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Discussion in 'Charlton' started by User deleted as requested, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. Captain Blackaddick

    Captain Blackaddick Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Those of you saying 'you can just ignore Ackers' posts':

    It is not as simple as that. Even if we changed our settings to ignore his posts, we would still read those posts in response to him by those who still read them. To explain: I assume Vol for example wouldn't ignore his posts (correct me if I'm wrong though), and so would respond to them, so those of us who ignore JA would still end up reading what he posts in Vol's replies. As Super has explained, JA has shown that, even when given his own thread and explicitly told to stick to it, he is unable to do so.

    And Vol - I pulled you up on the word 'brigade' a while ago to describe those of us who support Chris Powell. Loaded terms like that don't help you win arguments.
  2. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Not a bad idea, SVC, but not for me. We are all CAFC supporters, so why should there be splinter groups?

    All those who want JA banned are unable to face up to the big question: why does he post in such a manner?

    It is the ghost at the feast.
  3. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    Member: Franco, the geezer is eleven pence short of a shilling !

    Ponders: I love your responses to him, Rifleman. Straight talking - no bull****.

    You're a complete hypocrite. That one statement shows you mocking him for something you are trying(!!) to persecute others of. This is my final post on the subject.
  4. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    How long ago was that?

    I didn't know JA then and I held my hands up to making a mistake. In fact, I apologised to him in person.

    You really are scraping the barrel, you complete ****.
  5. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    Didn't know him - but obviously still fully aware of the situation.

    Mask it all you will. You're a hypocrite. We might be making the wrong decision to several members. But never have me and tewkes been as discriminative as that.

    And you called us pathetic.
  6. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Sorry Captain, but even with a Degree in English you have totally lost me there.

    What is 'loaded' about the word 'brigade' ?

    I doubt you will be 'pulling me up' on anything, as you put it.
  7. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Look at the Acworth thread created on Into the Valley.....I think you will find that JA is sticking to it <sorry>
  8. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    You are not reading my words, are you? Back then I thought he was a WUM, no more and no less. Then I realised I had made a mistake and apologised to the man.

    I can't do any more than that.

    But now I can't defend him because of a past lapse in judgement, is that what you are saying?
  9. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    You was aware of the situation. That post confirms that. Playing dumb insults your intelligence. But however the glove fits, right?

    Did you message the supermod about your account?
  10. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I was completely ignorant to the existence of JA, and you proved that.

    You quoted me in an earlier post whereby I claimed this Ackworth fellow to be A2C, the mega WUM.

    I really did believe that, as you so handily pointed out.

    And then I got to know JA for real.

    And I was sorry for my ignorance.

    And I apologised to him for my ignorance.

    And he forgave me for my ignorance.

    And now I think you should let him post on the Charlton board.

    And if you do, I will disappear for good.

    And that is a promise.

  11. Captain Blackaddick

    Captain Blackaddick Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Can you really not see the negative connotation the word 'brigade' has here? Obviously if we were talking about military history, using the word in its literal sense, there would be no problem with it. But you're choosing to use that word figuratively to describe a group of people who support Chris Powell - it gives the impression that the group is small (when it isn't, it's most Charlton fans) and it calls to mind a similarly gung-ho approach to that of the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade. It also sounds quite old-fashioned. Loaded terms like 'brigade' here are an attempt to delegitimise the opponent's position, a way of making a point without having to provide evidence for it.

    I've pulled you up on various things before - for instance I remember after the Millwall game you claimed that we had scored 1 goal from open play since April, when in fact at that stage we had scored 11.

    I stand corrected re JA on ITV, but here he has shown before that he couldn't stick to his allotted thread. Of course, he may now be able to do it.

    Any chance of answering my point about the 'ignore him' solution not being workable?
  12. Scratchingvalleycat

    Scratchingvalleycat Active Member

    Feb 6, 2011
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    YOu have also suggested that if the mods don't you will disappear for good. Hmm, now let me think..........


