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Off Topic This is so sad

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Evil Jimmy Krankie, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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  2. spirit of 73

    spirit of 73 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Agree mate here's someone trying to gain public sympathy. Double standards what!! FB_IMG_1614676366223.jpg
  3. Confucius

    Confucius Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I agree EJK. Takes me back to when we had a small fox problem at one of the schools, nothing major just crap all over and the primary school kids used to see them out of the window and gave them names.
    However, little Miss Head Teachers wasn't happy, we explained they are frail things, will only attack something to escape, let them get on with it after all, we have built on their land really and they need somewhere to go. But she was adamant they had to go. I found out that you can't transport foxes to rural areas, as they wouldn't survive for themselves so they had to be trapped and "Despatched". I went through the whole scenario of how they would lure them into a trap and because they make so much noise when trapped and due to the locality of houses, they would just shoot them once they started snacking on their treat, we even identified a shooting position, the lot. I tried my best to stop it and went to the Wildlife officer at the Council, Christ we build the kids ponds so they can look at wildlife, now we want to kill the bigger stuff. Thankfully they sent a letter out saying that they don't advocate killing of foxes, but mainly because if you got rid, there is always another one coming along to take its territory
    In another school we also found an injured fox, so called RSPCA, the little thing was scared but looked like it was asking for help. Unbelievably the RSPCA came out, shot it down the burn and just left it. WTF?
  4. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I was enjoying reading that until the last paragraph. That made EJK sad.
    Guy Incognito and Confucius like this.
  5. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hunting for 'sport' or trophies, I cannot abide. Hunting for food, as long as it is sustainable and all of the animal is utilised, I consider to be acceptable. It is, after all, part of the natural process. In some cases, culling to maintain the viability of a population or environment/habitat is necessary.
    Everyone turning vegetarian/vegan is not beneficial to animals though. If no one eats meat, many domesticated species and many managed species (e.g. grouse) will no longer be economically viable and will disappear.
  6. Confucius

    Confucius Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Sorry lad, me too.
  7. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Agree about big game trophy hunters, they themselves should be hung on a wall...

    Not so sure about foxes, rats with furry tails. I've seen what they do to chickens and young lambs. Not keen on horse fox hunting, you can just use shotgun.
    Then there us urban foxes, they tend to come out at night, very loud when mating or fighting.
    Chip and Evil Jimmy Krankie like this.
  8. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yes I saw that yesterday. Cannot imagine it ever stopping even with a law change. Disgusting in my opinion.Just awful.
    Chip and Evil Jimmy Krankie like this.
  9. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    I hate sharks. We are just so ****ing feeble in their house. Stuff of nightmares.

    That said, trophy fishing is pretty damn grim. They ought to be force fed all 395kgs of the thing.
    Chip and Evil Jimmy Krankie like this.
  10. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I do fair bit of open water swimming. I know the risks I take when I put on the wetsuit and hit the water. I’ll happily be feeble!!
    And most definitely they should be force fed every single bit of the shark.

  11. Confucius

    Confucius Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Changing tack a bit but as you know working from home, I watch a lot of daytime TV which includes, Police Force Australia. In one episode, they had the helicopter up as they were tracking a shark just offshore, the beach was packed as was the water. Police were involved in trying to get people out of the sea, but the amount of nonchalance and complete disregard for the situation was quite remarkable. People just didn't give a **** and completely ignored the officers, prompting one to say on camera, "If people don't want to leave the sea, we cant make them".
    It may have even been your neck of the woods at Fremantle
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  12. Montysoptician

    Montysoptician Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    A few years ago we were down at Busselton, swimming next to the pier. We felt pretty safe because they had the shark nets out and we were swimming within them. I swam out to the very end of the nets, following a shoal of fish and then swam down to see how deep they went. The nets were only around two meters deep in about six meters of water leaving a massive gap at the bottom for anything to get under, I was out the water like a shot <laugh>. The daft thing was the day after we were snorkelling at Meelup in open water and never thought about sharks <doh>.
  13. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Fox hunting for sport with hounds is disgusting and has no place in civilised society.
    Saf, Guy Incognito, Ozzymac and 7 others like this.
  14. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    That’s Fremantle for you. They’re a bit special down there. I tend to open water swim at Hillarys Boat Harbour or Sorrento. If I was being told to get out of the water because of a shark I’d beat every record going. The officer was right. They’re well within their rights to be a hors d'oeuvre for a passing Great White if they want to be.
  15. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    The swim leg on Ironman WA used to be around Busselton Jetty. It’s only the last 200 metres or so that it gets deep. Most of the way out you can see the bottom. Still more than deep enough for a shark mind!
    Guy Incognito and Montysoptician like this.
  16. Montysoptician

    Montysoptician Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Maybe not six meters of water where I was then EJK but there was still a massive gap at the bottom of the nets <laugh>We had just walked to the end of the jetty and seen the underwater observatory so sharks were probably at the forefront of my mind and that spooked me.
  17. Chip

    Chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Foxes don't just kill for food, if they get into a chicken shed they will kill as many as they can catch, not that they are being evil or anything its just their nature. Farmers need to make sure they protect their livestock better in these cases rather than getting the local village hunt to chase the foxes across the country with hounds that will rip it to shreds once it is so exhausted it can no longer run.

    Shooting them is an option but more often than not this also causes non fatal injuries resulting in a drawn out painful death when the fox cannot hunt due to the injuries sustained (maybe affecting fox cubs too). Personally I would prefer better buildings and livestock enclosures to stop them getting near. This is probably more difficult with lambs on a hillside though, but I suspect that an adult sheep will see off a fox the majority of times.

    Apparently male Alpacas make great guards and protect both chickens and sheep with their smell enough to put off a fox.
  18. Chip

    Chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Becoming a vegetarian wont prevent pricks catching trophy's though. It may make you feel better but the world is still full of cruel and nasty people who are excited by killing beautiful wild creatures.

    If we don't eat cows we will be overrun with them in 10 years, licking your windows and crapping on the lawn. ;)
    Guy Incognito likes this.
  19. clockstander

    clockstander Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Pricks catching trophy's the world is full of cruel and nasty people who are excited by killing beautiful wild creatures.
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  20. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The truth is mate if we stopped eating farm animals they would be virtually extinct in about 3 months and within 2 to 3 years there would be hardly any footpaths to walk in the national park as you would be wading through about 4ft of brambles and scrub there would also be no buzzards etc because everything they eat would be hidden and there is no carrion as it’s already been dispatched but tell a vegan or veggie that and they are convinced the people who look after them and the land will just carry on as normal so I realised fairly quickly you are talking to somebody who’s not to bright and live in a fantasy world.
    Saf, farnboromackem, Chip and 2 others like this.

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