younger players so they can get re-sale if they do well, I think Laudrup just wants the finished article. Pablo's deal raised a few questions when his age and fee was taken into consideration as there is no resale value after his contract finishes, this was a concern by the board apparently.
  8. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I normally ask if I can use the info but today the reply was a firm no !! so im not giving anything out on this one until it either gets closer to being reveiled by media or if its sorted by all parties and the line is drawn.

    As I said earlier there is no smoke without fire and while the post normally get it in the neck from me,them and the mail are reporting events as they see them and not putting negative spin on it or having an agenda <ok>
  9. ivoralljack

    ivoralljack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    The club want younger players which is all very well but you can't have it both ways. Firstly, younger players are a gamble - ask Paul Lambert who nearly got Villa relegated using them. They were a whisker away from it. If they are young AND experienced (also read good) then they are going to cost a lot of money, which will cause Huw to choke on his coffee.

    I'm with Michael Laudrup on this - all the way! We need experienced players who will give us the very best chance of staying in the Premier League. Two more seasons with the silly money on offer there, should see us well placed to offset any potential loss on "older" players with the income earned.

    Without losing any perspective, we are in the big league now and it's about time that Huw and the Board realised it and started to act accordingly. We all appreciate their efforts to date but we don't want any small time mentality affecting further progress. Neither do we want them pissing off a manager who has forgotten more about football than they will ever learn. Where else will they get a manager with the contacts that Laudrup has, with the sheer pulling power his very name offers? It's madness.

    Look, I know the future of the club has to be safeguarded, that is paramount, but certain calculated risks must be taken if we are to survive at this level, let alone flourish. There is always a compromise and it must be reached without any further delay. The longer this goes on, the more damaging it will be to our club.
  10. mikraswan

    mikraswan Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Sorry for posing a stupid question: Has the transferwindow opened at all?

    I remember the first thing said when the season ended: Swansea will move swiftly but QUIETLY to avoid richer clubs buying Swansea targets (fx Aspas).
    New signings will come; and I for one don't worry weather the board will spend what is neccesary - ofcourse they will. They want the club to go forward as much as anyone of us!
    The alledged unrest in the club is a product of media being forced to come up with ANY story to satisfy us - the fans and readers of their writings - true or not. The media have to sell newspapers (or get hits) no matter if matches are being played or not...

    Calm down everybody - no news is good news

    Swansea - semifinalist in the euroleague 2013/2014

  11. Yankee_Jack

    Yankee_Jack Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Thing is Ivor, if we invest in established players with a name there is also some player merchandising to be done on named clothing etc that will offset the cost of the acquisition over time. I'm not too sure that we have the sharpest knife in the draw on player merchandising and brand development domestically or overseas - and over time this will cost us a ton of money.
  12. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    This ,
    although I do not doubt Norway's integrity in the slightest this could be just another rumour which self perpetuates and once started grows and grows .
  13. PaGaNsWaN

    PaGaNsWaN Active Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    Could this be all down to Bayram Tutumlu attempting to bully the board in to his way of doing things and them telling him to piss off?


    Roughly translated using google....

    Bayram Tutumlu is these days turn out with dramatic statements about his client Michael Laudrup's future. For such is the division of labor between the two - Laudrup doing the fighting on the field, Tutumlu takes conflicts outside

    He is the man who takes over the floor when Michael Laudrup is unhappy with the state of affairs. Everything that the Danish manager did not even want to shout about, leaving to his agent Bayram Tutumlu.

    You saw it in connection with Michael Laudrup's resignation in Getafe, sensed it in Spartak Moscow, read about it in Laudrup's Mallorca-time, and now it happens again. For Michael Laudrup is coming out in a new crisis with his employer, this time Swansea, and it is his agent, Bayram Tutumlu, which calls for fights.
    - I want to make it clear, I am speaking on behalf of Michael Laudrup. If Huw Jenkins (Chairman of Swansea, ed.) Buys the players like Michael Laudrup want, then there is no problem. But if he does not buy the players, so I do not know what happens. That is the reality, was the thinly veiled threat from Bayram Tutumlu according Evening Post recently.

    In Denmark, we know Michael Laudrup as the diplomatic and sometimes confrontational person. A person who makes a virtue of acting properly and rarely enter people's toes. Therefore, it can also seem a bit odd that Michael Laudrup has chosen to ally itself with so loud a character like Spanish-Turk Bayram Tutumlu. But the two have now been double team for 20 years. A collaboration that began in Barcelona.

    Shortly after the move to the Spanish began the 24-year-old Bayram Tutumlu to deal with the Barcelona players through sales of Mercedes cars. His Dutch friend Ronald Koeman closed later Tutumlu into the players' cards club where Michael Laudrup sat.

    In 1991, Bayram Tutumlu Management founded and Michael Laudrup became part of the store in 1993. It was then that Laudrup was at odds with his coach Johan Cruyff, and he needed a way out. The insured Bayram Tutumlu when he quite surprisingly sent his Danish client from Barcelona to arch-rivals Real Madrid in 1994. It was the beginning of their long term cooperation.
    Bayram Tutumlu has always taken fights for Michael Laudrup, who obviously does not like that part of professional sports. Besides fighting for him in Laudrup's Welsh club Swansea, then Tutumlu also on the field for the resurgent tax case in the Netherlands.

