Clean, non polluting transport. Which bright spark thought ditching the trams and then the trolley buses was a good idea?
Sweets, Plum.Never got into that stuff, Saw the bad effect a couple of dodgy trips had on someone we knew and kept well clear of the stuff.
Well Milton was a bit of an anticlimax. Sadly two people lost their lives according to sky news, discussing previous hurricanes and all the footage they are showing is from years ago. BBC now showing on screen wind speeds in kph. The category 5 hurricane dropped to cat 3 and already down to cat 1. President Biden is condemning disinformation, I guess this and my previous post will be included in what he is calling out. I still feel the officials and media over play things like this and we are becoming a bunch of scaredy cats.
Someone must have hacked the BBC weather app, it's showing 5000 mph winds for hull all day long. Just going out to board up the windows, I may be gone for while.