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Match Day Thread Tottenham Hotspur v Olympiakos

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by PleaseNotPoll, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I know ,we have **** luck with injuries and it seems to get worse every season ,lo celso and ndombele would have made us a lot stronger and it's our bad luck that both are struggling not to mention bloody Sess breaking down again.
  2. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    You'd drop him wouldn't you?

    How small is our thinking? Let's play Eriksen even though he's not interested...but but he's our "best" player. It's only a few months if Poch can't plan for that now or hadn't then Poch is stupid. In fact I think Poch is a bit stupid and easily ripped apart with his own contradictions

    So last night, in the presser he's be moaning our lack of aggression, passion etc...yet he takes off Moura who is all heart and skill and keeps that manic depressive useless **** Eriksen on the pitch <doh>
    Rocky blue army likes this.
  3. spurs4

    spurs4 Member

    Sep 8, 2019
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    Water under the bridge. However, there were I believe realistic plans to extend the east stand taking capacity to 44,000 and the west stand could have had a tier added, like at Anfield, using the old car park area, would have taken Spurs back over 50,000. Must have done comparative appraisals and went for the new build. Probably suited ENIC with nfl aspirations, etc, but the Spurs team/budget may have benefitted from a more modest capital spend. We'll never really know, and as you say there could have been more logistical obstacles to overcome at Spurs than at Liverpool.
  4. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    It's not atm, King, it's ENICs mantra.

    We have been developed as a business and infrastructure to yield the maximum return for tight bastard Uncle Joe. What more is left to build?

    Now its about the team...watch ENIC/Levy choke. Yeah we spent this summer but so what...we had 2 windows without it

    1 trophy under ENIC in 20 years... absolute dogshit.
  5. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Personally I would drop him as he's not in the right frame of mind and clearly wants away but he should take a lesson from Toby and still give 100 per cent .
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  6. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    He should but he won't or he would have done by now.

    Toby is a great pro.
    Rocky blue army likes this.
  7. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I'm not defending Eriksen's form last night or even in recent games but I don't really buy this whole "He needs to be more like Toby" idea.

    What's Toby actually done that's been so great? Both players are refusing to sign new deals at present. Whilst in terms of on field performances, our defensive record has been shocking for a while now (in comparison to previous years) and Toby has been a mainstay in that XI.

    Is Toby really playing that well? One clean sheet this season. He's getting off scot-free in my opinion purely because of the fact there's more scrutiny on the position Eriksen plays in. If Eriksen doesn't score or assist he's bollocked for it, sometimes fairly sometimes not. When we're letting 2-0 leads slip and failing to keep clean sheets against the likes of Villa and Newcastle, why isn't Toby and the rest of the defence being bollocked?

    With respect, I think there's a massive dose of double standards. I completely understand the frustration with fans regarding Eriksen but I wholeheartedly disagree that Toby has been some shining light that Eriksen needs to emulate.
  8. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Toby has had his head down and been playing football to a standard we expect...that will do me for a man who wants to also leave. Toby was an example because he was/is in a similar situation as Eriksen.
    Rocky blue army likes this.
  9. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    To me Eriksen gets stick because we all know how good he is on his day but those days are getting fewer and fewer and it seems to me his heart isn't in it anymore I may be wrong but last night on the edge of our box he half heartedly went for the ball and that leads to the penalty ffs he couldn't pass and lost the ball on numerous occasions. In my opinion poch got it wrong playing players who weren't fit and we're match rusty.we all know dave had a mare at right back the other week yet poch picks him there again <doh>.Davies was terrible and should have been on the bench that's why we conceded 2 goals last night , I just hope that Poch learns from his mistakes.
  10. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    So conceding loads of goals is the standard we expect?
    remembercolinlee likes this.

  11. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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  12. SpursDisciple

    SpursDisciple Booking: Mod abuse - overturned on appeal
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Pochettino has said what the issue was. He wanted a hard pressing game, with lots of energy and the players for whatever reason were not up to it.
  13. Citizen Kane.

