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OVER & under 70'S THREAD ....inc: BCFC NOT 606 PUB BAR news

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by johngalleyfan2, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well WE are to be isolated the conurbrations of this is very deep and you can say dark!!! THE OVER 70'S ARE EXPENDABLE ………. deep down is the thinking 16 million over 70 … so if half of them in a worst case scenario [ we cant give them all a ventilator ] were to pass on into the mass graves set up around our major cities in the next 6 months think how much pension money we would save!!!
    Italy has set the tone … no burials because it means a gathering … what if you do not want to be cremated … there is a lot going to need to be published on how this works …
    A couple .. one aged 71 the other 68 [ quite often how married couples ages are ] one has to stay in the other free to roam … keep 2m apart so sleep in separate rooms sit 2m apart to watch tele etc etc ..
    I personally and think r&w had to miss last summer /autumn due to being restricted into there abodes /hospitals I missed the whole summer .. and didn't plan to this year .. the key is getting back to fitness and just this last week I have finally gotten back to being able to do what I WAS ABLE 2 -3 years ago and beyond …………
    AGE/TIME IS A SEQUENCE OF ARTIFICIALLY INTERPRETED DURATION … all the conditions around it have an influence … many many 65 year olds cannot do what I achieve, LIKEWISE there are peeps older who can achieve more than I or better than I … OF COURSE you have to accept a line in the sand has to be drawn …

    I will have just to get my ass into gear and go get my 6 grow bags AND spend more time in the garden .. growing my beans and a few fresh veg …
    will the government compensate us for not using our cars? … rebate on the insurance or not being able to implement SORN!
    there is lot needing to covered ……………
    will look forward to my mid night walks avoiding the curfew police ….lol
  2. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Just a shame that ventilators apart from one company here all come from Europe. So we can bet they won’t need to worry about sales here when the rest of Europe need them.

    Luckily Andrex are British branded, so we can haggle or they can have cheap **** (no pun intended)
  3. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    the biggest toilet roll manufacturer in UK is near Manchester
  4. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    SO IN A FEW WEEKS... us old 'uns are to be "encouraged" to stay in doors … there was a video by Vallance which I CANT FIND NOW! was pretty concise … expecting a few of us to contract then pop our clogs in an effort to get immunity ………….
    He states we need people to get it so that we get immunity into the system! but don't want them to start yet! we need to get more cases … bit like ROD's video allow a few to get it and pass them through the hospital and admit a few more etc etc.
    the health minister and another video shows a person self isolating .. 2 metres apart sleep in well ventilated room with door shut, double bag all your rubbish, don't go shopping get it delivered! don't have visitors …
    well I guess I will have to sleep on that fantastically comfortable £300 single mattress in the spare room BECAUSE OUR DOUBLE BED ISNT 4M WIDE! … probably best to put the small tent up on the lawn move the mattress down … and hey presto isolation and fresh air …. and the dawn chorus ………...
  5. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Boris's FIRST TV broadcast .. guess whosays it was "my idea" .. shadow chancellor and his cronies...

    this is all to do with "selling" and as a onetime sales training manager you can see the subtle subconscious plants … the giving and the taking away .. all to do with rationalization of the case in hand. It was very well put and not to much information and just enough of the guarded truth to prepare for the worst. Donald Trump on the other hand got straight to the point don't panic it will all be all right and we have measures in place to protect the economy … that might sound a bit " of I don't care " but very clever ..alleviating a double stress entende in one simple action and deliverance of calm …. [ dads army ring a bell? ]
    never mentioned [ uk ] 8 million could be in hospital … that was leaked elsewhere … spread over 4 months … made a point that the over 7o's were still able to nip out for their daily/routine fresh air exercise but stay clear of others. [ it was added it was important to stay fit and healthy We now, if we didn't before know the virus has a out of the body shelf life of 6 -12 hours and doesn't like sunshine … will do some research to see what vitamin D might do to it …. !

    If everyone was told to stay in their house for 24 hours every then likely any virus on rails handles surfaces would have died? make it 48 and that would be sure??? 72 and most [ very big % ] peeps going to get it/ have it would know .. supposed to take up to 168 hours to incubate, allowing for overlaps that would possibly account for 70% of those with it …
    super hygiene with 72 hours having killed most of it off "outside" .. a further 7 days would see it almost gone????
  6. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    You see what you want to see regarding Trump I'm afraid.

    "Asked what it was like to take the test, Trump says, "Not, not uh - something I want to do everyday...you know, it's a little bit of a -- it's a little bit of -- good doctors in the White House, but it's a test. It's a test. It's a medical test. Nothing pleasant about it.""

    He's even crap at lying that he'd taken the test.
  7. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I often worry about you and RP
  8. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think Trump is obnoxious but with all of the clowns coming out of the woodwork I can only say thank god I'm a Brit (English), I think Boris is doing a good job, considering, Corbyn is still back in the stone age the useless muppet.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  9. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Trying to be unbiased here. Pains me to say it but I think Boris is doing ok, I mean, what can he do? He's relatively helpless, though I'd like to see some action from him soon with regard to helping small businesses like some other countries have done. Ironically, this is the exact sort of situation which some Corbyn policies would actually help, only in this interim sort of stage. We are crying out for more beds, socialism is designed for things like this. On a wider note, I really do worry for the global economy this year, this is unprecedented.

