Separate names with a comma.
What would happen if we bring in a special new month of continental trophies, and we devote one full month of the year to it .... let's think this...
I love it when you see the massive North American super states struggle against the small island nations and it should be front page sports news...
You're right. The designated hitter makes no sense, except maybe in the paralympics and the special olympics. In MLB action, it's better to stick...
Yeah, it would be interesting - in fact, all olympics, world championships and teams world cups in the 1970s & 1980s are worth finding the footage...
Imagine if for one month every year each top player from England 'came home' and represented the local authority area where they grew up, instead...
What if the US States Had National Teams? Imagine what it might be like, how it could best be structured and what the best way to see it through...
Over the past 10 years much has changed in the rankings, and much more will change over the coming years. Who might make their first ever...