Pork chops on the BBQ - yes, in Canada, in February. And looks like it'll be broccoli, too. And carrot cake for afters. And wine (likely white for me, and red for she). Though I live a long way from Kilburn's 25 cms of snow, I would still be using the BBQ - I can't recall how many times I have cleared snow away from the grill for the weekend suppers, just not so much this year. Yet
My daughter and I cooking together. Plain and simple roast chicken with roast spuds, carrots and onions, white wine/onion/garlic gravy thing and the king of all veg - peas. Got a cauliflower too, I love cauliflower, wondering what to do with it. Roast it as well?
It's a good shout mate, and probably what I should have done, but I've blanched it and shaken it in oil and lemon juice and it's going in the oven to roast.
Well, the brisket was a triumph, slightly to my surprise. Sort of casserole it for nearly 3 hours and it falls to pieces, and the stock makes great gravy, thickened up a bit. Great with the roasties, yorkshires, carrots onions and broccoli. And a couple of glasses of Malbec.
Beef casserole with baked potatoes and lashings of butter and sweetcorn. Hot chocolate fudge cake and cream.
I'm at the fire station and I'm also the mess manager. Half a roast chicken each with, roast potato's, sprouts, carrots, fine beans, peas, yorkshire puds and gravy. We settled down to eat while watching the rugby and didn't get called out. Happy days.
Well I'm still waiting for mine, although it involves pork loin. Just had my entrée of crackers & cheddar cheese + Branston pickle and pickled onions and a glass of red wine (the rest of the family find this disgusting fare).
As long as there is a decent bread sauce with plenty of veggies and crispy roasts you cannot go wrong.