    Citizen Kane. Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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    The difference is simply the fact that he at least looks like he gives a **** about us and the club. Eriksen's body language is currently straight out of the bestselling book of How to Not Give a Toss and Earn a Fortune Doing It, by Mesut Ozil. That is ultimately what most fans demand and deserve: You and I don't mind seeing us lose or dropping points we shouldn't be dropping. As long as all 11 players out on the pitch play like they are aware that they are members of the most privileged 10% of humans on planet earth, I couldn't care less about the points.

    And this is why Toby is getting a free pass from fans. He still cares.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  14. The RDBD

    The RDBD Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Ironically, these types of games IMHO are showing his limitations.

    I cannot say if Hazard for example is more often capable of fronting up,
    holding the ball in MF during these melees until a drive forward is
    possible. Modric certainly is.
    Rocky blue army likes this.
  15. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    He lost the ball 22 times...he's our playmaker, the best some people say. He should be making love to the ball instead he treats it like a hot potato and couldn't get himself further away from it.

    Observers are not daft...he's not interested...Poch is being exposed with his weak handling of this and he feels it. Poch wanted Aggression yet left him on and took off Moura(probably because Moura won't sulk) and the fambase won't hold it against him as much as they would if the False Messiah gets dropped

    Poch is his own worst enemy and exposes his own weaknesses. Personally I don't think we would be any worse or better off with Eriksen in or out of our team judging from our performances thus far.

    So Poch should just leave him out.
  16. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    It's not about the stats...you're basically saying Toby is sulking on the pitch, not interested and not playing to the best of his ability. I don't see it.

    If you think Eriksen and Toby's demeanour and output on the pitch is as bad as each others then fine but I don't see it.

    You can't blame Toby for Dave's lack of RB ability but you can blame him for a half arsed effort.

    We don't need our own version of Ozil. You can't expect to rip the piss out of goggle eyes yet brush it under the carpet when one of our own is acting up the same. We're not talking about Davies at RB..we are talking about our playmaker, the guy who always grabs the ball in a dead ball situation because he is built to influence a game...shout me when he turns up.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  17. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    How are we defining about how a player looks when giving a ****?

    A poor run of form doesn't really dictate if a player cares or not. The defence have been leaking goals whilst Eriksen has been hugely inconsistent.

    Neither Toby or Eriksen should be a beacon of light to anyone at the moment. If we're looking for good examples then Lucas is probably the best one to look at. Isn't the most consistent but always seems willing to graft when on the pitch, constantly gets dropped by the manager, signs a new contract when offered.

    Personally I just don't buy this whole "Toby is a role model" idea. He's doing nothing different to Eriksen, it's only because he's in a different position that seems to be preventing him from getting the same level of criticism.
    KingHotspur likes this.
  18. KingHotspur

    KingHotspur Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    I don’t think Toby is playing any better than Eriksen

    The defence has been pants all year (2019)
    remembercolinlee and Dier Hard like this.
  19. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Agree the defence has been poor but you defend from the front and if you have square pegs in round holes that's gonna happen. Poch needs to learn from his mistakes.
  20. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Eriksen is playing **** yet still covering loads of distance on the pitch. If he was sulking or not interested he'd be a statue in the middle of the park. He's just in poor form, that isn't down to not giving a ****, it's down him just being ****.

    Toby is part of a defence that is leaking goals. There's not much his demeanour can do to prevent that, he can shout "#COYS" as much as he wants on social media but if he's not preventing goals it means sod all to me. Ultimately he and his defensive back line aren't doing their jobs well enough to prevent the opposition from scoring, just like Eriksen isn't doing his job well enough of creating opportunities for team mates.

    Both players are in poor form. Both are refusing to sign new deals (and let's be honest, even though we want them too, we know signing a new deail will be their second choice - which I have no problem with so long as they regain their form). Both players aren't examples to follow at the moment.

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