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Welcome to Wearside, KLD

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Smug in Boots, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Once our new owner arrives, and the old one goes, it'll be a huge relief and a time for celebration. Yes there are always concerns but, ffs, after the last few miserable years surely we can be allowed a brief period of unfettered joy and hope.

    There were some who insisted this was just a share shuffle and that KLD would be nothing more than a hapless puppet having his strings pulled, and pockets picked, by Donald and. Methven. When, on the 27th of November, he hit them with 'give me total control or I walk' that was the moment any such notion crumbled.

    He comes from a business background and he means business ...

    ... let's hope he does the business.

    (Bear in mind, with any replies, the link to this thread will be going directly to Kyril Louis-Dreyfus as a 606 welcome.)

    Meanwhile, in France, they're still pining for him over there ...

    ... Grégoire has known him for years, what he says is first hand from KLD, not the lazy local journalism we have here.

    But Mathieu Grégoire does not believe it. Asked about this in the Passe Ton Ballon podcast , the journalist from L'Equipe assures us that Kyril Louis-Dreyfus will remain a supporter of OM, but will not become its owner: "He remains a big fan of OM. He loves to follow the results, he can be very critical like any fan on the choices of players. Last month, we talked for a quarter of an hour about Bafé Gomis. He never understood why he left. He remains passionate about the daily life of the club. Afterwards, he wants to preserve himself too. It accelerated his father's illness, it affected his mother a lot, she got in her head, she left for that too.

    He has a real distance on the management of OM and French football. He is not a fan of trading, for example. With Sunderland, he goes to a country where he could recoup his stake. I think that at first, he wants to compare his idea. He will confront his ideas with reality ... more than being the owner for a day he is going to do a little data, he will try to promote the brand of a club which attracts more than 30,000 people in the third division.He is like us, Football Manager thoroughly, except that he has the means to do it in real life! He is passionate about data, he found a great guy, his *sports director*, he was the one who trained Jude Bellingham (Dortmund hope, editor's note). He will try to see what he can do with training at Sunderland.

    But his relationship to OM, for me, there is a 99% chance that he will remain passionate, quasi-filial, more than being the owner for a day. "

    Jude Bellingham, *"Speakman is a great signing for Sunderland! Did amazing things for a lot of lads over the years. No doubts at all that he will do the same in this new role!"

    (It's auto-translate so not perfect.)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
  2. The Professor

    The Professor Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2020
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    You read that & I cannot get my head around why some are not excited about his arrival!

    He is going to set us up professionally in a way that we have never seen before. Will there be mistakes? of course, thats life, everyone makes mistakes, but if we're set up properly the successes will far outweigh the failures.

    Lets enjoy this as it looks like we have found an owner who will share our passion....KTF
  3. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Sounds good to me. Onwards and upwards. May be he will want to own OM again but he won’t do that if he’s unsuccessful here, bring it on.
    Sunderland are back
    Sunderland are back
    Hello hello

    And Jude Bellingham is 17 and over 50 first team appearances all ready.
  4. Excellent post mate! Let’s hope as fans together we can put the takeover and Rawa infighting and bickering that’s infested us for the last 18 months or so behind us , and go into 2021 in a new, revived spirit in never ending support for our great club, as we enter a new era under exciting, revitalising ownership. I’m very optimistic for the future!
    Welcome KLD!
  5. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    As can be seen by the huge threads on both forums it seems like we've all become addicted to the intrigue, conspiracy theories and financial mysteries. I think we need to just allow ourselves to be football supporters for a while and allow the owner to run the club as he chooses.

    He seems infinitely more capable, experienced and intelligent than any one of us. He's steeped in football, knows it from the inside, and has real clout.

    Let's just do what we do best and support our club ...

    ... leave KLD to do his best and not pretend that he needs our guidance.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
  6. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Even the miserable b*stard "fans" who are struggling to accept this must be intrigued by KLD.

