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Anfield expansion thread

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by moreinjuredthanowen, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    nobody cares about old everton news. should move that the the astro everton love in page

    new news is that there is no news on the anfield road end expansion yet.
  2. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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  3. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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  4. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    you are seeing all the sturrdige excuses early there. <laugh>

    theres not enough power outlets for phones etc for the kids nor is there room for a decent bootbag barely.

    also where do they lob the towels after thier shower but most of all.

    astro likes this.
  5. Jimmy Squarefoot

    Jimmy Squarefoot Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Not sure if it’s confirmed but I think we’re going ahead with another expansion to take capacity to 61,000
  6. jaffaklopp

    jaffaklopp Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Hope thats true
    CPt-Marleau likes this.
  7. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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  8. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    btw certain folk are really anal about this stuff on RAWK.. so here is a pic they knocked up

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    Please note that the guys who did it put a mirror of the main stand on the kenny dlaglish stand so this pic is total BS

    The point of posting is so people realise what was said

    16000 fans in that end. there are 12,600 on the Kop.
  9. jaffaklopp

    jaffaklopp Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    It was part of the original plan wasn't it. Just matter of time and the training ground upgrades. Some feel FSG may have investment issues in the team, but they are definitely keen to improve the club as a brand and structure around it
  10. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Its managing cash flow out of clubs own coffers and managing the oversight resources to manage projects

    The training ground sounds a small project but its actually a major construction project with an indoor pitch etc.

    2019 sounds an awful long time away but in effect this says:

    1. this summer to next summer = training facility

    2. planning must start on this as we only have outline planning for anfield road

    3. Kick off is next summer. as in 18 months away (or slightly less)

    4. completion is 2021 which means working aorund not taking out capacity and only building in summers etc. closing anfield road itself off, plazas, facilities etc etc, sewers, power lines, gas mains etc etc etc. should be interesting.

    If we get it done plus have actual transfer funds all well and good.

    This will however complete all their plans. A 3rd tier on kenny dalglish stand is a pipe dream of some. It would need at least 3 rows of houses I think. the corporate is already there, the thiird teir would be GA and moving peopel up from first teir if premium seats went in.

    The main stand pays for itself in 4 years total due to having no corporate and premium in the old 70s era stand.

    We still need some thought to this..... the future will require moving up in capacity at some point so..... well the club needs to be open baout that with residents if it has any ambitions to do it.

  11. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Just waiting on Fat Joe to #confirm the loan
  12. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Old thread brough up for the rumoured expansion announcement.
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    basically the anfield road closes and you find all of the traffic diverted round.
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    the plans bascially show the existing lower tier remains and then this new upper teir and concourse are added.

    It really is quite big for the 4k extra seats and replicates some of the effect of the main stand

    this is the picture that captures the imagination on it

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    please log in to view this image

    these are from outline planning. to get 61k in there i think this will have modifications to go into the main planning process.
    johnsonsbaby likes this.
  13. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Great for the club but as a fan I will not buy a ticket in the new stand again and I imagine any further expansion will be the same. The new stand is very high up and you're detached from the game and the rest of the ground I wasn't impressed and when I go again it will be tickets in the old part of the ground.
  14. Page_Moss_Kopite

    Page_Moss_Kopite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Old Trafford is what it is(the biggest club ground in the country), City got given the Etihad with the option to expand, Spurs brand new stadium not far off completion, Arsenal already in their new stadium, Chelsea about to start work on their new stadium, Everton waiting for the green light to build a new stadium.
    LFC/FSG at a standstill because the supporters aren't stupid enough to pay for any new build stands from over inflated ticket prices.
    As a club, every time they take us one step forward they take us two steps back, unless they commit their finances into the expansion of Anfield we'll lose ground on the forward thinking and oil backed clubs.
    johnsonsbaby and Lucaaas like this.
  15. Lucaaas

    Lucaaas Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I don't think the stand is the problem. More that when you let more people into the ground you have less passionate fans and more family/spectator types who just want to sit there and watch rather than participate.

    For the most part the centenary and main stand have always been a bit ****, atmosphere wise, barring the big CL nights.

