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Absence makes the heart grow fonder: 2017 Round-up

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by EternalMSC, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Hello folks,

    Apologies for going 'AWOL' a few months ago. I hope you are all well and things are functioning as normal.

    I firstly should explain my absence, at the time I was studying my Masters which I am happy to say I have graduated from. But I had to adjust my lifestyle and schedule to the extreme in order to make it through the hardest few months of my life, particularly with my post-graduate dissertation. I hope you can understand this.

    2017. A year that promised so much, and did deliver. I would like to congratulate Lewis and Mercedes on a phenomenal return to the top, his determination and focus after the Summer break was un-paralleled. The team after the regulation change look just as dominant as the turn of the hybrid-era in 2014.

    Sebastian Vettel, as much as I admired his efforts, it's plain to see he un-did all his hard work in Baku after a pure moment of madness, and Singapore where possibly his arrogance caused a multiple car pile-up and cut short the run for a 5th world title. Ferrari choked again, but their improvement over the last few years cannot go unnoticed, they are getting closer. Kimi as an old man is still there amongst the top, maybe had atleast two grand prix wins taken away from him in Monaco (after a stunning pole) and Hungary, but his services to Ferrari have granted him another and probably his last season.

    Amongst the top teams, I was impressed (and am excited for) with Bottas and Verstappen, Valtteri has learnt a lot, after a few silly mistakes early on in the season, he seems to have become familiarised with the team ending 2017 strong. I wish for Max to attempt a title challenge next year, he has all the tools but the team has not been up to scratch since the turn of the hybrid era.

    I should mention Fernando and Stoffel who have both shown great race-craft to put their MP4-32 in positions that we would have scoffed at the beginning of the season. However painful these last 4 years have been, Mclaren-Renault will be great hit... watch this space.

    Force India were stunning, a well deserved 4th in the WCC with a great pair of drivers. A few run-ins in Spa and Baku could have been avoided. I expect strict orders in 2018. Ocon will move to Mercedes as soon as there is movement of either driver there.

    Massa ended his career with great dignity and style, having mentored a young Stroll into a consistent driver compared to the calamitous few races at the start. What a way to finish in the points in Abu Dhabi and beat Alonso to the line in Brazil. Obrigado!

    Toro Rosso ending with two different drivers than they started, and with Honda next season, well I don't expect much. But both drivers have my respect, their statistics in other categories speak for themselves, maybe just maybe Honda could pull out something suprising, maybe Mclaren divorced before the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan.

    Sainz made what could be an inspired decision to Renault, alongside the consistent Hulk (still in search of a podium). It reminded me of Alonsos early career move from Minardi to Renault. Could history repeat itself?

    Sauber made the best and worst decision in the fast few days. Announcing Leclerc, a hot prospect after a fantastic F2 season and dropping Wehrlein to renew Ericsson - what? As much as Kubica returning would be a great story, Wehrlein has already proven himself the world over, the boy can drive.

    Haas were knocking at the door of points finishes this season, both drivers making silly errors here and there. I do think they will drop further back into obscurity next season sadly, such is F1. Less said about balls and sucking the better.

    What else? Alfa to F1 (more style and flare?) halo's, 360 cameras, a new logo, quit threats, 2021 changes, new teams?

    I am sadly under the impression F1 is forgetting what it is, it's losing itself in trying too hard to please everyone.

    Again it's nice to be back here, and apologies. Thanks to people who kept the race threads going.

    I may not post as regularly as I used to, but I'll still be around.

    Onto 2018.

    Yours, Manny.
  2. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    MANNY :D
    Welcome back, I had suspected maybe it was an education thing.
    first of all, congrats mate, now you can join the over-qualified unemployed, (you still get the same money though)
    second, you prick!! I got lumbered with the chat and prediction threads (although Mr B did ask), as you can see I did a piss poor job of it, (though no one noticed the Brazilian poll ended after the race.)

    It was a decent season, with plenty of on track action (especially between the 2 FI drivers), just little
    Number 1 Jasper and EternalMSC like this.
  3. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    I'm very glad to see this thread and agree with your opening post. Congratulations on your (E)Msc.
    I've not contributed much either, but have far less justification.

    –Very well done; and I wish you the very best of luck with your next move.
    EternalMSC and Big Ern like this.
  4. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Thank you Cosi, although entirely coincidental I think it's nice to have ended up with those letters after my name. Funny how the world works.
  5. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Looking back it seems you did a fine job Ern, yes I suppose it's one hurdle to another in life :emoticon-0158-time:. I'll take the wheel after pre-season testing though if you like:emoticon-0136-giggl.
    Big Ern likes this.
  6. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Glad to see you back. Is your masters not in F1 foruming?
    EternalMSC and Number 1 Jasper like this.
  7. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Welcome back .

    And for Big Ern , I can't speak for anyone else , but you have done a cracking job IMHO !
    EternalMSC and cosicave like this.
  8. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Somehow they were written in fate, weren't they?
    You may as well get that eternal tattoo now…
    Big Ern and EternalMSC like this.
  9. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Still haven't passed the GCSE :emoticon-0136-giggl.
  10. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    ha, I'm the Yuji Ide of thread creators.
    Number 1 Jasper and EternalMSC like this.

  11. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I think that sums up the current situation with F1 quite nicely.

    It's trying to appeal to the masses, when its core has always been to the minority. F1 is supposed to be a technical spectacle, not a close racing spec-formula.

    The masses want to see close racing, of course we all do, but F1 can't lose it's way as the pinnacle of motorsport for technology.

    Arguably the pinnacle of motorsport now is WEC. Real hybrid technology, exciting looking cars, and stuff that can properly cascade into the every day cars, which ultimately is what should happen to F1 technology in the end.

    The F1 cars are too complicated, too unreliable and the rules are making a farce of this by having absurd engine/tech penalties that benefit no one but just serve to confuse and frustrate the genuine fans. Yes the plastic fans may rejoice at Max and Ricciardo etc coming up through the field as a one-off race spectacle, but it ruins the chances of a truly open fight for the WDC. There must be a compromise somewhere on costs, but the current rules have gone to far on this. You'll shortly be having tactical battles as to when to take a penalty and a fresh engine for a certain race when it is considered this could give an advantage over a rival (especially in the midfield) who is trying to play by the rules by running a turned down engine for reliability.

    It shouldn't be that way in F1. It should be 100% effort, maximum attack (as Kimi would say), Hammertime (just to piss off the haters), and Vettel swearing so badly your granny blushes and you feel ashamed that you made her watch the race with you.
  12. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Plastic Fans - that did make me chuckle.
  13. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Good to see you back man! You've been missed, but totally understand why.

    Massive congrats to you dude! Hope all that effort pays dividends!? :)
    EternalMSC likes this.
  14. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    It's good to be back Bhaji, looking forward to next year. Cars are apparently meant to be 2 seconds faster, not sure how that would work with a whopping great carbon-fibre bar across the top.

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