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European Super League???

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by FrankfurterBlue, Apr 18, 2021.

  1. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    Don't really understand this. Super clubs league with home and away matches? Supporters will be really struggling to attend away matches in real numbers, surely. I don't really see the draw for fans. I completely understand that television will want it since it will be well watched but I'm not sure what they will compete for and not convinced that there will be anything tangible to follow. European matches currently make for interest because they are rarer and a genuine competition......as well as some way of comparing th e various national leagues. This seems all rather forced and fabricated.
    clingo and irishbluebird like this.
  2. irishbluebird

    irishbluebird Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    As I said on an previous post, football today is all about money with the 'big' clubs. And if this is true here they are exhibiting their greed even further. So let them go and form their super league and hopefully the FA will kick them out. Oh and if there's six spots available in the Premier League can we have one?
    clingo likes this.
  3. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I just listened to a rant to beat all rants by Gary Neville on Sky. It’s worth a watch.

    If this gets off the ground then they can all sod off and won’t be missed.

    Greedy foreign owners with no understanding of football history in the country which invented the game :emoticon-0119-puke::emoticon-0119-puke::emoticon-0119-puke:
  4. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Moneyball replacing football.
  5. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Ideal for the plastic fans of S Wales.

    Its all well and good saying they should just go but the knock on affect for the leagues below would be devastating.

    Nevilles right deduct them points relegate them.

    Horrible clubs all of them.
    clingo and ninian opinion like this.
  6. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    Just read a bit more on this.....truly it is foul what they propose. They want to sti in their usual Saturday leagues but drop out midweek and play their little super league. UEFA should simply chuck them out......and their national leagues too.
    @Hilts- I'm not sure the knock-on effect would be so big. National leagues will still have their pull for TV purposes. And if not, maybe it will allow national leagues to settle down a bit in terms of funding and this superstar league can be a bit of a sideshow. It won't be much if they only play midweek and have no weekend base for supporters.
    Much depends on how the national leagues (and the Premiership, which is most heavily hit) react. I note that the German and French big clubs have not participated (so far). German club ownership structurers will mean that they have to be more careful about such a decision anyway.
    clingo and BluefromBridgend like this.
  7. BrizzleBluebird

    BrizzleBluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    This has been coming for a while now.

    The FA started the ball rolling by creating their own breakaway league (The FA Premier League) that was designed to create more wealth at the top of the game.

    Then came UEFA changing the format of the European competitions so that "bigger" clubs were seeded, put into groups rather than straight knockout format, all designed to allow the "bigger" clubs chance to earn more money whilst reducing the risk of them being eliminated from the tournament early (a shock loss or two in the group stage won't necessarily mean they lose out).

    Therefore my thoughts are the FA and UEFA are now reaping what they sowed.
    They helped create these money hungry clubs and can no longer control that lust for even more.

    That aside, the closed shop aspect is completely ludicrous and shows these clubs completely for what they are, selfish, uncaring, disingenuous businesses just looking to milk every revenue stream and customer to the max.

    Sadly, the majority of clubs, our own included, will be exactly the same in their own way and at their own level.

    The majority of fans for the so called big 6 (I can only assume Spurs are there for their stadium as it sure as hell isn't for their sporting success in the last decade or so) will be ashamed of these acts and will condemn them, but sadly there will be enough armchair and younger fans who have been fed nothing but tosh that the Premier League and Champions League are all that matter that will happily convert to this in the blink of an eye as it sounds glamorous to be playing the likes of Barcelona and Inter regularly rather than Burnley and West Brom.

    Even if it fails now, it will happen soon and thereafter it will grow to a franchised "World League" with a few US and Chinese Super League clubs etc. joining.

    I'm afraid that the football we grew up watchingand loving is long gone.
    Football pre 1990's is often painted as some awful, neanderthal type time... for all its issues it did have, it still retained sporting integrity.
    That is something that vanished in the UK in 1992 when the FA broke up the football league.
  8. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    What Brizzle said - yet again.
  9. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    If I was a fan of one of these 6 clubs I’d be sickened by my club being used simply as a vehicle to generate cash for foreign investors.