    The only place you get a decent atmosphere is in the Kop or in the Anfield Road end, and even then you've got some of those "sit down!" idiots in those stands.
    Page_Moss_Kopite likes this.
  16. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    TBH 2019 is not far away

    What we are seeing is

    a) constrained project management resources. manage training ground expansion = cannot manage stand expansion. clealry not willing to do both at once

    b) plan to do the single stand designed in phased approach to minimize loss of seating in season. 2 years to do 5 /6 month project. Not willing to close anfield road stand. will do approach work in 2019, stand work in 2020.

    c) absolutely no further plans. Once we saw the closure of anfield road and the demolition of housing at main stand side the LOGIC thing would have been to do what spurs did and shift the pitch towards stanley park and build main stand and new andfield road end together at once using cheaper resources etc But then the centenary stnad and kop would have to be demolished and rebuilt so that was never on.

    As it stands any work on centenary stand to get to the same numbers as main stand would require at least 60 houses demolished.

    The kop is unexpandable. Even if knocked and a matching stand like this attempted the albert and the road would prevent it

    Kop - 12,600 (increased slightly)
    Centenary 11,762 (Unchanged)
    Main Stand - 20,480 (new)
    Anfield Road - 16,000 (proposed)

    = 60,842

    if we had a plan to do the centenary stand =69,560

    IF safe standing come sin the kop MIGHT be able to take 28k... MIGHT. = 76,242.

    IMO the only game in town for cheaper GA tickets and expansion after this is safe standing. I don't think i'll ever see the centenery stand done ala the main stand.
  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    its pretty high up there. Maybe when the two sides are done it will make more sense. However it will always be detached form the kop.
  18. Page_Moss_Kopite

    Page_Moss_Kopite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The £10m from the sale of Melwood will pay for the move to the Academy in Kirkby, it's already state of the art in modern technology, LFC already own all the equipment needed at Melwood and will just need a building to house it after the move.
    Your points on knocking down more houses in the area to further expand Anfield, FSG say they decided to modernise and refurbish our present ground rather than build a new stadium based they said on the success of doing similar at Fenway Park.
    That was a cheapskate option and it has backfired on LFC, Fenway Park is not landlocked by houses and streets like Anfield so their comparison was useless and it was always going to hit problems, they are acting like a bunch of shysters over this issue and it's our club that'll suffer in the long run whether they're here or not.
    Jimmy Squarefoot likes this.
  19. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    You are right. I think the houses on melwood will completely pay the 50mil supposed price tag for Kirkby expansion so the project wipes its feet. There are a lot more than just equipment happening. That indoor full size pitch for example but the point is the same. It pay for itself.

    I know what you are saying on the stadium, I just think I agree with staying at anfield but it is constrained.

    Looking at the plans a 20 meter move into the park would have enabled a lot of things. The space we had was o nthe main stand side and the anfield road end.

    If we had moved 20m it opens everything up but thats not practical.

    As it stands now.

    I would say skerries road houses both sides would have to go minimum and probably the next road over Wylva road maybe too to enable an expansion of main stand. so thats a huge amount of housing gone

    ON the kop end the only real way to expand would be to move the walton breck road somehow and that means demolishing on that side.

    neither will happen

    Then you might wonder about filling in corners. BUT the kop roof supports and main stand roof supports mean its impossible. Again demolish the kop and take down the roof of main stand somehow.

    These are all issues both inherited by FSG and made worse by FSG.

    this is why I think if the anfield road end happens its 70-80mil (chicken feed now) and then they are hoping for safe standing as throwing 10mil at the railways would be a lot cheaper to get 76k in than anything else

    BTW I am convinced somewhere in the bowels of old trafford someone has the same plan. they have not expanded as safe standing is by far the cheapest option.

    I don't think there are "problem" just they are completely unwilling to pay for accelerated planning and execution through outside sources. they want one project at a time managed out of local resources... = cheap.
    Page_Moss_Kopite likes this.
  20. johnsonsbaby

    johnsonsbaby Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    The council wanted a new stadium ..... ''I would discourage them from redeveloping Anfield and would encourage them to stick to the commitment that is already in place because I think that is the best solution for everyone – for the club and the city," councillor Joe Anderson said...... Anderson believes the new stadium must be the priority for the club as he attempts to safeguard the area's regeneration.<laugh>

    A separate, though fundamental, reason for the council's desire for a new stadium – which has planning permission that is due to expire in April 2011 – is to see the creation of the proposed Anfield Plaza on the site of the existing stadium. The Plaza, containing shops, offices and restaurants, is intended to provide a public link to the new arena, but also an estimated 1,000 jobs in one of the most deprived local authority wards in Britain.

    This was a key condition in Liverpool obtaining permission to build on public land in Stanley Park
    and, despite the change from a Liberal Democrat to a Labour council at the last election, it remains a priority for local politicians and residents.
    Page_Moss_Kopite likes this.

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