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Assess Forwards New & Old (Oct Int Brk)

Discussion in 'Fulham' started by Super Brian McBride, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. Super Brian McBride

    Super Brian McBride Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Part 4 Assess Forwards New & Old (Oct Int Brk)

    Aleksandar Mitrović Our main Focal point of Attack. Got what we expected, when he gets the service he will trouble opposition.

    André Schürrle Played in wide positions he has had a good start and settled well. Some fans think he shoots to often when a pass could be better, but I like his 'shoot on site' attitude as we need more than a one goal scorer outlet up front.

    Luciano Vietto He is a creative player and is an upgrade on Rui Fonte. Again he needs to be more agressive with his shots on goal. Because he likes to dribble he gets us freekicks.

    Aboubakar Kamara A frustrating player for me, he looks like he has the raw talent but never seems to read the game. His speed should frighten defences but he hasn't shown that yet. I'd have to say he hasn't settled into the pace of the Premier yet.

    Floyd Ayité Injury has made his appearances few this season. His introduction against Watford sparked a revival. (not sure I'd class Ayite as a Forward).
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  2. Fulhaman

    Fulhaman Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2011
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    Vietto is a good player. He should fit in well and is very creative and can pick out a killer pass/cross.

    He cost Atletico about €20 million from Villareal (which was the second time Simeone had signed him as he originally signed him way back when when he was manager at Racing Club in Argentina) and has had a season on loan with us (2016/17). Think Simeone has a soft spot for us as one of our ex players.

    He didn't play every league match that season, about 20 I think, but he got 6 goals in the league and made a few more and he scored some in the cup competitions.

    Does Fulham have an option to buy? Both Sevilla and Valencia (who he was with last season) did.
    Super Brian McBride likes this.
  3. Super Brian McBride

    Super Brian McBride Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2011
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    No there were no reports I saw at the time that there was an option to buy.
  4. Cottager58

    Cottager58 Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Vietto is not Zoltan Gera. Then again neither is Mitro Bobby Zamora, nor Schurrle Clint Dempsey. But given a wee bit of time they could blend into a similar attacking 'force'. I make the name comparison for another reason as well, however. And that is because of the criticism around that Vietto doesn't track back and help the defence - like Gera. Lesser of the same being said about Schurrle, but it's around.

    From what I've seen of the pair I'd probably agree. However, don't believe that's why we bought them and our midfield trio (whomever that is) need to be more savvy to compensate for that. You can add the back four into that melting pot since none of them 'automatically' cover gaps when someone goes forward on a run or to create the 'extra man'. But... this thread is about the forwards.

    So okay, they don't track back !! Vietto is clearly a talented player - more assists than anyone else in the Premiership so far - and isn't afraid to get stuck in. At only 24 I'd say he's fitted in to the side and the League extremely quickly and extremely well. [Slight aside - at the time of his signing The Sun said we had an option to buy ..]

    has had more shots on goal than anyone else in the Premiership but probably the worst ratio on target. I'm not complaining though since for many a recent day have gone hoarse shouting, "for blankety - sakes SHOOT". The old boy of the trio, and to be a tad critical and polite, perhaps takes his 'senior role' too seriously.

    is also only 24. Will he adapt/learn? Doubt it - what you get is what you see.

    Kamara is the joker in the pack. Literally - his apparent antics is the dressing room would get up my nose something rotten. Ayite is a super guy and a neat player but those lengthy times out injured unfortunately make him a liability.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018

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