    It dates from 1997, when Laudrup went to Ajax Amsterdam from Japanese Vissel Kobe. It had Laudrup have a so-called sign-on fee, and to avoid being taxed on the income arranged Tutumlu, according to prosecutors in the Netherlands that Laudrup on paper was eligible to play in the Bosnian 3 division club Celik Zenica.

    On the way to Laudrup thus allegedly prevent a large part of his sign-on fee was eaten up by taxes. The case is still in Holland, and it was recently Ajax Amsterdam to publish an advertisement in which it did Laudrup aware that he must appear in court in the Netherlands as a witness on 29 August. It was a few days ago Tutumlu to shoot back against Ajax Amsterdam.

    - I feel sorry for them. Ajax have shown that it is not a large club. It's just a small club, said the agent for South Wales Evening Post.

    It is not only playing career that Bayram Tutumlu has helped Michael Laudrup. For since the Dane went coach road, the two worked closely related to player trades. It was for example the case when Laudrup during his time as head coach Brøndbys fetched left back Joseph Elanga to the club. Elanga was a client of Tutumlu.

    History repeated itself also very recently when Michael Laudrup downloaded Pablo Hernandez to Swansea from Valencia. Hernandez 'agent is Bayram Tutumlu.

    If you ask Bayram Tutumlu himself, so he does not have only one function in his professional career.

    - I'm not an agent or adviser or a club man or a player man. I am Bayram Tutumlu, and it's the best answer I can give. I do things my own way. No one can buy me. But I have good relationships with many clubs and for many players. I love my work, and I'm never tired when I go home. I am a happy man, said Bayram Tumulu back in 2007 Jyllands-Posten.

    - You must therefore bear in mind that I'm not doing this for money. I have all the money I need in advance. I do it to help people I like. And because I love football. Then I get back in so many other ways. It does a lot for his friends, said Bayram Tumulu the newspaper six years ago.
  14. mikraswan

    mikraswan Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Please when reading danish - know danish! The article is to do with the general role Tutumulu has, and has had, for Ludrups career. Tutumulu does Laudrups dirty laundry, but is, at the same time, a loose cannon (???) does things of his own initiative; like trying to sell Williams to Liverpool, just for his own profit.
    It's not a very good article - though it's long :laugh: , sporten.dk is not even the 2# best sportsmedia in Denmark. I'd go for http://ekstrabladet.dk/sport/fodbold/ anytime.
    But then you don't read danish, and google translate doesn't help english-danish translations.

    Maybe you'd actually be better of trying to get the meaning without it...
  15. Jager

    Jager Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Don't know why people are getting stressed out with this, if Michael Laudrup wants to go because we are not getting all the players he wants, then that is the way it goes i'm afraid. He can go elsewhere, the club is run by the fans, we will always be there, managers are transient beings like players. We simply get a new manager, that's it.
  16. MabonJack

    MabonJack New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    nothing has changed then,we had this problem with the board and sousa they tried to bring in akinfenwa on transfer deadline day and the coach had to ask the players who he was as he had never heard of him, now i do hope that our board as well as they run the club have not promised laudrup things they have no intention of following through on, there is a history of laurup being messed about at other clubs, if we can not afford the players he wants tell him if he wants to move after that then we move on and find another manager
  17. ivoralljack

    ivoralljack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Agree with this. The longer this issue drags on the worse it will be for us. If we can't meet Laudrup's demands, or if we are breaking a promise to him, which will involve us getting a new manager, we need to do it as soon as possible. We have the toughest season we have ever faced in front of us and the last thing we need is to be involved in last minute preparation.

    Even if Laudrup walked now we would be up against it timewise. We would have to interview a new manager who would be walking into a club in turmoil. The first thing he'd have to face would be transfer requests from at least three of our best players and there would be no time to bring in anything other than panic buys that no doubt would cost us well over the odds.

    The whole situation is a farce and no matter what the rights and wrongs of it, things should never have been allowed to get to this stage. It reeks of very amateurish conduct by our Board in my opinion. Again, I might add!!!
  18. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    I did drop you all a hint over a week or so ago, that there was no smoke without fire, there are issues that I see are similar to Sousa, I think that our board are guilty of cold feet some what, and maybe they fear the task ahead in Europe next season. Laudrup was only given the extra 12 month contract to get the 10 Million Transfer tied into his contract, I think the board were hoping to cash him in, they didn't expect Laudrup to stick to his word, and stay. On top of all this the so called 'promises' were the usual that we give any manager, that said Laudrups agent has not endeared himself to our board, basicaly the guy is a glorified car sales man, bit of a spiv that hasn't helped.

    Also I know that the board are not too impressed with some of our transferes last season, or the way we have compromised our passing and possession game, so this will go one of two ways, either trust will be restored through dialogue, or we will see another Sousa style exit. I wish our board would talk frankly with our managers more, just an observation, but in the end I agree with Jager!......................<ok>
  19. Jager

    Jager Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    How is it a farce ? Nobody knows if all this speculation is actually true, he's on holiday right now the same as most of the players and the board. So this looks like the press doing what it normally does , and that is print crap. And here-say from people I don't hold much stock in - no disrespect Norway
  20. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    what do you think i have been banging on about norway....Its looking grim at the moment and unless the club start acting like a premiership club then we have reached our limit and its all down hill from here.....
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