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The right to life

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Erik, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. x

    x Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    bob, bob, bob, bob. going to spain is a rational plan. it takes money and planning which some people might not be able to arrange. people who are so badly affected that they attempt suicide often dont consider their life precious. they may well consider themselves worthless. all part of the problem. there is no logic, no reason, no rationality. sometimes issues such as financial or other problems might overwhelm them very quickly and might be enough to trigger a mental breakdown when there has been no previous sign of mental problem. imagine someone overstretched with a large mortgage and a family maybe including children they're paying for at school or university and then they lose their job and there is little or no prospect of another. what now? a lot of problems are down to pressure and stress. some thrive on it but some dont. maybe something sudden like losing your income and getting snowed under and having your pride compromised could trigger a mental breakdown. maybe there is a certain logic to thinking that the family would be better off with the insurance money than him. but it's not straight thinking, is it?

    some people are more susceptible to mental problems than others, possibly due for genetic reasons, in the same way as some people are susceptible to certain diseases or being tall or whatever.

    highly intelligent people can fall victim to mental problems. what's logical and obvious to the rest of us might not be to them.

    in many case it's like there's a switch in the brain that just changes and it's different for everybody. maybe sometime down the line it'll just switch back, again for no apparent reason - and certainly not one that the person has any control over. i know someone mildly affected who changes every 18-24 months. fortunately it's relatively minor, but his wife and grown-up children know the difference in what are effectively his two personalities. he was a teacher and has a degree.
  2. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    All this stuff about depression is very interesting, but did the person that generated all this debate actually suffer from depression at all?

    So far, other than a lot of assumptions by the papers, I've not seen anything to back up the fact that he was suffering any sort of mental illness.

    He might have been, I just don't know of him having a history of it, or being diagnosed with it, or even his mates having any idea that he was depressed.

    Today's rumour is that a national newspaper was about to out him as being gay, though taking your own life that that alone seems unlikely.
  3. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Part of the reason some may feel that help is not an option, is that they see the stigma as being part of a different problem. They could feel that seeking help could label them as mental and limit their ability to earn a living. You only have to look at some replies to see that sympathy is not universal.
  4. The Omega Man

    The Omega Man Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
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    Bob, if life was that simple smokers could give up without effort, the anorexic would eat and we wouldn't have druggies.
    Looking back I did get treatment, but it was never enough.
    For several months after, I could not read, or write. I did not leave the house for 3 weeks at one point. I would sit in the same spot for hours at a time. What was I thinking about? Nothing, my mind was completely blank, like being asleep whilst awake.
    I am well now, I lost my business and nearly everything else, but I now have a different outlook and I don't suffer with the problem at all. Work is more stressful now but I cope.
  5. The Omega Man

    The Omega Man Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
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    OLM I'm not comparing like for like. My posts are really aimed at those who don't understand the un rational thought process. By statistical theories there will be plenty on posters on here who are suffering like I did and I want them to know that life can get better, just talk to someone, anyone who can help.
  6. MingofHarlem

    MingofHarlem Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Not knowing what it was that ultimately led to Gary Speed committing suicide it has nonetheless brought the focus to bear on "depression" in the beautiful game. The general consensus amongst professionals (current and ex) and those who earn a living from the game is that adulation, money and success do not guarantee contentment and/ or an inner peace. Albert Camus regarded the taking of one's life as the "ultimate irrevocable". A sentiment I cannot argue with!

    Anyway, the passing of somebody I grew up with (in that he was a player whom I watched on a regular basis (SKY) has made me question if having a belief system or religion would have made a difference? I ask this as a non-practising Christian with no agenda.

    OLM - if the content of this post is inappropriate please delete.

  7. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I'd guess after thinking about some tall buildings in New York and also London Transport, I reckon the answer's 'it depends'.
  8. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I think I've said everything I can about this now, I can understand what you're all saying about it and I know that if they were thinking normally they wouldn't even consider it, what normal person would want to take their own life? But depression stems from experiences (agree this is unavoidable) or circumstances (debts, relationships) in which case I think the depression is avoidable from the start, as these problems can be tackled, worked around with a strong heart, or avoided in the first place. Even depression stemming from bad experiences should be avoidable by acknowledging it's getting to you and seeking the right help at the right time.

    I think Ming raises a very good point that having a belief or following a religion could stop alot of people coming to such measures because they're a 'always light at the end of the tunnel' kind of way of life. Religion teaches you an entirely different outlook on life in the way that there's always good times ahead (I think).

    And Ming, don't think anyone could find your religion point offensive as you didn't suggest anyone becomes a Muslim <laugh>
  9. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bob, clinical depression needs no external factors at all and can affect anyone.

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