Separate names with a comma.
I foooking love Newcastle United m8
I think that Newcastle United is ****ing marvellous m8
That is really pedantic and picky. The fact is that Tash recorded this... and now we all had the pleasure of watching... If he didn't record it...
Well said
Great read, interesting comments.
They wont get any of his estate, it doesnt work like that.
I have a problem with blind ignorance, that is all. If you offered a well considered viewpoint then that's fine but saying stuff such as... " I...
But the only reason we are even having this exchange is YOUR initial closed minded ivory tower attitude. Don't be a dick if you can't handle...
oh my ****ing god!!!!!!!!!! Amazing comments jizzz everywhere rep everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MATE!!!!! YOU HERO, I wish everyone was as fair and balanced as you. Reading this made me smile.
Best post I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!! Warm Pouch has fallen into the trap of sneering from ignorance. Lol at the "I disagree" retort, It is...
Ive been thinking that myself...It appears religion aint so bad... every religious person I know is happy and kind.
I love "little shane" as I call him.