That's baws I'm afraid. I was at Ibrox that day with my Falkirk supporting flatmate and the end we were in emptied as soon as the Falkirk players had received their medals.
If you go to the start of this thread I think you will find that yes I do believe Stokes dived and did call him a diving cheat besterd or something along those lines. IMO whether there is a tiny bit of contact or no contact (as I have not seen any evidence of contact in this case i commented above based on the latter) then throwing yourself to the ground as if pole axed is Simulation. You are simulating being nailed as oppoesed to there being slight contact that wouldnt knock my 4 year old over. (as you can probably tell) As a player this really gets my back up and the fact that we are starting to see it at Junior level and in some kids games even I think its a disgrace. I believe that a rule should be brought in whereby if TV evidence shows someone has thrown themselves down or "delayed their dive" in John Hartsons words then they should be pulled up during that game and sin binned for 10/15 minutes a la rugby. The impact that has to your team will soon clean up our game. By no means am I saying all celtic players are the worst for it, merely what games we were discussing here, as it is rife down south also. Interesting to see that Neville (cant remember which one) was totally against players facing retrospective action saying it would cause anarchy. Has noone pointed him to llok north where such action is carried out or is he fearfull of the impact on his beloved Man Utd?
Ive also since re watched the match and looked out for it - this video reffing is great. From my memory the majority of Falkirk fans in the stand opposite the main were still there at full time (although it was a bloody long time ago).
1st of all - no one wants to talk about you simulating being nailed 2nd of all - i dont get it. you won the cup - well done and you are entitled to gloat but dont rage about celtic as if we are your great rivals or something - your rivals are ayr utd - a team synonmous with being pish and beating you im all for a diverse spl but i wish some teams would ditch the chip on their shoulder "they pyoor didnae stay an applaud us..." brilliant <erm>
My memory of that game is mainly of amusement - sat amongst "fans", most of whom had never been to a match (Falkirk or otherwise) in their life and who actually had printed out the words for the Falkirk songs so they could join in (how hard is it to learn "we're blue, we're white, we're F***ing dynamite" anyway?).
Weve not done any gloating on here as winning one trophy in last 15 years hardly compares to your collection in that time, we can win without rubbing it in anyones faces (Rangers fans seemed to do that for us) as you state apart from Colin Neverwill (Ayr). Besides your response would roll along the lines of 6-0! theres also a difference between a "pyoor chip oan ma shoulder" and raising points/issues for disscussion on a discussion board! how dare I
see thats the problem though - you ARE entitled to gloat - its part of what being a fan is intrinsicly about but complaining about players not applauding rather than gloating seems, to me, kinda petty - especially as it cup wins rarely happen for you i cannot remember even once paying attention to opposition fans and players after we had won a trophy other than laughing at rangers fans trooping out - and they are, after all, our rivals.... you seem to be so concerned that WE lose with dignity that you have forgotten how to win with joy my friend!
cool, got it ill stop my petty points above so if i just stick with........YYYYAAAAAAASSSSSSSS we won get it right up ya! And thats not petty how?
ach its the right kind of petty though - a kind that shows you care about football and not just how things "should" be done i have zero problem with a bit of glaoting and a good wind up - i just dont like bleating about "dignity" and all that pash - its not cricket we are watching!!!
Its been my signature for 6 moths now and you are the first to notice it, the dullards on this forum eh? As for proof proof proof that again is an often abused default on all forums. One poster posts an accusation/observation another wants video/DVD/printed/you tube evidence.Very few of us have access to the record vaults at Sky/BBC/ITV or indeed a newspapers back catalogue that would accurately depict ones recollections.As a supporter of a diddy team believe me I remember all my visits to a cup final vividly. As for your wicked slur on A*rshiremen and women..bigoted certainly not ....a few of the women are roasters though
I knew we'd reached a consensus. As for the "Pretentious", I know it well, i've been accused of that in the past I actually laughed at the person who called me that because he did not know me, he simply assumed I was pretentious because of my language, I assured him it was not forced, i've always written like this however his prejudice was obvioulsy based on the fact that i'm a Scot and therefore dumb as **** and unable to construct coherent, sensible arguments.