    I haven’t gone on any of those clubs forums to gauge opinion but I’m sure there’ll be some in support of it. And as alluded to above it’ll be the younger generation who know little about turning up at Maine Road on a wet Tuesday night to watch them play second tier football as they did often in the late 20th century.
  10. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Those that come out in support of it will either have no memories or very short ones.

    Freezing my nuts off in the top tier at Turf Moor is not something I'd want to repeat, but I'd prefer that to this sterile **** we're being exposed to.

  11. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    When I looked earlier, Spurs fans mainly against, Liverpool not that bothered.

    Speaking of Spurs, the Special One not so special now. Toast!!! <ok><ok><ok><cheers><cheers><cheers>
  12. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    It seems the special one may have been objecting to the super league. if so, I applaud him for sure.
    Can't help thinking the Premiership will either have to cave in this or be pretty well denuded....unless the six think they can maintain their position in P'ship AND have their super league?
    Of Spurs are included because of their stadium, it might be better if this new league is played in empty venues.....no need for a big stadium...just good TV sites. There'll be few away fans anyway. The London clubs could share Wembley.....even have one big London club. A world city series!!!!
  13. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    And a draft each summer for signing players.
  14. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Doesnt suprise me one bit. Horrible club Liverpool.
    BluefromBridgend likes this.
  15. BrizzleBluebird

    BrizzleBluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Wait till you get games being played in places like Doha and Tokyo as part of their media and promotional campaign.

    I would happily see all 6 kicked out of the League.

    Ideally they'd all get the boot and the remaining 14 Premier League clubs would resign from the Premier League remains and rejoin the Football League to form one, solid football system that has the benefit of the whole game in its interests.
    Prize money paid out on final league positions regardless of division (ie bottom team in the top division get a fraction more than the top team in the second division).

    Overall salary caps by division (eg a club can only spend £x amount in total on playing salaries for their whole squad with a maximum bonus for promotion or winning the league also put in place)
    That way a team can still pay a "superstar" player mega bucks per week but it'd be at the overall expense of a stronger squad depth.

    Be far more sporting and equally balanced.
  16. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    If only ......
    BrizzleBluebird likes this.
  17. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    There’ll have to be a change in player recruitment as the SL will result in overloading the players. How can Man U etc compete in the PL, the CL, the domestic cups (if they bother to enter) and this new SL?

    They’ll play their kids in the cups, their reserves in the PL & their best 16-17 players in the CL and SL.

    They’ll surely want to challenge in the PL which is the route to the CL unless these foreign owners (Spurs are the only non foreign owned club) seriously don’t care about the domestic game.

    Will they care about getting relegated if they get all this money from the SL?

    What fan is going to watch the SL games? The Asian and US market that’s who - not your loyal UK fan base.

    Anyway is it really a SL without German and French clubs and with has beens Arsenal and Spurs? <doh>
    clingo likes this.
  18. irishbluebird

    irishbluebird Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I bet we won't be hearing the old 'players are tired' excuse when the gang of six join their cash cow, sorry 'super league'. Even if they played all Champions League matches and got to the final that would be about 13 matches but they're okay to play 24 money spinning games without fear of knockout. I'm with Brizzle. Ditch the Premier League, kick the money grabbers out (I wonder how they would cope financially then) and have a proper football league which will engage and help all football clubs, especially those in the lower leagues. I certainly enjoyed standing on the Bob Bank , win or lose, a lot more than watching today's overpriced offerings.
    Will it happen? Probably not and I fear that once the dust settles on this development the mainstay of football today, money, will rule.
  19. irishbluebird

    irishbluebird Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    But will they be playing in the CL Nin?
  20. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    How these clubs try to spread their players across all competitions is anybody’s guess!

    Another factor is UEFA are planning to ban the players from the Euros. Will the players put patriotic duty before their pension funds<whistle>

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