    Jan 24, 2011
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    Let Acworth post you big fanny, if you don`t think the materiel is on topic or relevant to your club then MODERATE him....
    The guy is a huge fan and pro actively promotes Charlton Athletic .
  14. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    You must have forgot the private message I sent to you regarding this, and the subsequent messages we shared. PM me and I'll remind you.

    I'm thick skinned enough to take insults about myself personally. But the notion that myself and tewkes- who btw is one of the nicest guys I've ever come across - are some kind of insensitive monsters who are discriminating of an individual. Then you've crossed the line. And you've been called out on your bs.

    I hate having this out on our own forum. How does this look to prospective members, or the current members? I'm embarrassed, but I won't have you drag us down. Hopefully people will see it that way. If not, then I'll do the right thing.
  15. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    @ Captain

    I don't actually agree that 'most Charlton fans' support Chris Powell. That is not my experience. I drink in the pubs before away games, and hear what is said, and similarly sit in the CE for home games. I wouldn't say that CP ....sorry "Sir Chris Powell", is seen as quite the demi God that CL (for instance) likes to paint him as. My own little known position on the CP debate is that his style of football is s---e and is a major factor in our crowds decreasing, however in recognition of his past record I don't want to see him humiliated and would be quite happy if his contract was not renewed next summer (which I don't think it will be).

    The stat about the amount of goals we have scored from open play up to the Millwall game applied to this season. Whatever way you look at it, our chronic lack of goals this season (Sordell....) will be our undoing without investment.

    The 'ignore JA' solution surely depends on just how much he irritates you ? Personally I find him a pleasant character, and he actually has some interesting things to say on non Charlton related subjects. He knows a lot about JFKs assasination, for instance. He also clearly knows a lot about lower league players, so is surely worth a voice ?

    For years we put up with a Millwall WUM on this site talking about ethnically diverse one legged ball boys, so why not Ackers ?
  16. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Shake hands & move on. We need to debate Sordell etc.
  17. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Part of realising my mistake was the private messages you sent me. I then sought out JA to apologise for my ignorance. Is that not a decent thing to do?

    I'm not surprised you are reluctant to have this out in public. Unless you get me banned or have JA reinstated, you will have to put up with my presence for a bit longer.

    What is bs, by the way?
  18. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Take your time, old bean.
  19. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    I don't want to ban people. That's not why I'm a mod. If I feel necessary then I'll do what I think is the right by the forum. Like being a father- I might not always get it right, but I try to do what I think is right. Am I wrong? I don't know, but I know that we exhausted every suggestion made thus far.
  20. Captain Blackaddick

    Captain Blackaddick Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    You take my point on the 'brigade' thing then?

    I reckon if Powell were sacked the majority of CAFC fans would be in uproar - not all, obviously, but most. Most will criticise him when he makes mistakes, but can see what a great job he's done with limited resources, and that removing him now would leave us worse off. The only way attendances would not have dropped would be if we were challenging at the top of the table, which for a club in our position is currently unrealistic. Our home form could certainly be better, but then again our away form could certainly be worse, so you can't criticise him for the former without giving him credit for the latter.

    I brought up that stat as an example of me pulling you up, and indeed as an example of how wrong you can be at times. If you'd forgotten 1 goal then fair enough, but to say we'd only scored 1 when it was in fact 11 beggars belief. As you rightly say, lack of goals is an issue, but the lack of investment isn't Powell's fault.

    JA does irritate me on here (I don't know him in person), both with his writing style and what he writes about. For example above: "Trust me typical im not like that i have been kept very busy of late trying get some money men involved in the club spreading the word around ,i think i might have found someone we in phone talks now so going meet them hopefully before xmas see where we can go with our plans so im keeping my fingers crosed all my hard work has paid off dividends". Do you really enjoy reading that, or for that matter believe it?

    I hated a2c as well, so I'm being consistent, and I don't think it's a fair comparison as moderation was different then on the BBC 606 page.
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