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Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by bobo_97, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. omogooner

    omogooner Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I wish Arteta well, and really hope he succeeds with us. However, my gut feeling is that, this job might have come too soon for him and secondly at a time when the ship really needs a wise old head to steady things. Again, you have to question the power brokers at the helm, Josh and co, and how much they know the game. You could counter argue that and say Liverpool is owned by an American, however they have Klop and they seem to listen and address deficiencies in the team. These guys have relied a lot on Arsene, since they came to this club and has covered their backsides... They need a yes man, someone who would tow the party line and at the same time work miracles, I hope Arteta is that guy otherwise we would be in the same place before you know it!

    Either way, I am willing to accept a spell in the wilderness, (it is easy for me to say, as I don't attend games anymore...) just hope the real fans (those who attend week in week out) will revise their expectations downwards and accept that there is a long road ahead. I accept we have one of the most expensive match day tickets, probably better to play in front of an empty stadium than a packed toxic one, where fans get on the back of their own players!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. BrunelGooner

    BrunelGooner Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    I think we need to write this season off and focus on implementing the changes we need to. Results aren't going to be pleasant, but when there are lots of reports saying that half of the Arsenal squad don't want to be here next Summer, it is going to be tricky to steer that ship around (and to be honest, their lack of application on the pitch is telling).

    People say that Arteta is quietly ruthless and won't take b*llshit from others, which is what we need as a lot of these players need a reality check. Their attitude has been appalling all season. If any player doesn't want to play for the club, bench them/sell them in January and replace them or play the Hale End youth instead.

    At this point, I couldn't give a monkeys where we finish (so long as we stay in the division obviously). There is a massive cultural problem at Arsenal that needs revolutionising. And if that means players like Auba, Laca, Torreira etc wish to depart, I won't bat an eyelid.

    We need hungry players that are determined to win. Too many of the current crop don't have that natural self-drive.
    Libby and Citizen Kane. like this.
  3. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Could go both ways, hoping for an immediate positive impact. But then again i thought that Freddie would have the same effect and we know what happened there. The heartening side is that Pep rates him highly and he seemed to have a positive impact on City (apart from their league form this season). His greatest challenge is sorting our defensive side asap.

    Also how does he deal with the Ozil conundrum? Try to fix it and work it in his benefit or ignore his existence. If he can get the Ozil to work, then it would really help our attacking side massively. There is no denying that Ozil can make a huge positive difference.

    NLDISRED Active Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    Arteta got the job as the board believe he will be a yes man, as it is his first job I believe he will be I hope I'm wrong
  5. cini65

    cini65 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    First thing he says is wanting to get arsenal back to fast flowing and attacking football. Fine with me. I want to be inspired to stay up for match of the day again. Hasn't happened very often the last few years.
  6. white_gunner

    white_gunner Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    One interesting thing is the vastly different approach us and spurs have taken with our new managers.

    they went for the experience and stature of Jose

    We went for the energy and potential of arteta.

    it will be very interesting to see where we both will be in 3 years...
  7. gooner4ever

    gooner4ever once a Gooner always a Gooner
    Forum Moderator

    Sep 4, 2013
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    jise wont be at Spurs in 3 years lol
    PINKIE likes this.
  8. omogooner

    omogooner Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    You reckon Arteta will be with us in 3yrs? On the face of it Jose's task is easier than that of Arteta! Our manager has inherited a very dysfunctional team, no spine, no defence, coupled with a hierarchy who know little about about football. I can see Jose making top 4 with his team, Arteta, with our defence and midfield, who knows, will the fans be patient?

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    He's also said that he wants to change the culture at the club and get everybody lifted and on the same page fighting together, players and staff. He's also said that if anybody is not onside with that mentality then they aren't at the right club. He's saying all the right things

    "The ambition of this club is clear - you have to be in Europe and fight for trophies. The rest is not good enough.

    "I want people who deliver energy and passion to the club. Anyone who doesn't buy into this, has a negative effect or whatever, is not good enough for this environment and culture."

    I'd include the fans in that, we've got our part to play too. So let's see if he can deliver. We need to get behind him 100%
  10. Bergkamp10

    Bergkamp10 Active Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Am feeling pretty positive about this..
    He is saying a lot of the things a lot of fans have been feeling for a while. we need to see a lot more passion, I can accept us losing, but I cannot accept the lack of fight, pride that we have seen 2 many times, including some times under Wenger at the end. I think he will set a high standard for what he wants from the players and will take action if they do not give it 100%. It was interesting to hear his thoughts on watching us the other day.. Its time these guys put a proper shift in, or we move them on. I agree with some on here who have said if you dont want to give it everything then good bye no matter who you are, we need a change in attitude and belief, and I am happy to see us mid table whilst this happens..I got fed up with watching Sanchez wandering around sulking, and since then its seems to me we have to many players with big egos wandering around blaming everyone else instead of getting down to it and working...There are a few exceptions, like Martinelli. He runs and runs and tries every minute.
    Mind you the last article I wrote was on why Mouriniho would never join Spuds :emoticon-0138-think:emoticon-0138-think:emoticon-0138-think..
    PINKIE likes this.

