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New owner confirmed…

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Hutch-tiger69, May 30, 2016.

  1. Blaknamberblood

    Blaknamberblood Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    We are not alone with regards fickle fans .. pretty much every club who arent one of the 'big 5' will see their attendances increase if the club is successful .. no matter who owns the club. We ourselves have seen this time and time again everytime we hit a purple patch or challenge for promotion 20+k fans for instance crammed into the KCom when we played Swansea in league 1.
  2. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    I do tend to agree with you
    Only bit I’m less sure about is whether the number of people in that scenario would be fans returning or mostly fans of watching higher level football.
    Bit of both I imagine, although if fans aren’t going now because the Allams are in charge but would go in the PL with the Allams in charge...then that’s clearly not their reason for non attendance in the first place.
    Some have decided it’s a no until they’re gone and they won’t be back regardless until they go.
    And there are some people who will start going because they like to watch PL football (in that scenario) who might vaguely describe themselves as City fans, but aren’t. No massive issue with that, it’s just how it is. It’s actually their kids, like the dealers we are, that we want to get hooked!

    I don’t have a moral high ground on any of this btw. I boycotted due to the name change etc, but then missed it too much and came back. So I’m flaky as **** as well.
  3. Large Elephant

    Large Elephant Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    Or even league 2 (4th tier anyway!)
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  4. LeftSaidFred

    LeftSaidFred Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    What's to say Marcus Evans hasn't also got significant return out of Ipswich despite the debt, in interest and tax losses for use across his larger group? The fact it's debt rather than equity would suggest he may have been able to take some advantage of that strategy. Therefore who is to say how much he is actually writing off? Just speculation without any detailed knowledge of facts, but I'm suggesting his strategy may have been similar to the Allam's over the 14 years he's owned Ipswich.
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  5. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    For the club to thrive, we need a firm fanbase of 15,000 to 20,000, which we more or less had when they took over in 2010.

    They've been running the show through most of the best years of our history when we already had the backing of the Hull public.

    As has been said numerous times on here (usually by me), the Allams had the opportunity to shore up that support and make it almost irreversible locally so that everyone born locally in this millennium would have been a City fan and any other choice would have been a very distant and weird second one.

    Their mishandling and squandering of the goodwill and support of so many people (even those locally who are not bothered about football) is a lasting damage to the club's wellbeing and status.

    It took many years to build up that support and to discard it in such a contemptuous way is for me what they will be remembered for.

    Managers and players come and go. we get promoted and relegated- but we had a chance to consolidate and build a firm base of support that would have made us comfortably the biggest club in the region.

    Instead we have seen it drained away and wasted- for no gain to the Allams whatsoever..

  6. Blaknamberblood

    Blaknamberblood Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I'm an old fart and my memory plays tricks but ya get the drift ! Lol
  7. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Wonderful post. My thoughts exactly. That is what saddens me the most about them and their tenure, Many of us lived through decades when it was the norm to have the piss ripped out of us for supporting our local team. The 2000's saw that finally reversed and at last the (majority of the) area had pride in their football club, including a new generation of kids. The Allams have managed to pretty much destroy what had been achieved, and for that I despise them and can never forgive them ..... and I honestly can't get my head round any city fan who would see it differently.
  8. Godrevy Buoy

    Godrevy Buoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    The best thing about it was seeing loads of kids in City shirts instead of the array of ****e they wore when we were struggling. It’s gutting to see them going back to their old ways when we could have had a full generation of new fans growing up supporting their home town club. It’s so sad this has happened.
  9. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    What did the Allams have to gain by shrinking the fanbase?

    You and others think it was to spite you.

    I think they're not bothered enough to constantly seek to make your life a misery- they're multi millionaires ffs, they have other stuff to occupy them.

    It's a shame things didn't turn out differently but we are where we are, so we just jhave to crack on.

    ....To promotion all being well..
    Tickton Tiger. and Ric Glasgow like this.
  10. Tentotwo

    Tentotwo Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Entire North stand empty Barr half a dozen Swansea Jacks. Fans complained they couldn’t get in probably attending for the first time in years.

    Stuart Elliott for the winner.

