Never tried them, aren't they supposed to chill you out? But when Marvin does em, he usually ends up twatting his bird
they chill you out, totally wipe out hangovers, get you too sleep within minutes. the only reason i'm not sleeping is beacause i've been naughty. vals mixed with drink are seriously bad news, apart from that they are man's greatest invention
That's right he won his first one didn't he. I should stick to sports I actually watch I'm still drunk, went to Jongleurs comedy club last night and ended up ear bashing some English couple. Got their ****ing phone numbers and everything, never going to phone them.
Little known stuff about Andy Murray: a) Born in Glasgow and raised in Dunblane, near Stirling b) Above average football player and had a trial with Stirling Albion c) His grandad, Roy Erskine, played professional football for Stirling Albion and Hibs d) Andy supports Hibs and also follows Stirling Albion. e) Andy is a trust member at Stirling Albion. This means he is co-owner with another 1200 people (including Cristiano Ronaldo)
On the 2pm to Belfast. Flying to Guensey from Belfast in the morning, I'm never out of ****ing airports. Thank **** for duty free. Went to Jamie's last night Tina, the missus loved it but I couldn't stop calling Jamie an egocentic prick because of the way he built the brand around himself. Must have called him a prick about 10 times and the missus was raging, as I think she fancies him.