  11. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    This also applies to Aubameyang. If he doesn't want to give us 100%, then we need to move him on.

    Every player need to be behind the manager and giving everything for this club. If not then we need to show them the door.
  12. Bergkamp10

    Bergkamp10 Active Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Yep applies to everyone, incl Abua. One thing I think he will have learnt from Pep is to never settle and relax.. But no matter how good you are you push and try harder every day. Clear most out if he has to..
  13. ToledoTrumpton

    ToledoTrumpton Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Eventually we (the fans) are going to have to get properly behind a manager and a team. I think the negativity in the fanbase is too much of a hurdle for any manager and team to overcome, particularly after such a long successful run at the top like we had with Wenger. We just got too used to success and treated it like a right, rather than a privilege.

    At some point our team is going to have a bad run, whether it is the first 4 games, or the first 4 games of next season. As Piskie says, how the fans react will play a big part in how the players and the manager, and the club react.

    I'm certain that eventually the fans will realize what they have to do, I hope it will be now, and we don't have to go another 3 seasons and managers, before they get it. I think our job is the easiest of all. I'm sure you all by know how frustrated I am with the fans. I wish I could convince you that we don't have to select a scapegoat for every mistake and every bad performance. We are losing to teams with players we don't even consider signing. This isn't about players, form, mistakes, or even character. This is about confidence, tactics and the players willingness to play their best.

    At any level of sport it is really difficult to give your all. Where you don't point fingers at other people, you play for the team, not yourself, and you play without fear that you will be selected as the scapegoat, or worried that if you play your best and still fail, everyone will say you aren't good enough. That level of team commitment is very tough to inspire in a team. That is when your team, or the coach, or your fans, make your excuses for you, and tell you that you are the best even if you fail, so you will go out and give your all next time as well.

    If you have been lucky enough to be in that sort of team at any level, in any sport, even once in your lifetime, then you will know what I am talking about.
  14. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I agree that negativity from the fans affects the players, but fans are also entitled to feel aggrieved when things aren't working. It's part and parcel of the game.

    Previous players in winning teams of ours have always said that its up to the players to get the fans onside and then feed off of their energy. We've been badly lacking that, so it's up to Arteta to create a spark for the fans to get behind the team.

    It's a two way thing, and fans have got a big part to play.
  15. omogooner

    omogooner Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    As for the fans, hopefully the past few months has been a very sobering and humbling experience. I know people say football is result based, we do not have a right to play champions league football more than the next team. I really hope Arteta, with his ideas is given time to implement his ideals. I also hope the young home grown talent we have are provided with the right positive enabling environment to develop, we can also have the James Maddison of this world, no point in trying to fly when we have not learnt to walk. All this talk of Champions league football and challenging for the title needs to stop. If we get the basics right, create the right environment we should be ok. Dont remember, the last time we allowed a new Ashley Cole from the academy.. We cannot keep on relying on big money transfers...
  16. lazarus20000

    lazarus20000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    He's saying all the right things and looks like he's eagerly waiting to get stuck in, which is exactly what you want in our situation. Feeling more confident after his interview, but the management and fans need to really get behind him.
  17. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Yep. Pep's work rate, Arteta mentioned it too. And he's cut from the same cloth working with him at City.
  18. ToledoTrumpton

    ToledoTrumpton Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    It is but it is a two-way street. Ideally, the players inspire the fans, and then the fans inspire the players, and the whole thing spirals up. Or equally the whole thing can go the other way and it can spiral down.

    I don't think though that our present predicament started with the players. We had the Invincibles and after that, it seemed like the fans were waiting to leap on the back of anyone that didn't live up to that standard. Even when we were still finishing in the top 4 year after year, it was always the fans trying to exert that downward pressure. We would win an FA Cup and there would be people saying it wasn't good enough. There were people saying they should boycott a cup final.

    Sorry, you can't lay this on the players. The fans have to play a part. The club won despite the fans for 15 years. It couldn't go on for ever.
  19. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Expectations are always high at Arsenal and that is absolutely right.

    The fans have always got the right to voice their opinion. It's up to club and fans to create the right atmosphere.
  20. ToledoTrumpton

    ToledoTrumpton Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Sorry, that is bullshit. Just excuses for bad behaviour. It only applies if you think the fans have no impact on players performance. The more you believe that the fans have an impact, the more responsibility they have to carry.

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