  11. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Eh? I don't think I've ever said their actions were to spite me / us. That's not what I believe. I think of them as despicable, arrogant, stubborn, stupid, disrespectful, deceitful, They may well have taken spiteful , vengeful actions against certain persons and bodies but that hasnt been the driver for their relationship with us fans (as a generality), it's all those other things as mentioned.
  12. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I can't get my head round why any City fan would buy their kid a Man Utd,Liverpool,Leeds or Arsenal shirt,because like it or not,young children aren't responsible for buying their own x.mas or Birthday gifts..

    Of course there's some angry City fans who feel wronged by the Allams.

    To 'Despise' them is your choice but it's a fairly strong term to use in the context of a dispute that you can't personally influence and isn't aimed at you individually.I get where they've went wrong,I've been through the same dilemma as you and I hope we get a buyer soon but I'd draw the line at buying my kid any shirt bar a Hull City one and in all honesty it's petty and childish to steer a child in another direction because of our own feelings.

    What does a child know or understand about the politics, finances, or interest rates on the loans at our Club?

    I suspect the Allams are loathed,despised and ridiculed because,for some, they can no longer provide Premier League Football viewing for £300+ a season.Some walked due to our relegation from the aforementioned,some walked because of last season's debacle.

    Others have indeed walked because of the Allams and they have made that abundantly clear.That is their decision,is their own choice and they should be respected for that.I have a slightly different opinion to you but my goal is the same as yours,at least try and get your head around that.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
    Chazz Rheinhold likes this.
  13. mike_hcafc

    mike_hcafc Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    You seem confident there is an interested party but what’s different about this one compared to the dozens of others?
  14. Howdentiger2

    Howdentiger2 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    Well first of all there hasn't been dozens of others, but as to what makes this one different, I'm not close enough to what's happening to know if there is anything "different" about this consortium. From the things I've seen and been told, the difference this time is how it's being delt with within the club and that's all I'm going to say.
    Real ale tiger and Ric Glasgow like this.
  15. johnbo

    johnbo Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2012
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    That’s a good and honest reply, basically it’s very early days, nothing to get to excited about has yet, hopefully things will develop but long way to go. It’s still very early stages so who knows
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  16. Tentotwo

    Tentotwo Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Me and our kid got dragged onto the Fer ark terraces from an early age and we both got the bug sharpish. As time went by the Saturday afternoon venture down Calvert lane to Fer ark became an overwhelming drug both home and away and that’s when apart from the odd season or cup run we where truly cack. Plenty on here know the score with that era but football has changed massively now and unfortunately when we did have a taste of real success it couldn’t be sustained. Problem now is unless we find a Billionaire there’s simply not enough parents prepared to watch lower league football anymore and therefore arguably dont want to associate kids with what they see as failure. Point being made here is City did once have a fantastic chance to finally bury all the old pizz take cynicism and doubters behind at Wembley but typically blew it because those in charge only took the club as far as they wanted and a lot of new found fans didn't fancy waiting around for it to happen again. I’ve always maintained we had and still do have some of the best fans around especially during those dark days but a lot of our new found support and of course those who simply cannot be arsed anymore are easily disillusioned and rarely do much about it for fear of reprisal.
    Godrevy Buoy likes this.
  17. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Oh I despise them although I’ve also no interest in whether we’re in the PL or not (I’d choose no Allams where we are over Allams in the PL)
    But I don’t think anyone is saying that fans who don’t go anymore because of the Allams are deliberately buying their kids other teams shirts to keep them away from City are they?
    TryfanTyger and Gone For A Walk like this.
  18. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I recall a post by GLP some time ago and he mentioned that out of 25? or so kids who he trained,along with his own son.His son was the only one still wearing a Hull City shirt,prior to that there were many.

    The kids were now wearing Man Utd,Liverpool etc? Who bought their shirts? I'd guess their parents?
  19. Tentotwo

    Tentotwo Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Bollocks to the other shirts..don’t need glory grabbing ****s so fcuk em.

    We always get big gates and huge interest but only when the footballs right...the current regime don’t help but that’s the real problem.
  20. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    I recall that
    Parents just buy what their kids ask for though
    Shouldn’t do, but they do
    Otherwise they keep speaking to you and asking for stuff...and no one wants to hear that (obviously babies in LFC shirts etc is different, that’s child abuse)

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