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Off Topic You've done very well so you WILL be punished

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by makemdan, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. makemdan

    makemdan Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Take up of vaccinations in the North East have been much higher than the rest of the country so next week we're only getting half the allocation and the other half will be distributed elsewhere. Thanks a lot you bunch of ****ing pig twats
  2. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think you'll find you're wrong mate.

    I distinctly remember Mr Johnson saying he'd level things up and look after the NE.
    DH4, safc-noggieland and Sunderpitt like this.
  3. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Had my 1st one 3 weeks ago. Should have had the 2nd one today. Cancelled until March.
    MrRAWhite and Sunderpitt like this.
  4. Snaggey

    Snaggey Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Thing is mate, thats not what you consented to. Its ****e isn't it, you're basically taking part in a clinical trial.
    DH4, Draig and Gil T Azell like this.
  5. rowley

    rowley Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    This is a national effort, not a local race. If the vaccine has rolled out well here and elsewhere great. But it is reasonable that other parts of the country, which might very well have greater logistical challenges, should get the chance to catch up.

    It is easy to big this up into some us v them thing but it is not that at all. It was created in Oxford and is made in Wales among other places, none of which are up here. The vaccine programme is in fact, going by worldwide metrics, an astounding success already and is looking to continue that way.

    If you'd like an idea of how bad it could be, look over the water to the people of Europe who have been treat with disgraceful contempt by the EU's bureaucratic tyranny. Individual nations were coerced into allowing the EU commission organise everything. Result; far too little Pfizer ordered, and ordered far too late. Refusal of offer by Pfizer of 300m more doses, then too late asking for them. Late approval for the same.

    No approval yet for the Oxford vaccine, despite this being made locally now in many parts of the world. Maybe next week they say, maybe not. Germany has been told it faces an "investigation" because it has eventually ordered on it's own account another 30m doses of a vaccine created by a part German company, to protect German people! Other countries are now trying to do the same, but the clock is against them as the delivery time grows longer every day, and they cannot yet use the Oxford jab yet.

    Nothing is perfect in the handling of a pandemic. Here and elsewhere mistakes of different kinds have been made. They are inevitable. But whatever mistakes have been made here, the procurement programme of the vaccines and the decisions surrounding it, it's distribution and use are light years ahead of most of the world..

    It's not bad here. Really it isn't.
  6. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Totally agree. If I had had it one day earlier I would have got it. I am cynical and only got it to get on a plane for holidays. Your right though I feel like a guinea pig now.
    Snaggey likes this.
  7. cumbrianmackem

    cumbrianmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Had my Senyca (spelling) on 21stDec
    Told I'd get my second within four weeks which was cancelled
    I work with GPs covering out of hours when surgeries are closed and today I was told me that first vaccination gives me a certain immunity and as long as I get the second within 12 weeks then nowt to worry about.
    The government in their rush to look good have come out with a lot of misinformation but I stopped listening to them months ago and am happy to take it from horses mouth so to speak.
    I've worked in amongst sick people and GPs looking after them since covid struck and have been lucky so far to have stayed healthy so I thank my lucky stars.
  8. makemdan

    makemdan Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Ah yes I forgot about Mr Pantsonfire the truthsayer
    DH4 and Smug in Boots like this.
  9. Gatesy

    Gatesy Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    And to think this could have been us if not for Brexit...

    Good post mate.
    Saf likes this.
  10. rowley

    rowley Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Actually, in or out of the EU, there was no compunction to join in the EU's procurement programme as health matters were not within their official competence. That said the political pressure would have been great to toe the line. It was great enough in June when the gov announced that the UK would do it's own buying , sourcing and administering. Scorn, derision and worse was poured onto the gov by the BBC, The Guardian, Sir Kier Starmer and most of the Labour Party, saying that lives were being put at risk for political reasons.

    In fact the UK did speak with the EU on the matter, but were told that all decisions must be given up to the EU. It was at that point the decision was made.

  11. makemdan

    makemdan Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I don't believe it's a race at all, neither local nor national. If some areas are not achieving target inoculation numbers robbing Peter to pay Paul won't help as they should already be receiving the number of inoculations to enable targets to be met: taking supplies from other areas won't change anything if people don't take up the invitation and it could result in vaccines being junked if there's insufficient storage available. What it means in real terms is that despite being given an assurance that a predefined number of jabs will be delivered next week some inoculation centres will now have their allocation halved. As it happens all of these centres are in the North East but I'm sure this is purely coincidental.
    Nathan Brazil likes this.
  12. C19RK73

    C19RK73 Red & White army!

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I get mine tomorrow at 18:40 it’s 12 weeks apart now mate not 21 days
    Gil T Azell likes this.
  13. Saf

    Saf Not606 Godfather+NOT606 Poster of the year 2023

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Yep. The North East is way ahead of the rest of the country <ok>
  14. Saf

    Saf Not606 Godfather+NOT606 Poster of the year 2023

    Jan 17, 2018
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  15. Smiler

    Smiler Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    They have never been tested 12 weeks apart, the clinical trials stated you need the second jab around 3 weeks after the first, not 12 weeks. We are all being made into guinea pigs because the government think they know better than clinical trials and best practice guidance. Pfizer have stated they only tested the vaccines efficacy when given 21 days apart, they have no idea how well it will work given 12 weeks apart and they made the bloody stuff.
    safc-noggieland and DH4 like this.
  16. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    Everyone is in it together. As long as each area gets a fair, equitable share overall.

    Non-issue for me.
  17. polyphemus

    polyphemus Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Credit where it's due, and there has been precious little to give credit for so far with the way this problem has been handled, The Government has done brilliantly in getting The UK so far, so quickly, wth the vaccinations.

    They placed mass orders for a number of vaccines that were not ready or proven, (a similar procedure to the one they used for obtaining PPE, but this time it's worked), and as a Country we have hit the ground running.
    I read a couple of weeks ago that in the same week that England had vaccinated over half a million people, France where they have/had some odd rules about civil rights, had done under five hundred.

    And the most impressive thing for me has been the efficiency of the place I attended for my jab.
    Whoever was responsible for the background organisation for this deserves a huge bonus.
  18. Deletion Requested1

    Deletion Requested1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    In an article regarding the diverson of vaccines the daily telegraph reckons

    "meanwhile some GP's in the south east were accused of holding up the rollout by refusing to administer the pfizer jab and in some cases demanding more money for administering the vaccine. In one part of East Sussex just one surgery was vaccinating elderly people in an area covering 200 square miles"
    Saf likes this.
  19. polyphemus

    polyphemus Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I'm in the same position as you, but I'm grateful to have been given my first jab, thus getting some protection.
    It seems that by delaying the second, millions of others can get this same protections as me that much earlier, thus saving lives on a grand scale.

    I don't see a downside to this.
  20. Gordon Armstrong

    Gordon Armstrong Just another S.A.F.C. fan
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Poly, man, you're not supposed to see the good bits :emoticon-0145-shake

    The government doesn't deserve praise for doing something well . . . . they should just be pilloried for their mistakes :emoticon-0148-yes:

    It was announced on BBC Breakfast this morning that Brexit has been brilliant for Nissan Sunderland (and 1,000s of people in the north east), despite all of the scaremongering, but Boris shouldn't be praised for doing a bloody good job . . . . indeed there has been no mention of it on this board, not a ****ing word <doh>

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