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  1. B1g Vern
  2. B1g Vern
  3. B1g Vern
  4. B1g Vern
  5. B1g Vern
  6. B1g Vern
  7. B1g Vern
  8. B1g Vern
  9. B1g Vern
  10. B1g Vern
  11. B1g Vern
  12. B1g Vern
  13. B1g Vern

    New kit…

    Very good point well made old bean.
    Post by: B1g Vern, Jun 13, 2024 in forum: Hull City
  14. B1g Vern
  15. B1g Vern
  16. B1g Vern
  17. B1g Vern
  18. B1g Vern
  19. B1g Vern
  20. B1g Vern