Separate names with a comma.
Ah, hello Ray. <ok> Derwald is obviously derwaldman who posted earlier in the thread. I just didn't see his comment. <doh>
I've never seen you !!! before! <shockedfacesmiley> I daren't use the word fact in my comments, or magic. & Don't say it's cos I talk...
Bloody 606!
Ha Ha! If you count the word fact as your material, yeah! I'm quite surprised how much your comments get copied tbh Bobs. No offence like ;)
Who is not bobby larsson then? I'm crap with names at the best of times.
They were a wee bit better than us on Saturday. We did score 2 goals past you though ;)
All over Bobs? It's one comment.:police: I used the advanced button to post this comment. I'm learning. :)
Where is Van? He's not even been on 606, unless he has yet another username I don't know yet.
Bobs, you're here too. Obviously you're not not Bobby Larsson then? Is everyone here on 606? DA being derwald?
He's too big for his shirt? I think Gunts is great. If I did shirts, I think I'd do his. On another subject, what's the points & stuff for...
Quality not quantity. <ok>
Someone's selling a Gunts shirt? :( What did he do?
Who's worse? Leicester obviously. You only have to look at the league table for the answer. <ok>
WTF is this ? Donny & Leeds fans arguing on the Forest board?? I wish Donny all the best but I hope Leeds slip up.
I don't know how it works Newfie but some can only access the bbc site. Shame it's closing.