    Get all of us back in that ground and I have no doubt that he will be another one who will be hooked by the passion. We WILL get under his skin. I can see him renting an apartment in the Echo building just to see his new home:emoticon-0102-bigsm. The wonderful SoL.
  7. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Don’t know what you think mate but I feel this is going to be one exciting January.
  8. Guinness Guzzler

    Guinness Guzzler Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    From what I've heard about KLD I am very optimistic. From a minority of shares, to realising he needed overall control, that suggests someone who won't be taken for a fool and who very quickly got the measure of Donald. The move towards a data driven, well structured set up also bodes well. Its great that he has access to funding , but as we saw with Short that means nothing if you don't have the right structure and people in place. Ideally when he spends money it should be on infrastructure, scouting etc. Get all that right and you can generate the money you need for transfers through developing and selling players.

    He's young, but he obviously knows his stuff. He'll also have the kind of advisors that most could only dream of. So his young years aren't an issue for me, especially given that he's spent all of them immersed in the football industry.

    We can never be certain that it'll work out with any owner, but KLD deserves the warmest welcome and a lot of trust. Early signs are already positive so let's just get behind him and see how far we can go. If he gets it right, and this club gets under his skin like it has with so many others, then this could be one hell of a ride.
  9. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Have we signed anybody yet? Time is cracking on! :emoticon-0158-time::emoticon-0158-time::emoticon-0158-time::emoticon-0158-time::emoticon-0158-time::emoticon-0105-wink:
  10. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    He'll have already had a lifetime of people trying to ingratiate themselves, snaffle money and ride on his coat tails.

    As you say he'll have learned some important lessons and won't suffer fools gladly.

    I'm certain he'll be on the case of every aspect of the club and some outside as well ...

    ... the media, especially the local, players agents, sponsors, advertisers, etc, will all see a massive difference.

    I also believe he'll be much more 'hands on' than people probably expect.

    It will be fascinating if we can just let down our guard and allow ourselves to believe.

  11. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    To be fair he's a handsome young man as well. I reckon there'll be at least 4000 more season tickets sold to young lasses hoping to snare a billionaire.
    Gil T Azell and Smug in Boots like this.
  12. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Does anyone think that it would be a laugh to see who can guess the nearest crowd size for our first proper match back?
  13. Whiteleas Wanderer

    Whiteleas Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Hello all, I'm excited to see what this month brings especially with new vision at the club.

    All our household got covid for xmas and we all been poorly, fingers crossed we all on the mend now.

    I can officially go out the house tomorrow....so excited!! I had a cuppa in the back garden yesterday and it felt great feeling the fresh air on your skin after being cooped up for so long.

    Anyway I would like to wish each and everyone of you and your families a happy new year, its got to be a better one than last year.

    Here's to a great 2021

    John 11:35, W6FTM, Chunksafc and 6 others like this.
  14. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Yeah, would make a good thread mate ...

    ... mind you, there'll probably be a hover-bike park by then.
  15. Billy Batts

    Billy Batts Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Think there'll be two or three in in the coming weeks. Be good if we could get shot of the likes of Graham, maybe pay the remainder of his contact up and free up space for incomings.
  16. MACKEMLAD1973

    MACKEMLAD1973 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Just lasses???
    Smug in Boots likes this.
  17. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    No doubt there’ll be blokes as well, you know, the type that cross their legs. :emoticon-0105-wink:
    MACKEMLAD1973 likes this.
  18. MACKEMLAD1973

    MACKEMLAD1973 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    The day it gets announced will be party time.
    The new leadership he will bring to us will be so exciting and fans around the world will be believing again.
    It's been a long time coming but it looks like we will see The Light again.

    Welcome KLD. Yes we will get under your skin but be aware you will be treated as the New Messiah.
    If it all goes well and some fans still give you grief i'm sure you won't worry about that. Anyway we'll sort them out

    Have a great new year everybody and get ready to fly

  19. BackO'TheNet

    BackO'TheNet Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Great post GG !

    Part of me also wants him to make contact with the likes of Short and Murray, to get a deep insight into their 'issues and barriers' to their's and the supporter's hopes and expectations, to get an understanding of what went wrong etc. That would show a massive show of intention.
    Ginnanson and Guinness Guzzler like this.
  20. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Are they represented by RAWA?
    Gil T Azell likes this.

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