    Anyone else see about Virgin Atlantic wanting £7.5bn of Government money to help them out, while asking 8,000 staff to take 2 months unpaid leave? The cheek of it, the guy could pay all of the staff wages during that time and barely see a dent in his pocket.

    Jokes aside, I know a fair amount of users on this forum are a little older, which means things might be tougher with fighting this. Genuinely hope everyone here gets through safely, and has the support they need should isolation kick in properly. Loneliness is bad enough for some even without mandatory isolation, and shopping could be difficult.
    smhbcfc likes this.
  10. smhbcfc

    smhbcfc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well said Rob
    Reliant Robin TC2 and BCFCRob like this.

  11. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wiz fancy calling Corbyn a muppet, that is truly a very unkind thing to do, you should be ashamed, I hope the muppets forgive you …:emoticon-0100-smile
    bcrob ….It was news before last night, before you posted help for small businesses and had been in the wind since Sunday that Tuesday he would be coming out with some very jaw dropping plans .. unprecedented in a generation … and not finished yet ..
    ALL the impetuos " I WANT TO GET ON THE BAND WAGON" of anti BORIS supporters are still giving it negative vibes to the efforts of the government NHS health scientist's etc … pathetic amoeba's [ slighty smaller than a covid cell ].
    notice the mouth piece of the "we will the election and my job as chancellor will see us all bankrupt" is keeping head down with gob firmly shut ………
    Almost martial law in France … don't see the fishermen blockading the ports ...or air controllers on strike … oh of course no planes!
    have you noticed how clear the night sky is getting? aircraft generated aerosols not polutting the sky!
  12. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Coronavirus: Cambridge scientists race for a vaccine
    Scientists at the University of Cambridge say they are working "as hard and as fast as we possibly can" to find a vaccine to stop the spread of coronavirus.
    Prof Jonathan Heeney spoke to BBC science correspondent Richard Westcott at a laboratory in the city, with access so restricted he had to talk through a glass window.
    "It's a complex process. Right now we have our vaccine candidates in mice and they're generating immune responses to the vaccine," said Prof Heeney.
    "We're working around the clock with a team of experts and everybody's collaborative. The sooner we can get a vaccine or therapy out there the better."

    the problem they have got is once injected all the cats in the area chase after you! … but seriously the sooner they get the gremlins ironed out the better … China has a 3 month start, and one must wonder that if the professor who died … "first victim and one who spoke out about it" he must have had a head start? so does it mean we are still at least 4 months away????
  13. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Still think Boris is a bit of a buffoon but honestly that Rishi Sunak seems very impressive. Couldn't believe the amount of money they put in yesterday. I think more needs to be done, I'm definitely not protected in any way personally just yet, but it's far more than I'd have ever expected from any Tory government.
  14. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think the Government are doing a decent job and Boris and Rishi are gaining deserved respect.
    Aside from the undoubted headaches it would cause the parents, I'm not sure about the wisdom of keeping schools open at the moment when kids could be carriers but don't get the full blown disease. I appreciate it's difficult and if parents are at work then what's stopping the kids roaming the streets and potentially spreading the disease further ?
    Shopping remains a challenge. Unbeknown to me and despite being a 24x7 store, my large local Tesco shut overnight apparently and reopened at 06.00 today. I went there at around 06.50 to get bread and milk and it was carnage, absolute carnage.
    No Milk, no loo rolls, no dried pasta, very few tins of meat, veg etc. Loads of shoppers walking round in masks.
    Queues from the checkouts to the back wall of the store, far worse than at Xmas time.

    It's getting to be quite scary...….
  15. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I CAN ONLY RE ITERATE what I said pre election when there was a LOT of negativity about Boris .. .." he could prove to be a figure that goes down in history along with the likes of previous PM's .. of all 3 parties … for their positivity and good …. "
    Everyone is entitled to their opinions of course... but you cant really see the real picture …. today in parliament you saw the mutual respect of the Labour and SNP toward Boris and the Government and how he is coping … the sniping was there but not vindictively, but as assurances that wanted to associated with the positivity of the task in hand … buffoon he is not.
    Yo we shop in the same [ live near each other !] Tesco is now shutting at 10pm making provision for oap's 9 -10am and ensuring no hogging of the space between queing. [ 2m ] They have sufficient food to be supplied [ necessities ] for over 3 months .. problem people buy stuff that wont last and have to waste it... they DCAS … THEY ARE ALLRIGHT JACK's … so we spent £30 on ??? and wasted £10 of it but we had it ….. others were denied because they over bought it …..
    psst want some bog rolls I have a garage full £5 each [ one careful user ] ………...lol
  16. raver

    raver Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    so today whole company asked by employer to drop to a 4 day week and for me personally a 35% pay cut....oh and we expect you to work on your day off. This is only the beginning more to come. I am OK but some of the guys that work for me have young families and mortgages. I may drop to 3 days so others can still do 5
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  17. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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  18. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    That's rubbish mate, hope you pull through. It's going to be so tough for all of us. If I'm still in a job come the end of next month I'll be amazed.
    raver likes this.
  19. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    i will look later .. once I START I TEND TO TAKE IT TO A POINT where it doesn't really fit my ability or the info looks impractible [ I stopped looking for other ways to be fair on how the season ends because the algorithm showed a massive disparity in the mini league scenario for eg ]
  20. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    been through that scenario before … but how does 1 day from 5 = 35%?

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